Veterinarian Resume: Examples, Template, and Resume Tips
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Have you ever done one of those career personality tests? And if you have, did you get that your perfect career would be as a veterinarian?
If so, then you came to the right place!
If caring about injured or sick animals is what you would like to do in your life, then achieving this goal and getting your dream veterinarian job is probably what you should do.
However, you are probably not the only one who is thinking about it, so you can definitely expect fierce competition, especially these days, where the business environment is very dynamic.
Therefore, you will need some way to be different than your competitors, to stand out of the crowd and intrigue potential employers.
The best way to do that is to have a good resume.
However, that is easier said than done, since making a perfect resume requires a bit of time and knowledge.
But, you don’t have to worry because we are here to help you with that. We are going to present to you some examples of good veterinarian resumes.
After that, we will focus on explaining each individual section of the resume and teach you what kind of information to put there and what should be left out.
Basically, every good veterinarian resume should answer some questions:
- What is makes you different than other job applicants?
- How to categorize and write every individual section of a veterinarian resume?
- What template would fit good with the veterinarian profession?
- How not to make veterinarian resume too long, nor too short?
In this guide, we are going to answer all these questions in order to teach you how to write a perfect veterinarian resume.
In the end, we will give you some tips and tricks to make your resume even better and several important things to consider during a veterinarian job interview.
Now that we know everything that will be said, let’s begin by taking a closer look at those two veterinarian resume samples.
Veterinarian Resume Example

Clinical Veterinarian Resume Example

Here you’ve seen two examples of how excellent veterinarian resume should look like.
Now, let’s keep our promise and focus on explaining every important part of a resume and teach you how to write it step by step.
You can think of a resume as a form of business letter, or more accurately, as your own business identification card.
Therefore, the very first thing you need to write in there is some basic information about yourself, such as your name, professional title, your home address and several contact information, such as phone number and email address.
Apart from that, nowadays it is common to share some of your social media profiles as well.
So, without further due, let’s begin with listing the best combination of personal and contact information you should always put in your veterinarian resume.
First Information to Write – Your Name
Every business letter or business identification card begins with the name of the person, so that is exactly what you should write in your resume first.
Now, since you want to leave a good impression, you should try to make your resume as professional as possible.
That means you should only write your full name and not use funny nicknames, unless for some specific professions, such as jobs in the gaming or movie industry, where you could use a nickname next to your real name, or a certain alias if you are on acting jobs.
However, for most other jobs, it is not a good idea to use anything rather than your full name, so let’s see how would that look in a practical example.
Michael Williams
Mike Williams
Stating Professional Title
Right under your full name, you should also write your professional title, in order for people from the company to be able to see if you already have some experience or not.
It would help them learn something about you, even before they start reading your resume, which is why you should always state your professional title, right underneath or next to your full name.
If it happens that you are a fresh graduate from university or high school, then you might feel worried about not having any professional titles to share.
However, you shouldn’t feel that way because you can always put your highest educational title, instead of job one.
Adding Good-Looking Photo to Your Veterinarian Resume
In most states, attaching a photo to any sort of file or resume is pretty common, so people usually decide to share their photos in their resumes.
However, a lot of them make the same mistake, which is using random photos from their social media networks, such as Facebook or Instagram.
Often, they use photos where they’re sitting in a restaurant or while being at a party. That is a huge mistake, however.
What you want to do is use some photos where you look professional, since, after all, you are applying for a job, and not for a cosplay casting.
Therefore, a good resume photo should have certain characteristics, so let’s take a look at this example and see what makes a good resume photo.
Photo instructions
- Natural smile
- Opened eyes
- Classy haircut
- Not too much makeup
- Neat or shaved beard
- Proper-looking environment
- Classy formal clothes
- Straight posture
Photo instructions
- Fake smile or grinning
- Staring or closed eyes
- Messy and bad-looking haircut
- Too much makeup
- A long and messy beard
- Busy and colorful surroundings
- Sport clothes
- Lazy stature
As you can see, there are quite a bit important things you need to think about when you are in the process of selecting the right photo.
Therefore, the best thing you can do is dress up nicely, keep great stature, and take a photo as professional as possible.
Sharing Your Phone Number
Now that you have presented yourself by sharing your name, professional title, and photo, it is time to provide some contact information, so recruiters could talk to you.
