Real Estate Resume: Examples, Template & Complete Guide
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Everybody knows that searching for a house, an apartment, or office space can be a real monotonous and tiring activity, not to mention trying to sell or lease on of those.
Thankfully, there’s a whole industry centered around the humans’ need for a roof over their heads, and it’s called the real estate industry.
There are a lot of things that could go wrong when you’re looking for a house or any other type of property, one of the main ones being scammers.
That is why it’s great to hire someone who can run a background check for anything or anyone.
However, certified real estate agents and analysts are here to help us. They are responsible for finding homes and other properties, helping a lot of people in the process.
Selling and analyzing commercial or residential properties can be an incredibly tricky task, but there are a plethora of individuals in this world who can help.
Not everyone can be a great employee in the world of the real estate industry, that’s why they usually fall into a certain type of person.
These days there are a lot of properties exchanging owners or leasers every minute, and the proof of that can be seen in the fact that in 2018 the U.S. housing market value climbed up to $33.3 trillion.
However, finding a job in this multi-trillion dollar industry might seem like a tough task at times.
That doesn’t mean that you should think that you’re not fit for this job and stop trying.
The only thing that you should worry about is creating the best possible resume for yourself.
That’s exactly what we will write about in the rest of this article, so if you feel like you want to be a part of the real estate industry, keep reading our article about how to make a perfect resume for real estate.
Real Estate Agent Resume Example

Real Estate Analyst Resume Example

These two are examples of how your professional real estate resume should look like.
The first example is for a real estate agent and the second one is for a real estate analyst, but they both have similar points that we will delve into examining.
In the rest of this article, we will point out to you the most important things on your resume, how to write something that your employers will love and that will surely land you a job and some mistakes that you might have been making that you weren’t aware of.
Start making your resume in our resume builder, as that will make this whole process much easier for you.
Resumes are, by rule, always started with personal information about you. Personal information is a prerequisite, and you can’t leave it out of your real estate resume. Your employer needs that information in order to get in touch with you.
An important thing that you should take care of is the positioning and size of the personal information section of your resume. Your name should be written in big bold letters that can easily be seen.
When it comes to your name you should also take care that it isn’t too long.
If you have a long name try to write just your first and your last name, as your middle name isn’t something relevant to your potential employer. Keep it simple.
However, you must use your actual name on your resume, so refrain from using any nicknames.
You should also make sure that the name that you’re putting on your resume matches your LinkedIn profile.
Mitchell Lee
Mitch Lee
Employers in some industries might ask you to submit your photo with your resume, but that is usually not the case.
Some countries have strict rules when it comes to adding a photograph of your face to your resume.
The subsection about your contact information is the place where you shouldn’t make mistakes, as this is the info that your future employer is going to use to contact you.
So make sure that you write down your correct mobile number, as they are the easiest way that they will be able to get in touch with you.
When it comes to sharing your full address on your resume you don’t have to do it, as it is extremely private information and we understand that you might not feel safe sharing it.
However, instead of completely leaving it out we suggest that you just write town the town or area that you live in.
If you opt for disclosing your entire address make sure that you hide it from your online resumes, as that can get pretty dangerous.
The next step is to make sure that your email address is professional and serious.
If you have an embarrassing email from a couple of years ago try making a new more serious one and use it for work.
Your address should have your actual name on it.
Usually, the only social media that you should share with your employers is your LinkedIn, but you should still refrain from posting anything connected to how much you hate your new job on other platforms, as your employers are bound to check it.
Also, make sure to personalize the URL of your LinkedIn account before putting it on your resume.
The summary section is the one place on your resume where you are supposed to put your most important attributes, skills, assets and accomplishments.
As the name suggests, this is the summary of your whole resume. And it’s really important because it binds all that information together.
When it comes to writing the summary section, you should adhere to the following tips.
Your summary should be too long or too short. The ideal length is about three to six sentences.
You could write it in the form of bullet points, but it will look more professional if you just write it as a regular paragraph.
The information that you should share in your summary is the following:
- Years of experience
- Training, certifications, and degrees
- Specific accomplishments and received recognitions
- Skills and experience that make you unique
- Areas of expertise
You don’t have to mention all of these, just pick the most important ones.
The starting point of your summary should be your professional title and years of experience.
Highly professional and performance-driven real estate agent with more than 10 years of experience in selling different kinds of properties in the area.
After that, you should add some accomplishments that show that you are a capable individual.
Summary (cont.)
According to data, managed to make 40% more sales that any other real estate agent in the company.
After adding a couple more sentences that showcase your other abilities, you should write the last part down in such a way that personalizes the resume based on which company you’re applying to.
Summary (cont.)
Has an incredible record of client satisfaction and is known for her knowledge of the market and her negotiation skills. Looking for a position in which she could further her knowledge and expertise.
You’re probably thinking that there’s no way to mess this part up if you have the experience, but there are a few things that you should think about when you’re writing your resume.
One of the most important things is the wording.
You should take care to describe your tasks and responsibilities in the previous companies that you worked for in great detail. This is most likely the part of your resume that your employer will pay the most attention to.
You should mention where you’ve worked and for how long, as these things are important to your potential employer.
The first step is choosing the format of this section, and the best one is arguably the reverse chronological order.
This way you start with your most recent job and go from there. Usually, your most recent job is the one where you got the most experience.
However, if you don’t have any experience you can choose any format that you want.
The most important thing for you is to list all the possible jobs or volunteering projects that you did where the skills and responsibilities that you got there can be transferred and used in the real estate industry.
Listing your duties and responsibilities shouldn’t be just a list of things you did, as that is boring and overdone. You should opt for a more professional tone of turning your duties into accomplishments.

