The Incredible Power of Believing in Yourself
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Nowadays in a world of mistrust, betrayal, and grievances, self-belief plays a vital role in any person’s life.
With huge expectations and trust given to other people, we sometimes rely on the wrong ones and tend to feel guilty for such mistakes.
Fear of being betrayed by those we chose to believe often forces us to rely only on our own hard work, abilities, and potentials.
For achieving success at anything in life, we should focus more on ourselves and develop the strongest self-belief.
Only this can empower the highest level of performance and productivity to help us reach our life goals.
When the belief is strong, we can perform better and smarter.
This applies to every aspect of life (business, education, athletics, relationships, and personal growth).
What we believe will either limit or empower us.
Self-confidence is considered the best way you feel about your skills, behavior or appearance.
Those with high confidence and self-belief levels not only solve problems quickly but also believe that they can complete any assignment to a good standard.
Self-confidence means having a lot of faith in yourself and knowing how to use it to reach your goals and dreams. On the other hand, it can represent the way people project themselves to others.
And what many people don’t understand is the fact that they don’t have to feel too confident in their appearance in order to look confident to others.
Every person has his own fears to deal with – some of them are just hiding it better in need of showing good self-esteem and presenting the more beautiful image of themselves.
By seeming more confident to others, their self-image improves.
This protection method gives people a good feel of comfort and safety even out of their comfort zone.
“The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can’t are both right” – Confucious.
The world we’re living in has an epidemic of low self-esteem and a lack of self-belief.
We are all familiar with its effects on how we think about ourselves and the way we approach and react to difficult situations.
At some point in our lives, we allow negative feedbacks and feelings to undermine our confidence and negatively affect our performance or success.
Lack of self-belief and confidence often has many negative consequences, leading to very unpleasant feelings and thoughts. We feel uneasy and shy, sometimes uncertain of what we want or who we are. T
here’s a sense of worthlessness and inability to enjoy and relax in many situations, as we’re losing a sense of direction in life.
Limiting beliefs change our outlook, so everything seems different or unpleasant. Feeling of not being smart or good enough triggers a need for validation in any aspect of life.
Of course, there will always be something to confirm such negative disposition.
We lose the ability to open up to express our opinion, thoughts, wishes or feelings, starting to feel distant and “out of this world”. We remain silent when we shouldn’t, letting others chose our path or determine if we’re good enough or not.
A lack of confidence also leads to mistakes and failures in one’s career.
This keeps people in their comfort zones with little risks because there is no more feeling of safety and privacy out of it.
They become inflexible when it comes to new opportunities and positions.
There is no place for progress and improvement.
It’s a huge risk for a person’s motivation and it kills self-esteem over time. It also becomes difficult to communicate assertively, leading to the minimized effect of what you’re trying to say.
The discomfort during the speech makes you talk too much when it’s not necessary, so others have no time to think of the key point of your idea.
This will not convince people that your idea is worth considering since you sound unprofessional. You can be seen as a weak player.
Moving on to health issues – low self-esteem often leads to mental health problems such as depression or anxiety. Negative opinions about yourself will have bad effects on your relationships, leading to a feeling of loneliness and abandonment.
Not only you are not able to show up as the best version of yourself, but you don’t know what the best self looks like as well.
Maybe you tolerate toxic relationships too long, not standing up for yourself when it’s needed.
But what causes low self-esteem?
We know there are numerous factors, including peer dependence, physical and stage presence, social and status confidence, etc. In some cases, we tend to back up to our comfort zone, feeling disrupted for showing a small lack of confidence or courage.
According to clinical psychologist Dr. Lars Madsen, it’s frequently coming from abusive and dysfunctional early years, which effects can persist even in adulthood.
On-going stressful life events can also be the cause, and the most often ones are relationship breakdowns, financial issues, being bullied and similar.
Here’s a list of the most important consequences of low self-esteem, confidence, and belief, all summed up:
- Negative feelings such as constant self-criticism, sadness, anger, shame, guilt and many more.
- Relationship problems like tolerating all sorts of irrational behavior from a partner, or even being the one who bully or disturb the partner.
- Fear of trying, which means that people may doubt their worth or avoid challenges and problems.
- Becoming perfectionist by pushing themselves to their limits and becoming an over-achiever.
- Avoiding activities that involve other people (this includes all sorts of events), in order to be free of judgment and criticism, because they are afraid they could be negatively judged. These people are always stressed around others and never feel comfortable enough.
- The belief of being hopeless.
- Decreased self-care and neglecting themselves (for example, by drinking too much alcohol).
- Self-harming by eating disorder or in worst case suicide.
It is good to know that a lack of confidence isn’t necessarily related to one’s lack of ability.
Moreover, low self-esteem is often a result of focusing way too much on some unrealistic expectations or others’ standards.
Friends’ social power in shaping our thoughts and feelings about ourselves is sometimes too strong to resist.
“If you believe it, the mind can achieve it” — Ronnie Lott.
By being full of self-belief and confidence we provide ourselves with greater enjoyment of life in general, becoming comfortable within new situations and people.
Facing challenges is then easier and we are getting excited about opportunities like never before.
