Portfolio Manager Resume: Examples, Template, and Resume Tips
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A Portfolio Manager is a professional in charge of controlling the client’s funds and assets, advising on investments, tracking the activities on the market and reacting accordingly.
He is responsible for providing the best financial plan for a client or a firm he works at.
Portfolio managers are usually former financial analysts who gained experience over the years while working in the financial sector or administration.
This job requires great financial, mathematical, economic, and accounting skills and knowledge which are gained throughout formal education in advanced Math and economics.
The Bachelor degree is a necessary starting point, but when you are applying for a portfolio manager work position in a company, besides work experience which is a must, it is more than preferable to have a master’s degree in the financial field of study.
A portfolio manager is experienced in working in finance, administration, accounting and other economic fields of work, which is why he is capable of responding to quick and sudden market changes.
Besides that, he is familiar with potential market behavior, which makes him a perfect person to access and dispose of client’s funds, money – assets.
Portfolio managers know how, when and whether to invest in something, because of the calculations they are capable of making.
They are much desired to have in a company or as a consulting partner, because they can analyze potential peeks, ups and downs on shares and stocks, prices of the certain products on the market, etc.
Even though there are very few firms that have their own portfolio manager or pay for consulting with a portfolio manager, the need for them is growing every year because it was shown how much their work and analysis improve the financial wellbeing of the company.
Since this job is intended for responsible people with big expertise in the financial field, it is very important to have an appropriate résumé that will most effectively describe your competence and ability to work as a portfolio manager.
Soon, we will go through all the important items that one portfolio manager résumé requires to be noticed and considered when you apply for this job.
Portfolio Manager Resume Example

Portfolio Manager Resume Sample

Now that you’ve seen examples of some impressive resumes, you obviously have a more precise vision on how your resume is supposed to look like in order to beat the competition.
Even though practically every resume is written by the same concept and following the same form, the portfolio manager has many responsibilities that can result in serious money loss if not done wrong.
That is why it is necessary to pay attention to some of these items you are supposed to put in your resumes.
Your resume is supposed to be written on a single piece of paper, possibly 2.
I know it sounds practically impossible to put your whole life on that piece of paper, with all the qualities and qualifications you have gained throughout your mature life.
I believe that is why so many people fail to write an adequate resume and thus present themselves in the best possible way to get the job they are applying to.
Being aware of the situation, there is no need to panic because we will provide you with the best tips and advice on how to complete your ‘skill passport’ in the best way there is.
As you could see, every resume consists of some basic information, such as personal info, education, and work experience. In addition to that, there is a section intended for your skills.
Leading the text, you will also see examples of inadequate forms of your personal details, but right next to them they are going to be the right examples and forms of your info.
Let’s check an item at the time.
Your name
Your name is the elementary thing people want to know about you.
It’s your mean to get your identity, documents, and jobs.
When writing a resume, you should write your real name and last name.
Even though explaining this can seem a bit meaningless, there are always some mistakes that can be made when listing this info.
So, as we said, the only right way to do it is to write your real name and last name and to use capital letters, of course.
It is also okay to put your middle name, or simply the capital of it.
Your name is your first step to an acquaintance, a job, information etc., so make sure you write it right.
Michael Shell or Samuel Jones
Mike Shell or Sam Jones
Your profession
When writing a resume, remember that the main focus is actually your profession.
Since this is very important information you are providing in your CV, make sure you put it after writing your personal info.
Make sure that the job you are applying for is similar to your profession. I know this also sounds like something that is logical and obvious, it is very important to mention because it is not just going to leave you out of the job, but you will probably be ridiculed too.
So, to sum this up, when applying for the position of a Portfolio Manager, make sure you have a bachelor degree in Finance, Economics, Accounting, Data Analysis, or other fields of expertise related.
It is also necessary to have several years of financial experience, where you worked for example as a Financial Analyst.
Risk assessment, using models from excel, analyzing the market behavior, tracking shares and stocks, etc., are actions you need to be familiar with when applying for a Portfolio Manager position.
Since Portfolio Manager’s job description is to react timely, recognize the market’s behavior, track values of stocks and many other things related to finance, it is welcome for a potential Portfolio Manager to have a master’s degree in finance-related sciences.
This would simply be great leverage you’ll gain compared to the other applicants.
If you are not sure whether you are qualified for the job, you can check Portfolio Manager: Education Requirements and Career Info to make sure and to get some information about licenses related to Portfolio Management.