One of the most important contact information you have to share is, of course, your phone number. Some recruiters like to talk directly to the people who apply for jobs they offer, instead of using emails.
For some jobs, people even need to answer a phone call from recruiters in order to prove their interpersonal skills, for example, for jobs where you need to talk to a lot of people, like call center jobs.
Also, emails can get buggy from time to time, so it is better to have an alternative way of communication, which is why you should always share your phone number in your veterinarian resume.
Writing Your Home Address in a Resume
As one of not so crucial information, your home address can sometimes be relevant, even if it is not needed to be put in a resume.
For example, if you live far from the company’s offices, you might get a bit higher salary, so you could pay for transportation.
Or, in most cases, companies themselves pay for transportation costs, as well as organizing their own transports when they can.
Also, if the company, you’re applying for is a big, multinational corporation, it probably has multiple offices all over the country and the world.
In that case, by providing your home address, they might decide to put you in the office that is close to your home, so you wouldn’t have to spend too much time in the traffic.
Properly Adding E-Mail to Your Veterinarian Resume
Apart from your phone number, the email address is one of the most important contact information you need to put in your resume.
Almost all job applications are done through emails, so there is simply no way to evade sharing it in your veterinarian resume.
However, it is not a good idea to share just any resume. What you should do instead, is making a new one, which you will only use for job applications and other business activities.
As for the format, let’s take a look at this practical example.
As you can see, when making a business email, it is not a good idea to use nicknames with random numbers because it would look very unprofessional.
You should always make an email from your full name or use some shorter variations if your full name is too long.
As for email providers, there isn’t any specific rule about which ones you have to use, but you should always think about using the most known ones, such as Google or Yahoo.
Including Social Media Profiles in Your Veterinarian Resume
Social Media is a big part of today’s every-day life, not just in the social aspect, but also in the field of business.
A lot of companies tend to use social media marketing to attract new customers and clients that would use their products and services.
Apart from that, there is a lot of personal information about a large number of people, so social media platforms can be very useful if you are a social person, who likes to meet new people from all around the world.
Therefore, sharing social media profile links in resumes has become a pretty common practice in almost every country.
However, a lot of people make the same mistake and simply copy-paste their profile link, without taking a look at their profiles first.
Remember, you want to make your resume look as professional as possible, which cannot be done if you share messy profiles.
What would your employees think if they see a photo where you are smoking weed with a bunch of your friends?
Yes, some might not judge you, but most other recruiters would immediately dismiss you from the job application process.
Therefore, before you share your social media profile links, make sure to edit your profiles, to make them look more professional.
Apart from that, there is an issue of too long profile links as well, so before you just copy and paste it in your resume, you can edit the link a bit, like shown in this example.
Some parts of most social media profile links can be removed without damaging the address where the link will lead to, such as these numbers in the previous example, or even the ‘https://’ part in some cases.
By removing these elements, your social media profile link will look prettier, thus making your resume look a bit more professional.
Also, sharing your social media profiles is optional, of course. However, it is recommended to always share your LinkedIn profile, since it is a social media made for connecting with businesses and successful people.
Now that you are done writing some of the most basic personal information about yourself, including several contact information, it is time to start building the rest of your resume.
Resumes shouldn’t be too long. Depending on the amount of experience you have, you should fill 1 or 2 pages with content.
However, those 2 pages can have a lot of useful information, so it can sometimes be a bit difficult to think about everything that is written there and not to lose focus.
Therefore, you should try writing a couple of sentences about the most important things in your veterinarian resume.
This summary section should include information about the length of your experience, the field you are experienced in, some personal skills you’ve picked along the way and used to perform better on your previous jobs, as well as some achievements.
By reading this section, people from HR will easily see what kind of experience you have and whether you could be a good candidate for the job.
Let’s take a look at how that looks in practice.
A veterinarian with 6 years of experience in treating injured and sick animals. Has advanced medical knowledge of animal anatomy and potential illnesses that might attack them. Capable of performing sterilization surgeries, daily medical examinations and active disease control of sheltered animals.
A veterinarian with 6 years of experience in treating injured and sick animals.
As you can see, we listed two types of summaries. One is wrong and we will explain why and what makes the other one better.
The short summary might seem fine to you since it does state the applicant’s previous experience, so what is wrong with it?
