Security Guard Resume: Examples, Template & Complete Guide
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Even though we have a lot of laws and regulations today, there is still a lot of crime and mischief happening all over the world.
That itself is a reason enough to wish for a way to protect yourself and your business.
Of course, that is a job for a security guard. Most businesses, diplomatic envoys and even some individuals have their own personal guards.
From banks, corporations, and diplomats, to famous individuals from the world of show business and more. Since they all need a security guard, this position is in the high demand.
That means that the competition is fierce. In order for you to succeed in getting the job of a security guard, not only you need to be reliable and well-qualified, but you need to be different from other applicants, show that you are worthy.
Now, that would be easy if you were about to guard some cartel warlord. Just need to beat up a few people, and you would get a job, right?
However, when it comes to legal security jobs, things are a bit different.
You have to use legally right ways of proving that you are worthy. One of those ways is to have a perfect resume.
Why is a perfect resume so important? Well, it helps you stand out and be different than other applicants.
Most people tend to write resumes in almost copy-paste fashion and use generic sentences.
That makes a lot of resumes pretty the same, which is not a good way to present your own skills and competencies.
So, what makes a good resume then? Let’s take a look at some of the core questions each good resume should have answered on.
- How to make you stand out of the crowd of similar resumes?
- What are the most important segments of every resume?
- Should I use custom templates or make my own resume template?
- What is the best size for a resume?
A perfect resume is capable of answering all these questions.
Sometimes, it’s not an easy task to do this. You might have a lot of experience and a lot of skills and you simply don’t know where to start.
Or, you might not be experienced and can’t write extensive resumes because you don’t have much to put in it.
Whatever the reason is, you shouldn’t worry. A perfect resume doesn’t need to be several pages long.
In fact, a good resume is only one, maximum of two pages in length.
That’s why we are here today, to present you our resume format guide and explain all important bits of every resume, bit by bit.
However, before we do that, we will present a couple of examples for the best security guard resume. You will see first-hand how it should look and what you should strive to build.
Then, we are going to continue with our guide and discuss every part of the resume separately, showing you what information is important and what could be left out in order not to make an oversized resume.
Without babbling any further, let’s begin by showing some security guard resume samples.
Chief Security Guard Resume Example

