Security Analyst Resume: Examples, Template, and Resume Tips
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Often we have heard the phrase Time is money.
And it indeed is, isn’t it?
But, what if we slightly modify the phrase to make it even more relevant for the here and now, and say Information is money?
In the digital world with information being shared at full speed, a piece of information is valued more than anything. For companies operating in various business areas, timely information is all you need to turn things into your favour.
On the other hand, since the pieces of information are mostly carried through computers and otherwise online, protection of the data is a significant factor that needs to be taken into account.
And this is what security analysts are for.
Without security analysts, the information we would like to keep private and secure would be vulnerable and easily exposed.
These are the experts who prevent any unauthorised access to the data that an organization wants to keep protected.
However, since you guys, already know what your job is let us also tell you this.
The security analyst profession is on the rise, and if you are a security analyst looking for a job, there is one particular skill that you need to excel at besides your professional skills.
Not to keep you on your tiptoes any further, you need to be excellent at presenting yourself and skills to future employers.
If you wonder how to do it, let us tell you that you can make a tremendous impression by writing an adequate and brilliant resume.
Should you have any concerns now or questions how to achieve this, know that our article is just the thing for you.
Hereinafter we will show you some examples of proper professional resumes and afterwards we will guide you through every single step of a CV explaining how to write it.
Before we do that, we will just briefly comment on some basics of a resume that leaves an impression.
When writing the CV, take the following points into consideration:
- Choose a proper template (if you are not sure which is the right one, use our resume template builder);
- Choose a precise and adequate language;
- Make it properly organized (all relevant pieces of info are easily found in the resume);
- Take care that your CV draws attention overall.
Now, let us show you how to write a dazzling resume that will get you hired.
Security Analyst Resume Example

Security Analyst Resume Sample

The point of the two resumes we provided here is to introduce you to some basic guidelines on how a proper CV has to look like. We have provided the organization pattern, typical phrases and language in general, so it’s now up to you to take all of this into consideration when writing your own resume.
If you feel this is way too much for you, then you can use our resume template builder and spare yourself some time.
However, if you are up for it to write your resume on your own, then keep reading, since the rest of the article is dedicated to specific guidelines on how to write each of the obligatory sections of your resume.
Enjoy it!
Under your personal information, you need to provide details such as your name, contact details, etc.
Without any doubt, these details must be true and you should always update your resume in case of any change.
As with most of the things in life, there must be some order when presenting data, so in case of your resume, you begin with your name.
Make sure to provide your full name, including your first and last name. Note that nicknames are a big NO since employers have zero tolerance for these.
Name examples
- Marco Jimenez
- Grace Wang
Name examples
- Marco El Chico Jimenez
- Lady Graceful
The reason why nicknames are not allowed is that they are an informal way of addressing someone. On the other hand, a job application is a highly formal context, so the contradiction of the two is more than obvious. Stay on the safe side and keep your nickname to yourself. Maybe later, once you have established a more genuine bond with the co-workers you can give them your nickname.
Additional Tip:
In case of getting married, for example, or you change your name (first or last) from any other reason, make sure that you update this detail in your resume in due time. Otherwise, you are running the risk of confusing potential employer by having one name written in your resume and another one in your official documents.
Your profession is the second most important thing after your experience in a resume.
This is why you must take care not to omit it.
Profession examples
- Master of Business Administration
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Profession examples
- MA/BSc
- High School Graduate
What we are trying to tell you with this distinction is that this is all about being precise and accurate. Do not leave your employers in the dark.
Should it happen that your profession by itself is not right for a certain position, do not hide this fact.
Maybe your experience can compensate for the lack of formal or relevant education, or you maybe have other skills that make you qualified for the opening.
Some might argue that we are discriminating when we tell you to incorporate a photo in your CV.
Let us tell you this.
Even if the photo is a completely optional addition to your resume, you still need to include it.
The reason is that a resume with a photo leaves a better impression since before an employer speaks to the candidate, they can at least see how the person looks.
A resume without your photo is impersonal and can lead to a wrong belief how you did not care enough to assemble a resume that provides all relevant pieces of information. Without the photo, the resume will look empty.
Additionally, it might also lead to a wrong conclusion that you have something to hide about your looks or that you do not feel confident enough so, do include the photo. You can only benefit from it.
Now, once you decide to provide a photo, know that you cannot just choose any random photo that’s within your grasp.
There must a specific setting that the photo is taken and you must also look professional.
These are the things that you need to take into consideration when choosing a photo for your resume.
Photo instructions
- Smile (just a hint of it is more than enough)
- Eyes open (naturally)
- Combed, tidy, and clean hair
- Light and minimum make-up (for ladies)
- Trimmed beard (for men)
- You alone in the photo against a neutral background (the safest option is a white or neutral wall).