If you take this summary and then have like at least 50 other resumes with the same or similar summary, then you will come to the conclusion that they probably wanted to write something, but that something is not nearly descriptive enough.
So, we as recruiters would react “Ok, you have 6 years of experience as a veterinarian. So what? What kind of jobs have you done, what were your specific duties and some achievements?”
In order for recruiters to really notice your resume and invite you to a job interview, you need to be a bit different, to stand out of the crowd of candidates with generic resumes.
Because of that, a bit longer summary we presented is a much better solution. This applicant included years of experience and certain activities that had to be performed on those jobs.
This is helpful to recruiters to get some insight on what your skills are and whether you would be good for the job or not.
However, make sure not to make this section too lengthy, since you still need to keep your resume as short as possible, so only include the most important information.
When you finish writing that short summary, it is time to definitely widen it up and start writing the main part of your resume, starting with the experience section.
When it comes to listing your previous jobs, a lot of people tend to write literally all jobs they’ve ever had in their careers.
However, by doing that, you are putting a lot of unnecessary information in your resume, which will only make it larger for no reason.
That’s why you probably wonder how far back should you go on a resume?
The best way to list your jobs is from the most recent ones and then go back to the past, or in other words, by using the reverse-chronological order.
Also, to avoid making your veterinarian resume too long, make sure to list those jobs that were the most relevant in your professional career.
For example, let’s say that you had worked as a shop assistant before you became veterinarian, but that you also have several other veterinarian jobs to list apart from that.
So, the logical step would be to simply list those jobs, while excluding the job of a shop assistant, which has nothing to do with being a veterinarian.
However, if, for example, you were an assistant in a pet shop, that could be relevant to veterinarian job, as you had to be in touch with different animals, so it would mean that you have some skills with handling animals, which is very important to be a veterinarian.

Apart from just listing your past relevant jobs, you should also write something about each job, describing what were your responsibilities and what skills you had to use in order to do your job.
That would give some clues about what you are capable of doing and whether it matches with the requirements for a job you’re applying for.
Also, if you had some accomplishments in your previous jobs, make sure to also include them, like for instance, if you managed to help some number of pets overcome some heavy illnesses or injuries.
When it comes to listing your schools in a veterinary resume, the basic concept is pretty similar to writing something about your experience.
So, start with the highest education you have and go back to the past.
However, if you have a lot of experience and a good number of different jobs to list, it is better not to write too much about your education.
Instead of listing several schools, simply put the highest one you had finished, for example, a college or university degree.

Apart from that, write several things about each school you list, just like you did with listing your previous jobs.
So, for example, if you participated in some school activities, make sure to include that. Also, if your grades were more than fine, you can also include that.
Another useful information would be the fact that you managed to get onto the Dean’s list for several consecutive semesters.
However, make sure to list that only if the requirements were higher than usual.
Having a lot of skills is always better than having none. However, that doesn’t mean you should write all your skills in a resume.
Remember, we’ve talked about making your resume very informative, but keeping it short at the same time.
Therefore, you will have to think about what is important for your job, for veterinary practice, and to write the most important skills in your resume.

As you can see from the example, you should only put skills that are relevant for the job you are applying for, which is in this case, a veterinarian job.
For instance, knowledge of Python is completely useless when it comes to being a veterinarian, while some skills, such as knowledge of actual medical standards and veterinary medical ethics are pretty important.
Also, some skills that are useful for the job are actually something that is pre-determined to have, such as your love for animals or the knowledge of animal anatomy.
In order to preserve space, you don’t have to list those really obvious skills if you have a lot more skills to add as well.
That way, you will make recruiters’ job easier, since they will easily be able to compare your set of skills with the skills required for the job you had applied for.
There you go! This was the general guide on how to write a perfect veterinarian resume, what information to focus on and what can be excluded from it.
Now, let’s talk about some details that could improve your resume even further in some way, whether it is just in a cosmetic way or structurally, which could make it look more professional.
1. Using the Right Font to Beautify Your Veterinarian Resume
When you open a new text document, the first thing you should do is select a font that you want to use for your veterinarian resume.
There isn’t any specific rule on what font you have to use, but there are several ways to decide between different font styles.
