Tolerance of change and uncertainty
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- Tolerance of change and uncertainty
Tolerance of change and uncertainty refers to the ability to adjust to changes in trends or modes of operations in an organization or society.
We say a person is tolerant to change if he accepts and adapts positive new developments quickly, and positions himself mentally and emotionally so that such changes do not affect him negatively.
Many a time, organizations alter their modes of operation; replace an old manufacturing plant with a newer one, diversify their businesses etc. When such technological and economic changes arise, it is necessary for workers to acclimatize quickly to the changes.
Changes do come with some level of uncertainty. The feeling of uncertainty has the tendency to dispirit a worker hence, reducing his work rate and efficiency. To avoid such occurrences in your career, it is necessary that you acquire this skill.
Importance of tolerance of change and uncertainty skills
Whether as a manager or an ordinary employee, an entrepreneur or investor, a leader or follower in an organization, you need to acquire this skill. Changes and uncertainty, no matter how bad or good they may be, are inevitable parts of our environments and societies – you should learn to deal with them.
As an entrepreneur or investor, the business environment experiences emerging opportunities and threats every now and then. To ensure your business is sustained, despite these changes, you should know how to deal with them as and when they occur.
Rather than ran away when changes or problems arise, people who possess this skill and mindset realize the need to address them and adjust to them. This makes them more creative and innovative than their other counterparts. It boosts your self-confidence as well.
How to improve upon tolerance of change and uncertainty skills
It is worth noting that humans have the natural tendency to oppose change. We get used to things because we’ve done them for a long time and changing from them is not so simple. To many people, this is not a natural skill but whether it is a natural skill or not, you can acquire and develop it.
To improve on this skill:
- Prepare to face changes and uncertainties. Changes that come by surprise are more affective. We hear people say they least expected something. In this highly unpredictable world, you should expect anything. Psyche yourself up to face whatever future challenges that may come and prepare (study and develop) yourself to tackle them as and when they occur.
- Be slow to judge. Many a time, we are so quick to judge, criticize and condemn something or a new development. Learn not to pass outright judgment or criticisms against new ideas when you have not tried them out.
- Be optimistic always. Harboring fears and doubts about something dampens your spirit, affects you emotionally, and can lead to very poor work rates. Instead of choosing to worry about things that might or might not occur, choose to reflect on positive memories and positive thoughts about the future.