Financial Analyst or Bachelor Degree
Mechanical Engineer or High School Diploma
Your photo
It is clear that what’s written in your resume is the most important thing when being an employer looking for a Portfolio Manager, but let’s face it – the first thing the employer sees when he looks at your resume is your photo.
So even though the text speaks for you and works for you, your photo has to support your experience.
If you claim to be well-organized and precise, there is no way your future employer will believe you if he sees your photo and notices you haven’t shaved that day or that your shirt is not ironed.
When presenting yourself as someone who is in control of big amounts of client’s money, you, by all means, can’t look like a lost cause, incapable of taking care of yourself, let alone thousands of dollars.
Men, make sure you are freshly shaved, with a neat haircut. There is no need for bags under your eyes, so get some rest before taking your resume photo.
When it comes to clothing, the most desirable outfit consists of a shirt, tie, jacket, and pants. Make sure your belt is appropriate and that there aren’t any striking patterns on your clothes. Just keep it subtle.
When taking your resume photo, you should pay attention to the background and body posture.
It’s acceptable to cross your arms in front when on the other hand holding your arms in your pockets is completely wrong!
If you put on a big smile when taking the resume photo, you are presenting yourself as frivolous and not eligible for the job.
You don’t have to put on a serious face, but there can be a discreet smile that shows your niceness.
Women need to pay attention to their makeup. There should be makeup on your face, of course, but discreet – no tacky and striking lipsticks, no dark eyes, no too much blush.
Your hair needs to be neat. You can make a bun or blow-dry it to have a certain form.
When it comes to dressing up, it’s completely unacceptable to show cleavage, wear dresses and skirts above your knees, or wear sleeveless shirts.
The best outfit would be a shirt and a jacket, combined with pants or a skirt of an appropriate length.
Even though these things can’t be seen if you take your resume photo right, it is worth mentioning when going to an interview for example.
Your resume photo should be in the right upper corner of your resume paper, being slightly bigger than your passport photo.
This is all you need to know regarding your resume photo.
Photo instructions
- Discreet natural smile
- Discreet makeup
- Neat hair or a bun
- Formal clothes
- Shaved or well-shaped beard
- Simple background
- Crossed arms
Photo instructions
- Smile too big
- Striking makeup
- Messy hair
- Evening, casual clothes
- Messy beard
- Colorful background
- Arms in the pockets
Your telephone number
In this section you can put in your current work number, your private number, home or mobile, or you can write a special phone number you got for this purpose only.
When providing your future employer with your phone number information, make sure you check if you put in the correct number and keep in mind that you are expecting an important phone call which is why you need to be next to your phone in every moment possible.
This information is very important to be written in your resume because a company’s HR is not going to call just to give you specific information about the job you applied for, but will also just call to hear your voice, see how you react to the element of surprise and evaluate your communication skills.
When you work as a Portfolio Manager you spend most of the time on the phone with clients, people who give you information on the potential stock rate, etc.
Your address
Even though this information is not an obligatory field in a resume, it can help when applying for the job of Portfolio Manager in case a company where you applied decides to send you a letter of admission or a congratulation package.
Either way, it is up to you to decide whether you will share your address or not in your resume.
If you decide to name your address, make sure you write your house number, street, city, country, and postal code, preferably in this order.
Your e-mail address
Since the business world is quite busy, especially in the world of investments, funds, trading, and risk assessment, e-mail is the best way to communicate.
It simply gives you enough time, space, and means to express yourself, whether you are an employee or an employer.
When putting info about your e-mail address, you have to make sure that it doesn’t look like spam when arriving in someone’s inbox.
So, pay attention to how your e-mail address looks like. Follow this example.
The point is to use your full names, avoid numbers and nicknames, thus keeping the impression of a professional and eligible person for a job you are applying for.
Most of the social networks we use are intended for fun and amusement, but some social network platforms are made for business purposes.
The most popular business social network is LinkedIn. This is an account you want to give information about in your resume.
LinkedIn allows you to put as many references as you want and to share the content you find interesting or worth sharing. It’s kind of like your business account.
On the other hand, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are meant for fun and communication with people far from you.
The content you share there is casual and private so make sure your profile is adequate for sharing in your resume.
Your Facebook and Twitter accounts are optional, a LinkedIn profile is welcome, but Instagram is unnecessary and unprofessional.
When naming your social media accounts make sure your usernames are also professional – named by your real name.
Your summary is your short autobiography.
In this section, you are supposed to sum up your work experience and some main skills or talents you have that can improve your work as a Portfolio Manager.