The only type of font you should always avoid is hand-written font style, since it is a bit harder to read, which would make the job of a recruiter much harder.
On another note, it is a good idea to select the font that matches the job you’re applying for and the template you are using.
2. Finding the Optimal Size for Your Resume
As we had already mentioned, having a very long resume is not a good idea because you would end up having a resume with a lot of unnecessary information.
You have to optimize the resume size, by including the most important information and not including some things that might seem important, but they are not.
Therefore, the best size for a resume is 1, or a maximum of 2 pages, so there are several ways of doing this, simply by selecting the right things to put on and different ways of removing unnecessary words to make your resume as short as possible.
3. Making Your Resume Prettier by Using Bulleting Lists
One of those ways is to use bulleting lists in your resume whenever it is possible since they are very useful when it comes to shortening the amount of content you put in your resume.
They can help make your resume a bit more organized and easier to read as well. Recruiters will have an easier time to read it and compare the information you shared with them with the requirements they had set for the job.
4. Picking the Right Veterinarian Resume File Format
People usually write documents in TXT file format, which is the most common one and compatible with almost all writing software.
It is fairly easy to edit, which allows you to keep your documents updated all the time, which is pretty important for resumes, as we will later see.
Another format, which is often used for books, business letters, and product guides is the PDF file format, which looks neater and prettier to read.
However, it is a bit harder to edit documents that are in this format, so people rarely choose it when it comes to writing the resume.
In conclusion, our advice is that you should always keep a copy of your resume in a TXT file format, so you could edit it faster in case there are some nice unexpected job opportunities, as well as one copy in PDF file format, which you would send with the job application, since it looks more professional.
5. Equipping Veterinarian Resume with Proper Template
One very nice way to make your resume look more professional is to have a nice-looking resume template, which would intrigue the recruiters to read it more carefully.
The best thing you could do is make your own template since that would give your resume a soul and make it more personal.
However, it takes time to do that and most people don’t have either time nor patience to do that, so they simply download already made templates from the internet.
If you decide to do that, you should make sure to download the template that would go well with the job position you’re applying for, as well as with your own personality.
To help you with that, we offer you our online resume creator, with which you will easily make your veterinarian resume in just several minutes.
6. Reading Your Resume Again
After you finish writing your resume, you might think that is it and that you only need to send it to a recruiter to apply for a job.
Well, that is not quite true. What you should do instead is check your resume, in case you missed something important.
The best way of doing that is to pretend to be a recruiter and read your resume as you would read the resume of your own applicants.
That way, you will easily notice any inconveniences and potential mistakes, which would give you the option to fix them before sending the resume itself.
In that case, your resume will be as polished as possible and recruiters won’t have any complaint when they decide to read it.
7. Listing Political Activities and Opinions in Veterinarian Resume
You might think that sharing your political opinions or that you are a member of a certain party is a good idea, but you wouldn’t be quite right.
Of course, there are potential benefits, if it happens that your opinion matches those of recruiters for instance.
However, if that is not the case, you might’ve just thrown yourself in the fire pit without reason, especially if recruiters tend to prefer people with the same political opinions, no matter the qualifications.
Therefore, it is better not to mention any political activities and opinions in your resume because, that way, recruiters will stay objective and value you according to your capabilities and not because you are a member of their party.
8. Making Sure There Are No Grammar Mistakes in Your Veterinarian Resume
One of the most important things when it comes to writing a resume is to avoid having any grammar mistakes.
That would make it look very unprofessional, and for a job like a veterinarian, people would expect that you are quite educated, so having grammar mistakes would simply make you dumber.
Therefore, when you are finished with writing the resume, make sure to check your grammar, either by yourself or by using software such as Grammarly.
9. Updating Your Resume with the Newest Information
We live in a dynamic world. Everything changes very fast, including business life.
People change jobs more frequently than ever before, so it is a good idea to always be ready to apply for a new job if a good opportunity arises.
To do that, you need to keep your resume updated all the time, so you would always be ready to send that job application.
So, whenever you learn something new and important to your profession, make sure to open your resume and write it down.
10. Telling Lies in a Resume
We are sure you know some people who lied about something in their resumes and got away with it, which is what made you raise the question of whether you should do the same.
Yes, people do that and it can often benefit them in the short run. However, in the long run, that is a huge mistake, since the truth eventually comes out, unless you do something about it.