Security Guard Resume Sample

Your resume is the first bit of yourself that would come to contact with the company and recruiters. It is in some way the very first presentation of your experience, skills, competencies, and personality.
Therefore, what you should do is make it memorable.
The first section you need to write is the persona info section.
Here, you should put something about yourself. Information like your full name, personal contact information and similar.
However, you have to be careful with the way you do it and format you are using. You can look at your resume as on your business card, so it is a good idea to make it look professional in every way, in order to increase a chance of getting called to an interview.
There are several important information in this section, so let’s get to it and discuss each of them individually.
Full name
Just like meeting someone for the first time, the first step of writing the personal info of your resume is sharing your name.
However, while in real life you could share both your full name and nickname, depending on the situation, it is not a good idea to start with your nickname, when writing a resume.
Even though it may seem like sharing a nickname could help you bond with the recruiter and the company, sharing your nickname just does the opposite.
Your resume is your business card. In a resume, you want to present yourself in a professional way. And starting with your nickname doesn’t look very professional, right? Let’s see the practical example below.
Garry Payton
Garry 'Beast' Payton
As you can see, the right way of doing this is stating your full name, without adding any nicknames. Also, in academic circles, it is a common practice to state your last name when you meet someone.
Even though it is professional in its own way, don’t mix it up with resume level of professionalism. That means you should only stick to sharing your full name.
Next piece of personal information you should share in your resume is your profession. If you are experienced or have worked somewhere, what you should do is write your previous or even current job position title.
That would tell recruiters that you have some level of experience and knowledge about how certain kind of job functions.
On the other hand, if you are not experienced, or perhaps you are still finishing your studies or you are a fresh graduate, you could put your highest level of academic education.
Some jobs require that you attach your photo to your resume, or even include it in it.
Even though it is usually not required, you should always share your photo, simply because that gesture would make your resume look more professional in the eyes of recruiters.
However, not every photo would do. As said, you want to make your resume look professional. And you can’t do that if you post a photo of yourself in a bikini, drinking margaritas.
You should dress, nice, business-like and take some nice-looking photos. That means you shouldn’t use some random Instagram photo.
However, if you have some photos there on which you look professional, there is no reason not to use one of them.
Phone number
One of the critical contact information you should put in your resume is your phone number. Nowadays, phone calls and emails are the two most important ways to connect in the business world, so you should definitely share it on your resume.
Another valid reason would be that some recruiters like to contact job applicants directly, rather than use emails to invite them to an interview.
Also, it is known that emails can sometimes get bugged and either put those messages in the spam folder or not deliver them at all.
So, because of that, it is a good choice to have some alternate contact information, which could be a great help to recruiters in these cases.
When it comes to sharing your home address, most companies will not ask you to specifically share that piece of information.
However, there might be some benefits if you do.
Firstly, if you are applying for a job in a big company, with multiple offices across the city or even country, you might benefit if you share your living address because recruiters might offer you a position that is closer to your home.
Also, if you live too far from an office, or place of work, companies usually offer organized transport or they even pay for your transportation.
Therefore, it can be very useful to put your address in your resume.
E-Mail Address
As said above, emails are the most used means of communication between recruiters and job applicants, as well between employees and their bosses, apart from phone calls.
Therefore, you can consider sharing email address on your resume not as optional, but as required.
However, make sure that you create a separate email that you will only use for business purposes because even your email has to look professional.
As seen above, the best way to structure your email is to use your full name.
However, if your full name is too long, you can simply shorten it, but still making sure it looks professional.
So, in short, you shouldn’t use any funny names, nicknames and randomly-structured emails because they don’t look professional, which could lessen your chance of getting called to an interview.
As for using certain email providers, make sure to use the most known ones, such as Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo Mail.
Everyone knows them and they are the most trusted email providers, so you can be sure that your data will be safe.
Social Media
Nowadays every-day life without social media could hardly be imagined. Not only social media networks helped connect people from all around the world, but they also allowed business to evolve and change the ways to approach their customers.
They can now use social media marketing, which is a part of digital marketing, to create valid marketing strategies and generate new customers, while also trying to keep the existing customers on their side.
Because of that, a lot of people are conflicted whether to put their social media profiles in their resumes or not. For some jobs, like for instance, social media marketing manager, it is probably a good idea to share your social media profiles of networks that are important for the job position you are applying for.
However, before you do that, it is a good idea to customize those profiles and make them look a bit more professional, without some stupid photos and non-professional behavior.
That would prove you are prepared to be serious about the job and could increase your chances of getting that job.
The most important social media profile, which should always be in your resume is your LinkedIn profile.
LinkedIn is a social media network for business people, where they can connect to each other and companies.
A lot of people got their jobs directly from LinkedIn.
As with any other social media profile, make sure to customize your LinkedIn profile to look more professional. Also, before posting a link on your resume, edit it to look a bit nicer, like shown in the example below.
Sometimes, resumes can contain a lot of important information, even though the optimal size is from one to two pages. In that case, readers can have a bit more difficult time to notice and remember the most important information.
Therefore, it is a good idea to write a short summary section, where you would put the most important information about everything that is written in the resume, like for instance, your experience, qualifications, and certain accomplishments.
One thing you shouldn’t forget here is that your resume can’t be too big, so you will need to keep this section short enough. In most cases, you should only write several shorter sentences, stating your previous jobs, important tasks you had done, the skills you have and similar.
Also, always start with your current title, as shown in the example.
Chief Security Guard with over 5 years of experience in the private security sector. Good leadership skills. Was in charge of a team of security guards in MillenniuM Protection Services, that was tasked with securing multiple objects, events, and individuals across Florida. Has excellent knowledge of all basic and advanced security systems and is familiar with most of electronic security systems for both companies and individual buildings, like houses.
Chief Security Guard with over 5 years of experience.
So, why is this so important? If you look at the table above, you will see the comparison between the two summaries.
The one on the right is pretty shallow and you could say that there are a lot of people who can be put in the same boat. Summary on the left is pretty detailed.
It tells the recruiters something about the applicant and allows them to envision a picture of a person, which makes it easier for them to decide whether they want to invite that person to an interview or not.
If you are a student or a fresh graduate, fear not! You can put your academic accomplishments and perhaps some volunteering practices you had while you were in school.
After you have written the summary section, it is time to start presenting the detailed version of your resume by writing the experience section.
This should be done by using the rule of the reverse-chronological order, meaning that you would first write your most recent jobs and finish with your first job or internship, in case you had started as an intern in some firm.
Also, it is a good idea to write a couple of points for each job, describing what you did and accomplished on that job. That would give more insight into what you are capable of doing. Let’s take a look at a practical example.

After you are done with the experience section, you should start working on writing the education section. The principle is completely the same. First, you should add your highest education, and finish with lower tiers.
If you are experienced and have a large experience section, then it would be a good idea to shorten the education section, by only including your highest education, for instance, Master of something on University X.
Along with that, you should write something about your academic activities as well.
There you can put certain achievements, grades or activities that you may have done. It should all look like in the example below.

Last, but not least, in order for your resume to be fully done, you need to write something about your skills.
A lot of people make same mistake and write all skills they have.
However, it’s not a good idea to do so, since different jobs require different sets of skills. Some skills may be useful for one job, but completely useless for another.
Therefore, you should do research and see what skills are needed for the job you want to apply for.
If you have some of those skills, you should put them. Here are some examples of the best skills to include in the resume of a security guard.

