Enhancing Your Business through a Multigenerational Workforce
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‘..the whole point of pushing our limits is progress…’
This was a quote from a 2009 movie called ‘The Boondock Saints’. I wish I could remember the whole quote word for word. But that segment has always stuck with me and I have found it to apply in almost all aspects of life. It applies even in the business. I don’t believe in ‘sticking to the norm’. I believe in pushing the limits, trying new things, taking risks, trying different approaches, and comparing results. Push your boundaries. That is how we make progress.
How would you like to break from a monotonous workplace routine, working with the same kind of people every day?
How would you like a happier and more engaged workforce?
How would you like to experience fresh outlooks and perspectives in your workplace? How would you like to acquire new skills for your workforce without necessarily having to train them? How would you like a more reputable organization?
How would you like a generally more efficient and effective workforce while increasing your business’s profitability at the same time?

Well, if these are some of your ambitions, a mixture of generations in your workforce is just what you need.
As a business leader and entrepreneur, I am certain that you have realized that there is quite a complicated mixture of generations in the workforce today. To be precise, there are about four different generations of workers at your disposal, each at a different stage in their life and career. Most workers will fall in either of these generations; the Silents (Traditionalist) Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, or Generation Y (Millennials).
As much as each individual is unique, people of the same generational class have been heavily influenced by the same social and economic events that occurred during their formidable years. This results in each generation having specific outlooks, perspectives, and expectations from their careers. As an employer or business leader, you will notice that each generation has distinct skills and talents and distinct outlooks on values such as teamwork, loyalty, the importance of social relations amongst colleagues and society, and so forth.
Take a minute to reflect…What would happen if you pooled all these skills, talents, and outlooks together?
I understand perfectly that it would be more difficult for you to manage such a diverse group of employees in comparison to employees from just one or two generational classes. I also understand why you would be inclined to employ a specific generation of workers and leave out another based on your generational class and open-mindedness. For example, if you fall under the Baby Boomers class you may naturally be inclined to recruit employees of this generation because you relate with them the best.
However, successfully blending the four generations in your workforce could lead to a more effective and productive workforce.
According to a study conducted by the Sloan Center on Aging and Work on six of the biggest employers in the United States, organizations that implemented age diversity strategies (policies and programs that include various generations in the workplace) witnessed positive impact in their businesses.
According to the study, some of the benefits to the employees were:
- Increased workplace experience and improved retention rates.
- Increased loyalty to the organization due to a feeling of ‘being valued’.
- Increased motivation.
- Stronger feeling of cohesion amongst employees.
- Improved relationships with organizational leadership.
On the other hand, the businesses themselves experienced:
- An increase in sales and profitability.
- Improved customer service.
- Improved business savings.
- An improvement in organizational reputation.
According to the study, your business will automatically increase in profitability when the composition of your workforce reflects the multi-generational market on the ground.
In the near future, the available workforce will be an increasingly multigenerational one, with members of about five to six generations. Based on this, a more realistic and strategic approach in building your employee-base will give you a head start in realizing a high-performing workforce of the future; especially seeing as only about 1 in 4 organizations are harnessing the advantages of a multigenerational workforce.
While there have been discussions in the past, age diversity benefits at the workplace and strategic leadership approaches for such a workforce are elements that have not been clearly defined. This is what this article seeks to accomplish. By the end of this article you will clearly understand what entails a multigenerational workforce… What benefits you will get from having multigenerational workers… and Strategies you will apply to guarantee the efficiency of your multigenerational force.
Before we get to the benefits and strategic approaches of a multigenerational workforce, it is important that you understand who you are dealing with. It is also important to understand the experiences that have shaped each generation.
The Silents, also known as the Traditionalists, were born between 1922 and 1943. This group was influenced by the Great Depression, World War II, the Korean War… The Silents Generation lived in an age of prosperity and conformity and was heavily influenced by military experiences. They define themselves with discipline, diligence in duty, self-sacrifice, and loyalty to their employers and workplace. As a leader, you can be assured that members of this generation possess qualities such as respect for authority, outstanding work ethic, dependability, adaptability, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, all of which are assets to any business.
The Baby Boomers generation is comprised of individuals born between 1943 and 1960 and some of their experiences will include the development of Civil Rights Movements, Space Travel, the Sexual Revolution, the Cold War, Television Influence… Baby Boomers grew up in an optimistic era and were taught to think big and reach for the stars, which causes them to bring a refreshing drive to the workplace. However, their drive seems to take from their innovation and long-term planning capabilities. Some of the traits employees of this generation will possess are good education levels, excellent collaboration skills, they are questioning to authority, and they tend to perform best under pressure or in highly demanding environments.
Generation X includes individuals born between 1960 and 1980. This group witnessed the crumbling of the Berlin Wall, Desert Storm, Womens’ Liberation Movements… Generation Xers grew up in a period where women began going out to work alongside the men and two-income homes became the norm. These individuals were raised to be independent and not to shy away from their individuality which allowed them to heavily influence growth and development in the world of technology and art. Employees from this generation are open to learning, they love to explore and innovate, and when their work is not satisfactory they look for fulfillment elsewhere. Some of the primary traits they portray include being hardworking, independent, being intolerant to bureaucracy, family-orientation, and social responsibility.