For example, let’s say that you lied about knowing to perform a certain medical procedure and one day you get a pet on which you need to perform that kind of procedure, but you cannot do it since you don’t know-how.
So, by lying during your job application, you didn’t just endanger your job, but this pet’s life as well, which is something that could ruin your reputation as an ethical veterinarian.
Therefore, never lie in your resumes. It is better, to tell the truth about your skills because this way, your employer might offer you paid courses to fill in the gaps in your knowledge.
So, by doing that, you will learn something new and useful that you hadn’t known before, which could later help you save some animal lives.
In order to get the veterinarian job you want, you will need to do more than just have a good-looking resume.
Proper preparation for a job interview is also very important. Some people go there unprepared and that is why they fail.
Let’s see what you should do and how to prepare for a job interview.
1. Learn Something About the Employer
First of all, you want to learn something about your potential employers, more precisely, something about the company itself because learning just about your boss would be a bit creepy, don’t you think?
So, go to the company’s website, read through the content and find out, for example, what kind of medical procedures they offer.
Also, some veterinarians focus on treating certain types of animals, so you could also learn about that in case they asked you whether you know something about their company or not, which is a common question in job interviews.
2. Show Your Love Towards Animals
Being a veterinarian means that you will be in touch with a lot of animals and pets. That means that only people who really like animals can do this job, without hating it, of course.
It also means that recruiters are looking for someone who is both qualified and who will also enjoy doing that job.
To show them that you are the right person for the job, you should show them how much you love animals and pets.
For example, try telling some caring story about how you saved a certain animal from a complicated situation.
For instance, if you’ve ever saved a bird after it fell and broke a wing, make sure to describe how you managed to do it, how you felt sorry and obligated to help that poor being.
That would tell them that you have a lot of compassion towards animals, which is what every veterinarian needs to have.
3. Stay Calm During Your Job Interview
One of the really hard things to do, especially if this is your first job interview, is not to show recruiters that you are nervous.
We are all nervous during job interviews. The difference is only that some people are better at hiding it than others.
This comes with experience, so you don’t have to worry about that too much. Simply try to relax and be yourself.
4. Find Out More About the Job Itself
Depending on the employer, job offers can be pretty descriptive and on the other hand, they can have a pretty vague description of the job.
Therefore, before you go to an interview, make sure to learn about to job as much as possible, by browsing the internet.
Also, during the interview, you should show some interest in the job, by asking some questions about what would your job actually be, what kind of animals would you work with and things like that.
It would tell recruiters that you are very interested in getting this job, which would raise your chances of getting it since everyone likes people who are a bit enthusiastic about the new job.
However, don’t try to be too pushy and over-enthusiastic because that is not how you want to behave in a job interview.
5. Prepare to Answer Some Questions
During your interview, you will be asked a lot of questions, which is a way for recruiters to determine if you are a good person for the job.
So, what you should do, is try to prepare to answer all those questions. There are some pretty common interview questions on the internet, so make sure to check them out before you go to an interview.
Apart from those questions, they might ask you questions related to your profession, in this case, from veterinary science.
Therefore, if you are really educated or already experienced in this field, this shouldn’t be a problem for you.
6. Checking Your E-Mail Often
In order to even get invited to an interview, you need to apply, probably via email. Then, you should be contacted by potential employers, either by phone or email.
However, emails can get a bit tricky sometimes because some messages tend to get lost from time to time, as well as being put in wrong folders.
Therefore, it is always a good idea to check your email on a regular basis, so you wouldn’t miss any important emails.
As a special note, make sure to check all inbox tabs (promotions and social media as well) because some messages can get stuck there, even if they don’t belong there.
Apart from that, you should also check the ‘Spam’ folder, since it could also contain some important messages.
This way, you will always be aware of all important messages that you get through your emails, meaning that you will probably never miss that crucial message, in which you are invited to come to a job interview.
There you go, folks! In this text, we gave you some resume help, where you learned how to write a perfect veterinarian resume.
You’ve seen some examples of how good veterinarian resume should look and then we focused on explaining each individual part of the resume.
In the end, we discussed some additional tips that could help you pass your job interview and get that veterinarian job you want.
So, what are you waiting for? Go and create your own veterinarian resume and impress potential employers.

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