- Proper posture
- Proper clothing
Photo instructions
- Grin/laugh
- Eyes closed
- Messy hairstyle
- Strong or otherwise inappropriate make-up (for ladies)
- Messy/too long beard (for men)
- Group photo (from the beach, parties, with your family, or pet).
- Slouching
- No nudity allowed in these photos
After this distinction, we believe that it is more than clear how the column on the right side can easily disqualify you from further negotiations.
Extra tip:
Choose a photo of your chest-up. In this way, your face will be the prominent one, and that’s what people want to see.
Phone Number
Giving your phone number in a resume helps employers to get in touch with you faster. It will make communication and establishing first contact easier.
Besides, personal contact and communication help in creating a stronger and more sincere bond.
Additional Tip:
Always make sure that your phone number is updated in case you changed it prior to applying for a job. Avoid such disaster that you prepare a perfect resume and lose the job race just because the employer could not get in touch with you in due time.
Filling your address section is also optional, but it will do no harm.
This is a useful input to the company hiring new candidates in case they need to send some materials or pieces of information to your door.
Also, it will emphasize your honesty especially if you are applying for a job post far across the state.
E-mail Address
Being a security analyst, it is impossible that you do not have an e-mail address, or maybe a couple of them.
Of course, you should not leave them out in your resume.
No need to explain why (I mean, you do want to get feedback about your application, don’t you?) Now check this out.
Email examples
Email examples
We are trying to tell you how your e-mail address also needs to look “professional”. No funky business allowed here either. Avoid giving the e-mail addresses that you rarely use or those that you use for some other purposes besides applying for a job.
Extra Tip:
Make sure that your e-mail address is easily spelt and pronounced so as to avoid potential ambiguity.
Social Media Profiles
In an Internet era such as ours, social media is impossible to ignore.
So, if you have less than 70 years of life, you must have at least one account on social media.
Still, when it comes to your CV, links to your social media profiles are not so relevant.
Although they can help employers to find out some basics about you, they can also reveal too many personal or inappropriate information about you.
The main reason is what you like, post or share might lead to wrong conclusions.
This is why you need to pay attention to limit the visibility of your posts on pages such as Facebook, for example.
On the other hand, a link to your LinkedIn account is very useful.
LinkedIn, having been designed for professionals seeking or offering a job, is a proper tool to help an employer to know you professionally, while your Instagram or Tinder profile are a huge NO in a resume.
With social media, we are closing the personal information section so we can move on to the most effective part of your resume along with the experience.
A paragraph ago we said that the Summary Section is one of the most effective ones.
If you wonder why, know that this is where it’s all about the quality and not the quantity.
Namely, you only need to use a sentence or two sharp enough to awake the curiosity and interest in your next employer.
The impression you create must be such that someone who reads your summary wants to keep on reading, and not to discard you as dull or uninteresting.
The perfect aid at your disposal here is the language which must be precise and effective.
Summary section
- MBA in IT / BSc in Computer Science
- with more than 6 years of related experience/over 5 years of experience.
- Specialized in… with the emphasis on/ with focus on
- Materialize the acquired knowledge/make a contribution
- boost (the efficiency)/Promote personal growth
Summary section
- MA/BSc with experience
- with experience
- use knowledge
- make better
- Other weak language forms in general
- Vague expressions
Now imagine a resume written using expressions marked Wrong.
The employers would most certainly be perplexed by what they see, thinking about how you must be uninterested for the job or that you simply have poor written communication skills.
And both of these are an extreme threat to your employment prospects.
Nobody wants to deal with someone who immediately strikes them as uncaring or unable to perform daily business communication.
Just take a look at how the phrase “with more than 6 years of related experience” sounds better than “MA with experience”.
The pre-modifier “related” tells the employer that you know how to get things done even before they check your Experience section.
This is why you need to stick with the expressions and phrases marked Right.
And, if this all too much, use our resume template builder.
Finally, we have reached that part of your resume that practically tips the scale in your favour against other applicants for the job in question.
At the very beginning, let us tell you that indicating only the position you held somewhere previously is not enough.
You must indicate the full title of the previous employer(s) and then you name the position you held within the company, including a brief description of the position and/or tasks you were in charge of.
As for some practical guidelines on how to write, this is how you do it.
- Was in charge of/Was the head of the 3 person team/ Was the head of a 4 people team for planning/Took charge of creating plans
- Lead company efforts to counter breaches
- Conducted penetration testing increasing the efficiency of the system by 10%
- Constantly worked on upgrading the system/ Constantly keeping up with developments in the field
- increasing the data protection for 8%
- worked in the IT department in an IT company for 3 years
- worked in a team
- created plans/made security breaches stop
- increased/improved efficiency/data protection
Let us put it this way – do not, under any circumstances, write your CV in the way that is marked wrong here.
Just like with Summary, you might leave an impression of an uncaring or uneducated individual.
On the other hand, the column marked Right contains all the most relevant ornaments that a potential employer wants to see.