Make sure to stay concrete and focused on essentials like education and work experience. There is no need for writing more than 3 to 5 sentences about your previous achievements.
You will surely write more detailed about your qualifications and skills in the next sections, so there is no purpose in elaborating it twice.
A summary is actually your summed up resume and is there for your future employer to read it to bring to mind your resume after he had already considered it once.
This section requires a lot of care and precision, carefully chosen words and a chronological timeline of your work experience and education.
You also have to pay attention to mention all the important things and jobs you have done during your advancing in Finance and Economics you studied.
This may surprise you but ‘the more the merrier’ doesn’t apply to writing a section about your work experience in your resume.
As a student you had probably worked various season jobs like dog-walking, carrying newspaper, selling ice cream, etc.
These jobs show your capabilities, skills, and responsibility, but they didn’t contribute to your knowledge and expertise in Portfolio Management.
That is why there is no need for mentioning them in your resume you are using for applying as a potential Portfolio Manager.
Even if you had worked in some smaller companies or hedge funds, there is no need in mentioning it if you had worked in a bigger and stronger company.
If you are applying for a job in a big investment firm or a bank, no one will bother reading 3 pages of your resume saying that you worked part-time for an unknown firm 10 years ago.
This may be a bit confusing, so feel free to read some more on how far should you go on a resume.
After years of working in Finance, Economics, and Accounting, no one will judge your performance and achievements on your high school or university.
As mentioned above, you need to have a proper degree in economy-related fields of study, but an employer’s main focus will be on your work experience and results.
Of course, better universities are more welcome but more important is your master’s degree.
When you start to list your education institutes, write some things that show that you were prominent.
This section is simple. All you need to do is say when and where did you study what field and what degree did you get when finishing it.
When naming institutions you can say in which city and country they are located.
The work of a Portfolio Manager can sometimes be stressful because of the inability to control happening on the market.
When things that can’t be controlled happen, your client can lose a great amount of money, which can result in him yelling at you, for example.
All these situations require certain capabilities, such as calmness, politeness, multitasking, efficiency, and good communication skills.
When applying for this job, you have to show great cognitive skills, intelligence, the quick and proper reaction to a certain problem and providing with an eligible solution.
A Portfolio Manager needs to how to react timely to a newly created problem, but most importantly he needs to be experienced enough to notice all potential market changes and best investment manners.
Since you can’t become a Portfolio Manager without previous work experience, you have to be ambitious, hard-working and devoted to the work you do.
It is not rare for Portfolio Managers to be a part of a bigger team, so you have to be a team player to get this job.
Use bulleting. When there are things you want to number, like in a Skills section, the best and clearest way to do it is to use bulleting for the things you want to list.
By using this, you will also shorten the sentences and save the room and time of a reader.
Font. The font is very important when writing a resume. You can use some tools like Italic, Bold, or more elegant fonts, but you have to keep it simple enough for the reader to stay focused.
If you overwrite or over decorate your resume, it won’t look appealing.
Carefully choose templates. No one expects you to make your own resume template because there are many available for different kinds of professions.
If you didn’t like what Microsoft Word has to offer, try looking for a proper resume templates here.
Find the optimal size of your resume. There was already a mention of the proper size and text amount in the Portfolio Manager resume, so to sum it up, let’s review.
Your resume should be written on approximately 2 pages with mentioning only the most important things in your career and education.
The sentences should be simple, well-written with essential information.
Follow grammar regulations. This one is very important.
I advise you to go through your resume a few times and check for grammar mistakes such as spelling, verbs, punctuation, etc.
Your grammar mistakes can leave you unemployed since writing is one of the basic means of communication.
It can also show if you are educated properly.
Avoid telling lies. Of course, your resume will look better if you lie here and then, but imagine the embarrassment you will live to see if you are asked to speak in Italian on your Portfolio Manager’s job interview because it says in your resume that you are fluent in Italian.
There is actually an easy way to spot a lie on a resume.
If you are lying to your potential employer, how can your client trust you with his money and trust your judgment in investing and managing his money?
The Portfolio Manager’s job description is given in order to clear some things up and provide a certain insight into the job.
All of us know how hard it can be to choose what to note in your resume, on what things to pay attention to, how to decide on which photo to put in, etc.
Luckily, we made this guide for you to enhance your chances of getting the job of a Portfolio Manager.
We covered every section from the resume form, gave tips and directions on where to find some additional guidelines regarding writing a resume and explained what to focus on.
Good luck writing your Portfolio Manager resume and trust that your resume will be placed on top of the resume pile!

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