A great sense of achievement appears, leading to our goals faster and easier. We feel respected by other people and can handle well many social situations by ourselves.
Believing in ourselves helps us feel sure of what we want and who we are anytime.
In fact, since our self-image is usually made of self-confidence and self-esteem, it gets better when we improve these two factors.
Self-image encompasses the impressions and opinions you have of yourself such as appearance, skills, abilities, success, career, intelligence and many more.
Confidence is a key factor in most aspects of life, and that includes our work too.
From those who just started out to those who are running big companies, for every one of their confidence is crucial for career success.
Strong sense of self-belief enables us to be proactive, assertive and focused at the workplace.
This will also positively affect your communication with co-workers and help you sound professional as you are.
Here are some useful tips on how to build confidence at work.
The positive impact that strong self-esteem brings will make you open up for far more life opportunities than ever, leaving you with numerous choices that will determine your future success. The benefits are countless.
As a matter of fact, in order to start making those changes you strive for, you must truly believe in yourself. You’re more likely to accomplish something with a positive mental attitude.
You’ll start making progress once you understand the power of body and mind working in harmony.
The advantage of confidence improvement techniques based on positive thoughts is incredible – you don’t need to know the result of an action; you simply must believe that you can and your body will follow along.
It takes a lot of practice achieving such a connection but the outcome is worth it.
You should understand that nobody is born with limitless confidence.
They all worked hard on building it for years because no skill gets built overnight.
It will take you some time to achieve stronger self-esteem from positive thinking, comfortable relationships and plenty of practice of course.

Source: The Dunning-Kruger Effect
The challenging world of business and life in general sometimes makes us struggle to obtain these amazing traits.
This is why we offer you a useful guide on how to build your self-esteem and strengthen belief in yourself.
Remove Negativity from Your Mind
People often tend to behave according to their own self-image, so having a negative image of themselves will lead to decreased confidence and self-respect. The only way to fix the problem is to change how we see ourselves.
As we pay attention to the negative thoughts, we should work on turning them around to positive ones.
Affirming ourselves is the best way to achieve this.
Affirmations are positive uplifting statements we can say to ourselves to feel better in any aspect.
They are even more effective if said out loud so that we can ourselves saying it and feel the meaning.
If there is anything from our appearance, behavior or personality we don’t like, we must find a little part of it that we respect or even like, and compliment it.
Our brains accept these positive statements and turn them into a positive image of ourselves.
It is also confirmed that questions about the things we’re good at are more effective than just statements.
So, for example, instead of just saying “I’m a good teacher”, ask yourself “why am I such a good teacher?” When you have to explain to yourself your positive sides, you’re increasing your self-image instantly.
Maintain a Positive Support Network
If negative feelings toward yourself still keep coming, stop doubting your abilities and evaluate your inner circle of family and friends.
Check if negativity is coming from another source.
If some of those closest to you are causing your lack of confidence and self-respect, you may want to step back from such relationships. It doesn’t have to be permanent – just a short break will make a positive step towards building stronger confidence.
On the other hand, connect more with those who make you happy and don’t make yourself question your own abilities or value.
Take some time to think of all the people you know and help you have positive feelings about yourself.
Make a goal to spend more time with supportive and positive friends rather than those who constantly criticize you.
Don’t Let Failure Beat You
Sometimes we all go back to go forward because the road to success is mostly hard and tough.
Don’t give up on every step you made a mistake and accept the failure.
There is a solution for nearly everything, so what makes you think your problem is unsolvable?
Failures are one of the reasons why we stop respecting ourselves.
In those cases, we forget all the things we did well and mainly focus on what went wrong.
This is when our confidence decreases.
But while you focus on your mistake, think of what could have been done to prevent it.
Find a lesson if possible and save it for the next time.
Never let one wrong turn make you think you’ll never have what it takes to achieve your goals and dreams.
Change the Body Language
How you react to different situations, your behavior and body language usually illustrate how much confidence and belief you have in yourself. You can build your confidence by simply changing body language and movements.
If you look more confident to others, you’ll feel more confident yourself.
Start with the right posture, good eye contact, and smile of course.
Smile in combination with shoulders high and back reflects confidence.
Everyone feels more comfortable around those who are smiling – others feeling more pleasant around you is a great confidence booster for you.
Accept Compliments Gracefully
People with very low self-esteem get it difficult to take compliments.
They are not satisfied with their appearance, so they assume that the person complimenting them must be lying just to be nice.
If you find yourself responding to compliments with sarcasm or by rolling your eyes, then you need to work more on confidence-boosting.
But if you can’t find anything valuable on yourself, think of the parts others were complimenting.
Honest or not, take the compliment to your heart and respond positively.
You’ll both feel more comfortable if you let that person know how much you appreciate it. Smiling and saying “thank you” works fine so far.
Help Someone
Helping others in need enables people to forget about themselves and their issues, just by knowing that they don’t have a certain problem another person is dealing with. They feel more grateful for what they have or the problems they don’t.
Also, it’s good to know that you made a difference in someone’s life.
The feeling of someone needing your help is an instant confidence booster. Instead of focusing on your weaknesses, try to help, volunteer, mentor or teach others and you’ll see your self-esteem growing in the process.
