Teacher Resume: Examples, Template & Tips
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There’s a saying by an unknown author: “If people knew how to write their resumes, we wouldn’t need any resumes at all, because everybody would already be hired”.
And there is so much truth in it! You are a master in your field, an ambitious individual eager on sharing your knowledge and dedicating yourself to your students.
There is only one problem. You need an actual opportunity and teacher job in order to fulfill your ambitions.
There’s no reason to keep having this problem because we bring you the ultimate guide on how to design and write an attractive CV that will definitely catch each HR’s eye.
You don’t have to go to expensive workshops or seminars in order to learn how to write your CV successfully, and especially you don’t have to hire anyone to do it for you. We’ll teach you how to do it, so you can get your dream job and teach others the same.
In the following guide, we will answer all of your burning questions:
- How do I write a good resume, so I get selected for the job?
- Which information should be displayed in my resume?
- What’s more important – design or the content?
- Should I write everything I know, and I have done, or there is a limit that I shouldn’t cross?
- How do I make sure that my CV is not a typical CV and that it stands out?
It’s interesting how at University they teach you almost everything, except how to take next steps, get the job and actually make everything you’ve learned relevant.
This led to a disturbing situation on the hiring market where there are more and more people relying on popular or “recommended” templates on the Internet when applying for a position.
This might sound like a good idea, but think twice about that. If something is popular, there’s a high chance that everybody knows about it and uses it in some way.
By choosing this option, you are lowering your chances of getting a job in the first place, because there is a high probability that you will be one out of many people who will send the same resume with similar information and experience.
Where would that get you?
But we are sure you already know all of this, and that is the main reason you are here now.
To create a perfect resume that will help you stand out and show why you are the best teacher they could ever hire.
In order to help you with that, we’ll cover the following topics:
- Resume ideal table of contents
- How to successfully fill out every section
- How to best represent yourself, no matter of previous experience, knowledge, and skills
- How to send the right message to a potential employer
- Design that will make you stand out
If you were looking for a personal assistant to help you out in writing a resume, you have just found it!
We’ll guide through each step of writing a perfect resume, follow up with an actual template and desired outcome you want to get and finally help you define your next actions and steps.
Sit tight, prepare yourself to take notes and let’s begin this journey of finding you a perfect teaching job!
Teacher Resume Example