Millennials, also known as Generation Y, were born between 1980 and 2000. The Millennials experienced terrorism, development of Gay Rights, widespread entrepreneurial spirit, and the radical development of the computer era… Millennials grew up in a child-focused environment and were raised to be increasingly sociable, connecting with their peers through technology. The Millennials can be described as having broken away from the individualism encouraged by Generation X, returning to the conformity of the Silents. The Millennials have also experienced high involvement levels from their parents, persisting into young adulthood resulting in an immense pressure to succeed. They have a need to continuously prove themselves in their work and are likely to thrive in respectful work environments where they feel valued and where their contributions are recognized and rewarded. Millennials found in the workplace are technologically savvy, loyal, highly sociable, and have a need for a healthy work-life balance.
Which generational class do you fall under?
The questions on your mind at this juncture might be: why should I promote a multigenerational workforce for my business? Is it really necessary? Or, why can’t I just recruit employees I think are most suitable for my business as the need arises regardless of their age group?
These are all valid questions, but let me convince you why a generational mixture in your employee base results in a much more efficient, adaptable, and high-performing workforce that stays relevant with each evolution in the business world.
Mutual Mentorship
Have you ever noticed that when you hang out with the same group of friends the subjects of discussion and approaches to various issues tends to be more or less the same? And when you hang out with a different crowd you get to discuss new subjects and to experience fresh and sometimes even more creative approaches?
The reason behind this is that when you tend to always hang out with the same people you are rarely going to learn anything new. The diversity brought about by interacting with different people is necessary to learn new things, to acquire new points of view, to challenge yourself to look at things in more than one light, it is necessary for growth.
By adopting a multigenerational workforce you create an environment and an opportunity for mutual mentorship amongst your employees. For example, a Millennial will learn about communication skills, leadership, and the art of navigation within the business from Generation Xers and Baby Boomers. These are skills that cannot be taught to a person in a classroom or on the internet, they have to be practically acquired.
The older generations will be available to impart these skills in the younger generations. On the other hand, technology has become an aspect of the business world that cannot be ignored unless you want to risk your business becoming irrelevant or obsolete. In this case, Millennials who are technologically savvy, having grown up in a period of great technological evolution, will add value to your business by mentoring Generation Xers and Baby Boomers on the application of technology in your business.
Everyone’s experience is different meaning that there is something for each generation of employees to learn from the other. It is a cycle of mutual benefit that will result in a well-rounded workforce that would be impossible to achieve in an environment where any generation has been excluded. As a smart businessman you will minimize the risk of your workforce not being at optimum performance due to a deficiency in certain skills or values by ensuring that there is a representation of every generation in your workforce.
Case Law: British Gas
British Gas changed all of its recruitment practices and policies as soon as the age discrimination legislation was passed. The Company now encourages apprenticeships to older generation employees with the oldest apprentice having been 56 years old. In turn, the Company has realized that the older generation employees have influenced the behavior of younger generation employees, making them more mature and disciplined.
The older generation employees acquire skills and in turn act as life mentors to their younger counterparts. This environment of mutual mentorship has availed a healthy and more positive work environment. British Gas has also enhanced its reputation in the market, being regarded as an employer of choice.
Diversity in your workplace is pivotal for innovation.
If your workplace only has a particular generation of employees, the approach to various issues will always be from a single perspective, leaving no room for new viewpoints or fresh creative approaches.
You know those moments when you are working on a task with a co-worker and they propose an approach you have never considered that happens to wow you? Don’t you appreciate the moment and think about what else you can learn from one another to be better than you already are individually and as a team? This is what a multigenerational workplace encourages. They challenge people to reflect, to create, to innovate, and to think outside of their boxes.
By encouraging a generational mix in in your workplace, you will harness the experiences and perspectives of all generations included. The Silents, BabyBoomers, Generation Xers, and Millennials can work collaboratively, learning from each other, and blending their different experiences to come up with creative and wholesome approaches. By employing a multigenerational workforce, you are sure to receive a beautiful combination of ideas and outlooks that result in more spontaneous and innovative breakthroughs.
Skillset Diversity
In the same way a multigenerational workforce will avail diverse points of view, it is expected that it will also welcome a vast range of skills to your business, right?
For your business to be at optimum performance you will need to achieve a balance of technology, communication, leadership skills, problem-solving skills… and a multigenerational workforce will possess all of these skills, among others.
Imagine a situation where your employee-base is comprised of people of different generations, where each generational class of workers brings different talents to the business. Consider the younger generation of employees having a strong understanding of technological instruments related to business including social media networking, search engine optimization for web content, and online product advertising. While on the other hand, the older generations of employees possess better interpersonal skills and thrive in traditional environments where the primary means of communication is on a one-on-one or face-to-face basis.
This mixture of skills will undoubtedly be advantageous to your business especially where you have a diverse or multi-generational customer demographic. Your workforce could be thought of as a product of your business. The business makes (hires and trains) and sells (customer service) their workforce to consumers and different consumers will have different needs and preferences depending mostly on their generational class. A multigenerational workforce will ensure that each demographic of your customer-base has representation. Therefore, it is reckless to assume that your business can do without any generation in your workforce.