The third example shows you that you should share some impressive numbers if you want to be different from everyone else who’s applying.
Another thing that we should add is that you should use as much professional slang and specific skills as you can, as it will show that you actually might know what you’re doing.
And as we mentioned before, if you don’t have any experience in this field but you want to get some, don’t be afraid to write down any possible skill or accomplishment that can be used in real estate.
That being said, even if you have a lot of experience and even if you don’t, you should always only list the most important jobs and accomplishments.
The part of your resume regarding your past education is usually thought to be more overlooked by your potential future employers than the part about your experience, but the truth is that they are all equally important.
You should never forget to add education in your resume, as it shows information about you that other parts can’t.
If you went to college and got a degree you don’t have to write down the information about your high school graduation. If you have a degree you should list it like this:

The first thing that you should write is the years of your education. In case you are still in the process of getting a degree you should list your education like this:

The next thing after the years is your level of degree, and then the place where you studied. After that, you can add some bullet points, but only add them if they will showcase some exceptional things such as an above-average GPA, some clubs that you were a part of that show that you are the right person for this job and other important accomplishments.
Having just a high school diploma might prove to be a tough place when you’re applying for a job such as this, but it’s still not impossible. In this case, it might be best if you concentrated more on your experience section. For a high school diploma your listing should look something like this:

The skills section is the part of your resume that will be showing your potential future employer what exactly you can do, as experience and education can’t showcase your actual abilities and how good you are at them.
Employers in the real estate industry are looking for someone great at making others trust them, someone who listens and treats others with respect.
However, these basic people skills aren’t the only thing, you should also be hard-working and goal-oriented, and deliver results of those attributes along the way.
The skills mentioned above are considered to be soft skills, but there are also hard skills, such as knowledge of certain software and programs.
Even though there’s a difference between these two you should still list them both in one place. Another very important thing that you should do is check the job offer in detail as some skills that are needed might be listed in the description.
However, only list the skills that you possess, as it will be obvious if you lie.
Besides the skills that every employer is looking for, there are also some specific to the real estate industry, such as:
- Ability to negotiate
- Trustworthiness
- Knowledge of laws in your area regarding the real estate business
- Microsoft Office
- Excellent communication with others
Be sure to list only the skills that are most relevant to your job in real estate, and refrain from writing down things about yourself that have nothing to do with this. It’s just more professional that way.
When it comes to soft skills you should always take care not to overdo them. You can list them but the hard skills are usually more important to your employers.

- Heading of your resume – the heading of your resume should always be your name in big bold letters. That is the most important part. Refrain from writing “Curriculum Vitae” or any other variation of that as your heading, as everyone knows that it’s a resume.
- Some details are too personal – when it comes to writing the personal info section you should refrain from listing details that are too personal. Here are some examples of things that you shouldn’t write down: your social security number, date of birth, race or ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, children, pregnancy status or citizenship. Unfortunately, your employer might make assumptions about you based on these things.
- Adapting your resume – You should write a new resume for every job you apply for, or you can just change parts of it to make it more personal, like mentioning the name of the company that you want to work for or changing some of the skills so that they meet their requirements.
- Bullet points – Use these to present concise information as the employers are most likely to just skim over your resume and bullet points will catch their eyes.
- Honors and achievements – feel free to list your honors and achievements, but take care that they translate well into the job of a real estate agent. Winning an art contest is great for you, but won’t mean anything to your employer.
- Volunteer experiences – Job seekers often forget to put down their volunteer experiences, but they are just as important as the regular ones. However, pick only the volunteer experiences that showcase some skills that are needed in the real estate industry.
- Hobbies and interests – If you have hobbies or interests that can be good for your job in real estate you should write them down on your resume, as it will make you stand out from the crowd.
- Languages – These days knowledge of various languages is greatly appreciated, and you should list all the languages you know.
- Descriptions –Be careful not to describe your achievement or experience with too many fancy words as some employers don’t like that.
- Length of your resume – The ideal length of a resume id just one page long. And that is usually how everyone’s resume looks like.
- Formatting – Keep your resume in physical and digital form, and also various types of files such as PDF or DOCX, maybe your employer will need them. Make sure to check what kind of resume your employer is looking for in the job offer.
- Font – Only use serious fonts, and refrain from the ones that look too detailed and flourished.
- Reviewing – Give yourself some time to gather your thought and look at your resume from a perspective of a potential employer. Or give your resume to someone you know who is used to looking at resumes and who can help you spot some mistakes. Use the gathered knowledge to improve your resume.
- Grammar check – Always proofread your resume – you don’t want some embarrassing mistake to slip and ruin your chances of getting the job.
- Don’t lie – When writing about your skills and experiences don’t lie. As soon as you start working all those lies will be uncovered.
- Resume template – All of this will be made easier if you opt to use one of our resume templates on our resume builder. Just find the one that you like the looks of and continue editing it and saving some time.
Those are all the things that you need to know about writing your resume for the world of real estate.
Just adhere to the steps and tips listed above and you will have no problems in landing that job!
The most important thing that you should remember is to always point out only the skills and experiences most relevant to the job that you’re aiming for.
If you don’t know where to begin and have trouble making your resume stick out, feel free to use our resume template builder. It will definitely help you.
Good luck with finding your dream job in real estate!

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