Do Things That Scare You
“If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.” – T. Harv Eker.
If you think that people who are self-confident are never scared, you’re totally wrong. We all have fears.
Only for some people, they do not represent limits of their abilities or success, but challenges to become a better self in the future.
The best and only way to overcome fear is not running away from it but facing it head-on.
It doesn’t matter if you’re afraid of public speeches, introducing to new people or asking the boss for a raise, this works for all of them.
Do something that scares you every day to gain confidence from those experiences.
It can seem unpleasant or embarrassing at first, but as soon as it’s over the feel of relief and pride will boost your belief in yourself. Get out of your comfort zone and confront what you fear!
Identify Your Talents and Skills
Every person is good at something.
Sooner or later we all find that one thing we’re better at than the others, but it takes some time to look for it.
Think of all your interests, and if you don’t have any, try new things to find what you like. Discover your talents and skills and focus on them more than the rest.
You should give yourself permission to take pride in your talents and express yourself through them.
What you enjoy and you’re good at will certainly help you increase your respect for your abilities.
Through your talents, you’ll feel unique and accomplished because you’re following your passion for the things you enjoy.
And not only that you’ll become more confident, but there are chances you’ll meet compatible people with similar interests, who will have a positive impact on your self-esteem.
On the other hand, skills and talents are not the only things you should be proud of.
Think of all aspects that make your personality great. It could be your empathy, sense of humor, listening skills, ability to work under pressure and many more.
You might think there is nothing valuable about personality, but we assure you that there must be something worth admiring, even if others never get a chance to see it.
Dig deep and find some admirable qualities you’ll be proud of. Writing them down should help focus on them better.
Make a List of the Things You’re Proud of
If you’re feeling overwhelmed sometimes having it difficult to keep up the self-belief, try writing down everything you’re proud of in your life.
It can be a list of the things you are grateful for, or a list of accomplishments, no matter how small they are.
When completed, pin the lists up somewhere close to you, where you’ll be able to see them regularly.
They will remind you of how successful you already are.
Don’t Compare Yourself to Others
In order to build your self-esteem, you have to focus on improving your life for the better, not on making it more like your friend’s or like those of the celebrities appearing on television.
It’s your life we’re talking about, not others’.
What you must know is that there will always be someone prettier, smarter or richer than you, but also someone less intelligent or attractive or wealthy than you are. It is time to accept that and move on.
You can’t be anyone else but you.
Other people’s lives are irrelevant for your confidence building; what is relevant is caring for reaching your own goals and dreams.
Don’t be convinced that everyone else has better chances of achieving them than you do.
At the end of the day, the only thing that will matter is if you’re happy with yourself and what you achieved.
Additionally, studies have found that spending too much time on social media can encourage people to compare themselves with other users.
They tend to think that everyone is better than them, but the real truth is that we only post our triumphs instead of the realities of daily life.
This doesn’t mean everyone else enjoys life more than you do.
We all have ups and downs, some of us are just hiding them better while others are exposing them.
How self-confident are you really?
This 5-minute quiz is made to help you determine if you’re having trouble with a lack of confidence and insecurity.
Answer honestly with only YES or NO, count the answers and find your results down below.
Question 1: Do you handle new situations with comfort and ease?
Question 2: Are you able to go against popular opinion if you don’t like it?
Question 3: Do you make big decisions by yourself?
Question 4: Are you comfortable with other people’s achievements?
Question 5: Do you appreciate all your positive sides?
Question 6: Is failure an opportunity for growth and improvement?
Question 7: Do you achieve the goals you set for yourself?
Question 8: Do you feel comfortable giving a speech in front of the camera or a huge audience?
Question 9: Can you tell your boss you disagree with him?
Question 10: Are you OK with being criticized and judged?
The results:
0-3 questions answered with NO:
Strong self-esteem helps you roll over all challenges in life with ease. You’re not easily hurt by negative judgments and won’t get crushed by others’ opinions. You believe that every goal set can be achieved as long as you keep working on it.
Nothing can stop you from getting what you want. But be careful with your courage – before making a serious life-changing decision, make sure it’s a good one.
4-7 questions answered with NO:
You have a lot of confidence and courage as long as you stay in your comfort zone. Once you reach out, they get lost and you forget why you’ve even started. Work less on planning your goals; work more on making them closer.
Even if you’re only taking baby steps, it’s better than just thinking of doing it. Remember that you have all the power you need, just learn how to use it. Work more on your social skills to upgrade your confidence and form a nicer picture of yourself.
8-10 questions answered with NO:
There are certainly a lot of things out there you regret you’ve missed by keeping yourself safe and secure, hidden from the scary, hurting world around you.
Your lack of confidence, self-belief, and courage causes you a lot of stress and panic when you’re forced to make a decision, go against the majority or just approach your future goals.
Stop living the life you don’t feel comfortable in and take some small steps to make it better. Learn what you’ve been doing wrong and do something to change these habits.
There is an infinite number of decisions, meaning that you’re always just one step away from a totally different life. With every new day, you get a new chance to turn things in a different direction.
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