Teacher Resume Example for Dove Academy of Detroit

These two resumes contain different information but have at least one thing in common. That’s simplicity. The number one rule when it comes to writing a perfect resume is to keep it simple.
This way, a person who receives your CV will actually be able to recognize and acknowledge everything you have to offer, and won’t stay confused.
Just by checking out this resumes, you have a good starting point for writing your own.
Don’t worry, we won’t leave you here.
On the contrary, let’s go further with the guide and get really into details by covering each section of the resume.
Let’s go, your perfect resume is waiting to be written!
This is the very beginning of the resume and section which main aim is to create a clear picture of you.
This is the part in which HR’s get to know you and form their opinion based on a first impression.
This is the information you need to include in this section:
- Your full name – First and last name – not necessary to include middle names and not allowed to write your nicknames
- Your profession – write the exact name of the position you are applying for, if possible
- A professional photo of you – your portrait, with a simple background and respectful and professional manner. Bear in mind that in some countries (for example in the USA) a picture is not necessary and could be a minus for you if you attach it without checking the needs first.
- Your contact number – if you have a phone that you use only for work, you can give them this one so you will always be alert and pick up the phone in a professional way
- Your address – provide this information only if it required in the application
- Your e-mail address – give them an e-mail address that you check regularly
- Your social media profile – Bear in mind that it is recommended only to provide a link to your profile on LinkedIn or similar professional websites. Avoid sharing private social media profiles.
Here are some additional tips when it comes to formatting your personal information and making it visible and readable:
Personal Info
linkedin.com/in /joanna-nickelson
+ 1 791-532-8448
Personal Info
P.S. There is a program that provides you with the right format for your resume in no time! Check out our online resume builder!
If somebody asked you to represent yourself in 5 sentences, this summary should be everything you have to say!
Pay attention to this part as this will help the HR understand your profile and your ambition more.
In this section include areas you have experience in (for example science teaching), as well as your main motivation for applying for the job.
Let’s compare two resumes, a bad one, and one well-written summary:
I am an experienced teacher specialized in working with lower grades. My experience consists of 4 years teaching in second grade and ensuring that each child and parent feel satisfied and proud at the end of the semester, and most importantly, ready and eager for future education. Patience, consistency, and creativity are my main traits, and love for children and educations is what keeps me improving consistently. Currently looking for a second-grade class, I could teach and help develop all the necessary skills.
I have 4-year experience in teaching. I’m looking for a change in my life, therefore I want to find a new job.
If you were hiring, which person would you choose – the on the left or one on the right? Imagine how big a difference you can make if you take time to write down your summary. This is the first thing HR lays their eyes on, so it’s worth bringing it to excellence!
If you are afraid that you don’t have content for a summary part, fear no more, as previous work experience is not the only thing that builds a picture of you.
You can use this section to highlight your academic and volunteering experience, some additional courses you’ve taken and main motives for being in the teaching industry and dedicating your career to educating the nation.
Check this example:
Summary of a young teacher looking for her first professional experience
Freshly graduated elementary education teacher looking for first professional teaching experience. In the past 4 years of academic studies, I’ve dedicated myself to becoming an expert in working with children and seized each opportunity to gain relevant experience by volunteering at schools and child cares. My biggest strength is the communication skills that help me connect with each child I’m tutoring and therefore ensure quality education.
If you are not familiar with SEO marketing and term keywords, this might be a good time to research it. There are several programs HRs run CVs through that help identify keywords for the job opening.
For example, it could be:
- Patient
- Hard-working
- Communication skills
- Instructional skills
- Creativity
- Adaptability, etc.
If you are applying for a special role – for example, Arts teacher, make sure that you include arts as your keyword as well.
Lastly, write down your ambitions! Focus on why you are looking for a job, and emphasize why you are applying for this specific teaching role in this specific teaching institution. It would be best if you said it indirectly, for example:
I am looking for an opportunity in a work environment that sets the development of a child’s potential as a top priority.
I am applying to your school because I can see that you care about developing children’s potential.
To ensure correctly written resume, use our resume builder and let HRs see the best version of you!
The first thing to bear in mind is to ALWAYS start with the latest experience you’ve had and use reverse-chronological order:

Make sure that the data is organized, and HR is able to see what your experience consists of. The optimum information you should include is the time period, the role you had, and the educational institution you’ve worked in.
This is the beginning. The main outcome of this section is for HR to understand what knowledge and skills you’ve gained through your experience, so it’s necessary to mention exact things you’ve done, as well your main achievements.
Follow the instructions:
Experience description
- Educated 400 children in the past 3.5-year experience
- Each child passed the final assessment with an average score of 8.60
- Chosen to be one of three teachers in the entire country to get additional childcare training at Bright Spaces teaching center
Experience description
- Children education
- Organized exiting assessment for all children
- Additional teaching training
Out of these examples, you can conclude the following principles:
- Be precise – write down concrete things you have done
- Add measurable information – don’t just enlist activities, but highlight the quantity as well
- Put your main achievements – mention the success rate of the classes you’ve taught to and highlight extraordinary students you’ve helped develop
- Mention personal awards – if you have received any, don’t be shy to mention it – it’s well deserved
- Leave your personal mark – if there is something specific you have done, mention it here – let them understand what is your personal added value you will bring to the institution
These are the main things you should have in mind when writing about your experience.
If you have something you would add, don’t be afraid. And just to be sure that it’s not too much, use our resume builder for a perfect size and design CV every HR will love!
There are some clear rules that need to be followed in this section, as well. For the starters, always begin with the formal education! It is good that you have all the additional courses and internships, but HRs are firstly checking your formal education, so make sure you get it correctly.
Similar to the experience section, there are three main points you need to cover: the period of education, degree, and university you’ve attended. Let’s compare two examples, so you get to see the difference:

If you have finished multiple universities, you should mention that definitely. Just make sure that you mention the most recent one first! Similar to the experience section.
After enlisting your formal education, it is highly advisable to mention:
- Additional training and courses you’ve attended
- Conferences and seminars that are relevant for your education
- Any additional exams you have passed during your studies
- Researches, essays, etc. that you have done
- Extracurricular activities at the university that are relevant to your career
When you get all of this into your resume, you will definitely shine on your job application.
We really believe that you are highly skilled in many things, but you just can’t write them all on your paper. It is crucial that you are aware of the skills required for the position you are applying for, so you can mention each you have!
This should be your starting point. From this point on, you can go and add some additional skills you find relevant.
Another important thing to bear in mind is to write down the skills in the right format. What do we mean by right format:
- Communication skills – extraordinary speaking and writing skills
- Computer literacy (advanced knowledge in Microsoft office)
- English language 5/5 (native)
- Spanish language 4/5 (advanced)
- Russian language 1/5 (beginner)
- Communication skills
- Excel, Word, PowerPoint
- Foreign languages (English, Spanish, Russian)
Out of these examples, we can conclude the following rules:
- Always be specific on what you know – it’s not enough to mention a skill, write down what exactly you know
- Measure how developed your skills are – you don’t know everything equally good which is fine and perfectly normal, just ensure that you mention how good you are at the skills you put in your resume
- Use a clear system that will help HR determine what your biggest strengths are (see the example with foreign languages)
It is always good that you use an adequate design that will show just exactly how much your skills are developed. To not bother about this, place your information in our resume builder program and see how it does the work for you!
- Keep your resume simple – stick with a simple design and unique font. To highlight the most important parts, use Bold or Italic options.
- To make it easier for reading and more eye-catching, use bullet points.
- Always send your resume in PDF format to avoid someone changing it our misusing it.
- Ensure that your CV PDF file is named after your name, surname, and position you are applying to. Please avoid sending files like “CVCV.1.FINAL”. It is unprofessional.
- Forget about having the same CV for different job positions. Some information won’t change (like your education and personal information) but make sure that you adapt the experience, skills and most importantly – summary to the exact position you are applying to.
- Update your social media before sending the job application. Ensure that your LinkedIn profile is updated with the latest and relevant information, and take care of your private profiles (remove anything that might cost you a job, because HRs have a tendency on checking private profiles as well).
- Don’t wait for the last minute to send it – make sure that you are one of the first candidates to send their application and catch HR’s eyes.
- Check mobile phone and e-mail you’ve enlisted in your application on a regular base in order not to miss a message from the institution.
- Before sending the final version of CV, ask somebody you trust (preferably somebody who was in a position to hire a teacher in the past) to check your CV and provide you with feedback. This could help you a lot!
- Make sure that your design is attractive, simple, and most importantly – supports your application. Ensure good format and design by using cleverism custom templates!
Believe it or not – we have come to an end! If you take into consideration everything we have written above, we guarantee you that your CV will be the best one on the market and catch the eyes of each HR!
We really hope that this was helpful and insightful. We have created this guide based on thorough research and many conversations we had with different teachers, HRs and educational institutions. If you follow it step by step, you will have your dream job in no time!
To get the most advantage out of this, we advise you to check our templates and build your custom resume on our site! It is extremely easy – it will save your time and most importantly, nerves.
You don’t have to worry about getting the right format, check whether your CV is too long or too short, whether the colors are good or not – you have everything in one place. So go get it, so you can get your job!
For any additional information, feel free to reach us. Best of luck and we can’t wait to see the impact you’ll make on children all over the country once you get your job!

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