Another good idea is to use bulleting lists and separate your skills into categories like shown in the example above. That would make it easier for recruiters to read and compare the skills you have with the skills their job position requires applicants to have.
That would be all about the general guide folks! We learned how to write each individual part of the resume and what information to share.
Let’s go a step further and give you some tips and tricks that might prove useful to you if you decide to write your own resume and apply for a job.
- Picking a suitable font size and style – when it comes to choosing the best fonts for your resume, you should consider several factors. The most important is to pick some of the non-hand-written styles since they are a bit harder too read. When it comes to selecting the best font, there are none. We will leave it up to your preference since it is very important that the style you choose reflects your personality and help recruiters understand what kind of person you are.
- The proper resume size – next important thing to note is to choose the best size for your resume. A very common mistake a lot of people make is that they write too long resumes because they think “bigger the resume, higher the chances are”. However, that is not the case. Every resume should be around one, or maximum two pages in length. Like the name itself says, it’s “a resume” of your current and past life and career, not a full biography. So, you should keep it short enough, while having all the most important information inside. To ensure that happens, you should avoid putting some irrelevant information and focus on things that matter.
- Use bulleted lists – one very good way to reduce the number of irrelevant things in your resume is to use bulleted lists. By doing this you can make sure everything that is important is actually in your resume. Also, bulleted lists are much easier to read, so you would also help recruiters by making as many bulleted lists as possible. In general, this would make your resume look more professional and neat, without having to add a lot of fluffy content.
- Picking the good file format – a lot of people don’t pay attention to this, but the file format of your resume is actually very important. Some recruiters are very picky when it comes to little details like this, so you should take this into the account as well. Two most common file formats for resumes are .pdf and .txt file formats. They both have advantages and disadvantages. First one looks neater and more professional, while .txt is easier to edit. Therefore, it is a good idea to keep your resume in both formats. Use .pdf when you need to apply for jobs and print it. On the other hand, you can use your resume in .txt format when you need to customize and add some new information. After you finish editing it, you can simply convert your resume to .pdf file, making it ready to be sent when the opportunity arises.
- Picking the proper template for your resume – there are a lot of websites that offer custom resume templates. The main thing to consider here is to make each template fit your personality and the job position you are applying for. Therefore, the best possible way to choose your template is to create one by yourself. However, sometimes people don’t have enough time to do that, in which case you could try using our resume template builder to make your resume in several minutes, simply by filling in the necessary information.
- Writing lies in your resume – somehow it’s a common practice that people lie about their skills and accomplishments in their resumes, so they would get the job. However, even if you get the job, the truth will eventually come out and you would either have to speed learn everything or you would get fired. So, it is never a good idea to write lies in your resume. Be honest, write the skills you truly have and people will value for it.
- Check emails regularly – one pro-tip when it comes to job applications is that you should check your emails regularly, in order to see the reply from the recruiters and companies. We all know that sometimes emails can be a bit buggy, so it happens that very important emails end up in spam folder or even never show up, so it is a good idea for you to always check if you have a new email. Don’t forget the spam folder as well!
- Read your resume again after you write it – after you finish your resume, it is a good idea to check if you might have missed something important. The best way to do this is to read your resume again and pretend to think like recruiters. That way, you will know what you are searching for and see if there is anything that you had missed while you were writing the resume for the first time. By doing this, you will completely polish your resume and make it look perfect in the eyes of the reader.
- Putting political activities and opinions in your resume – you might think that sharing your political opinions and activities could be relevant enough to put it in your resume, but you would be mistaken. Yes, yes, it might’ve been a good idea in the age of communism, but those days are long gone and people can’t afford to risk whether the recruiters are in the same party as them or whether they have the same political opinions or not. Therefore, the best thing you could do is simply ignore to mention any kind of political topics in your resume.
- Use of correct grammar – one of the crucial points here is that you should ALWAYS use proper grammar when writing your resume. Having grammar mistakes looks very unprofessional and would make your resume look too sloppy. And to be fair, there is no recruiter that likes seeing a sloppy resume with a lot of grammar mistakes and typos. So, to avoid that, make sure to use some common grammar rules for resumes and make your resume perfect.
- Editing your resume – it is normal that people learn new things and gain more experience over time. If you want to always be ready to apply for a certain job, you should keep your resume up to date with the most important changes in your business life and career advancement path. So, whenever you learn something new and important, make sure to edit your resume and update it with the most important information.
Now that we have finished with both general guide and some useful tips and tricks that could help you write your own resume, what remains is for you to step up and try making your own resume in order to get that amazing job you want.
To be honest, why should you use all kinds of resume writing services, when you can simply use everything we have talked about so far and try making your own resume.
If that fails and you feel over-burdened, you can always use our resume template builder to make your resume in just a couple of minutes.

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