The names of the company, in the summarized version here and the two full samples we gave, are fully indicated, the position these two individuals held and the years of engagement as well.
The Right column presents you as an individual fully familiar with and skilled for the job they are applying for, and filling up the vacancy is all about hiring someone who understands the job and can get it done with no major difficulties.
Here, language plays a major role again in liaison with numbers. “Worked in a team” and “Was the head of the team” bear completely different weight, so make it clear enough that you were the person in charge.
Next, numbers don’t lie. Terms such as “improved efficiency” are understood differently by different people.
Do not be shy about your achievements – flaunt them instead. “Increased the data protection for 8%,” says a lot more than a humble “improved efficiency”.
Additional Tip No. 1:
Do not provide false details under your work experience. The details can easily be checked and verified, so spare yourself the embarrassment and list only the job posts you actually held. Otherwise, the new employer might close the door for you for good.
Additional Tip No. 2:
Avoid entering those jobs that are not related to the position you are applying for. Your new employer from IT sector honestly does not care if you can wait tables on roller skates.
And after these additional tips, we still need to add that your work experience is listed in the reverse chronological order, that is, from the most recent to the earliest one back in the past.
Nevertheless, if this is way too much for you, go ahead and use our resume template builder – it will make your life easier and your job quest will be a piece of cake.
Since potential employers prefer experience over education (and we are not saying that education is irrelevant!), education is listed after the experience section.
If you have any doubts on how to properly list your education achievements, have a look at our right from the wrong distinction.

Just like with your profession, you need to list a full name of the institution you attended and the period of time you spent studying at a specific college or university.
Next, your field of study must be indicated as well.
One of our candidates here took a step further and has even listed the designations of the majors he had (though not necessary).
GPA is also an optional addition; however, if you graduated with honours or had a high GPA, then you can brag a little about it. Why not tell how excellent student you were?
What can also be beneficial, is listing interesting projects you worked on during college whether individually, or in a team. This will only impress the potential employer even more.
And, just like the profession section, the education is also listed in reverse chronological order.
Additional Tip:
You can only list the highest education degree that you obtained. However, if your degree qualifies you for something different than the opening you are applying for, and you have relevant high school background, then you can provide details about the high school you attended by the same principle we showed here.
As concerns your skills section, this is where you will have to prioritize.
The reason behind is that you cannot and should not list every skill that you have.
Only list the ones that are closely related to the job you need to do.
Again, the language will also be your best friend here. To be sure what we mean, take a look at this.
- Generally Web & Technology savvy
- Analytical mind / Analytically oriented mind
- Extraordinary research / Troubleshooting skills
- Extreme creativity
- Can use computer
- Able to solve problems
- Good in communication
- Can conduct research
- Knows to multitask and orgaize
To avoid unnecessary repetition, we have already listed the benefits of strong language. So, stay on the safe side and choose the phrases summarized in our column marked wrong.
The languages you can speak are a subsection of your skills. When providing these, this is what you need to know.
Languages in Skills
Mandarin (Native), English (Advanced), French / Spanish (Intermediate)
Languages in Skills
Mandarin, English, French / Spanish
Obviously, you need to list only the languages you can truly communicate in. If you can only count to ten in Italian it does not mean you are at an elementary level.
Besides, this is something that potential employers can check easily once you reach the interview phase, so do not bring shame upon yourself.
Next, the important thing you must not omit when listing languages is the level of your knowledge. Also, do not overdo it, from the same reasons as above.
If you claim that you are an advanced speaker of German, while indeed being elementary, you will be exposed soon enough.
Finally, general interests that you list at the end of your resume are the activities you do in your free time. Again, you will have to prioritize here.
So, include only those activities that you truly like to engage in. Additionally, be clever and only list those that will make you look good in the eyes of your next employer.
After we presented detailed guidelines to you, if you still think writing resume is not your thing, then our resume template builder must be. Use it to your advantage if you can’t be bothered with all of this.
- Since your resume must to be impeccable, when writing it all by yourself, you must always double-check your writing for grammar or punctuation mistakes.
- Always make sure that the data you provide is full and true to your best knowledge and update them regularly.
- Avoid lengthy summaries. Be precise and to the point instead. If you give a long summary, nobody is going to read it.
- Always customize your CV to the position you are applying for since otherwise, you will end up providing unnecessary details to the potential employer.
Finding a perfect job based on your qualifications has never been so simple.
There are so many things that need to be taken into consideration and that are sometimes to your disadvantage.
You need to go through tedious application processes, interviews; it’s literally one big self-advertising procedure. And if you want to get hired, you have to best all of your opponents in this race.
As a security analyst in a growing IT sector jobs are a-plenty, but employers are still seeking for perfection.
The point of our article here was to support you throughout your first step in seeking a job – writing a resume.
Now that you have our guidelines, go write that impeccable CV and impress the employer to the mutual benefit!
We wish you all the luck in your new job!

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