I mentioned earlier that technology is an aspect of business that you cannot afford to ignore in the world we live in. While it is a necessity for all generations of employees to adopt technology in order to effectively reach and communicate with your business’s customers, older generations of employees will find it significantly difficult to adapt because they grew up in a primarily manual era.
A business with naturally technologically savvy employees i.e. Millennials, will definitely have a competitive advantage over a business that only has older generations in their roster.
Let us look at it more practically…Where does this advantage lie?
Members of Generation X grew up in a period when the computer era was just budding and they therefore have fairly decent technological knowledge making it easy to relate with and learn from Millennials. The Baby Boomers will, however, find it difficult to directly relate with and learn from Millennials but they do have close relations with Generation X who can, therefore, relay technological skills they have learnt from the Millennials in a more fluid manner.
The result of such a generationally diverse employee-base is a technologically knowledgeable workforce that is able to compete in an increasingly technological business world.
Happier Workforce and Enhanced Customer Experience
A survey conducted by McDonald’s indicated that multigenerational employee teams are significantly happier than teams composed of a single generation. According to survey conducted on 5000 people, employees working in multigenerational environments are 10 percent happier and provide improved customer service. The survey also indicated that working with people from other generations is a top priority for workers who fall in the youngest and oldest generations at the workplace.
Think about it, when you are happy at work doesn’t it make you more energetic and driven? Don’t you feel a certain pride and loyalty towards your employer and your organization? Doesn’t it make you want to better the services you offer to the organization and its customers?
A happy and driven workforce will definitely render better services to your customers, giving them an enhanced experience of your business and leading to higher customer retention, satisfaction, and loyalty rates.
As earlier mentioned, a generational mix of employees guarantees that all demographics of your customer base are appropriately catered for, also leading to customer satisfaction. For example, the older customers might feel more in touch with your business dealing with older staff members on a face-to-face basis. Similarly, the younger demographic of your customer base may be much more engaged dealing with young staff members who understand and relate to their needs.
However, let us note that employee-employer matching is not set in stone. An older customer may prefer to deal with a young and dynamic staff member while a younger customer may prefer to deal with an older and more experienced staff member. It is very individual. The point is that the different needs and preference of your customers are readily catered for regardless of their age group in order to give them the best customer experience possible.
Case Study: Dairy Farm
Dairy Farm is Singapore’s biggest employer having been in business for over 100 years. The firm is the leading retailer in Singapore with over 10,100 full-time employees and 2,000 franchisees. Dairy Farm has a flexible recruitment policy where it hires workers from all generations. 27% of Dairy Farm’s workforce is between the age of 40 and 54, 7.5% is between the age of 55 and 61, and 6.6% is over 62 years old.
Dairy Farm has openly embraced the ideology of a multi-generational workforce. The organization has even taken it a step further by allowing for housewives to work part-time in order to provide for them time to handle their family affairs while still making some money on the side. Dairy Farm is also in support of rehiring employees that have reached the retirement age as long as they are capable of effectively performing their duties, the oldest worker being a Mr. Tan Lim who has worked in the organization for over half a century.
Dairy Farm has wholly embraced a multigenerational workforce. In the organization’s experience, older generation workers’ maturity, experience, skills, and knowledge is crucial in guiding younger generation employees’ as well as in keeping customers happy, satisfied, and loyal to the organization.
On the other hand, the younger generation employees bring agility and energy that the older generations may lack. Therefore, bringing about a situation where the different generations in the workforce complement each other and ensure that all demographic groups of customers can be served to their satisfaction.
There is value in tradition in the business world, don’t you think?
What defines you? What is your reputation? How have your customers always related with you? What do people think of/expect when they hear the name of your business?
Never disacknowledge the value and importance of older-generation-employees passing on their experience, expertise, knowledge, as well as the traditions and history of your organization to the younger generations of employees.
This is what maintains your business’s code of conduct, values, customer relations, and the general identity of your business. If you have too much of one generation in your workforce, the opportunity for the succession of skills, values, history, and tradition will eventually fade away.
It is not enough to simply ensure that your workforce has a mixture of generations. I am certain you can already anticipate that the management of a multigenerational workforce will be much more challenging in comparison to a workforce composed of one or two generations. True. But the benefits you stand to gain are worth the effort.
Your biggest concern so far may be: What strategic approaches can you apply to guarantee that you successfully harness the power and benefits promised?
Encourage Cross-Generational Teamwork and Mentoring
Older generations of employees, the Silents, Baby Boomers, and Generation Xers, have remained relevant in your business for a reason. Over the years, they have had the opportunity to acquire skills, experience and wisdom that cannot be quantified or written off, making them high-value employees in the workplace.
As a business leader, encourage these older generations of employees to be open to sharing their experiences, passing on wisdom and skills they had to acquire over several years immediately to younger generation employees. Also ensure that these older generations understand that rejecting younger generation employees at the workplace is toxic to the work environment and detrimental to your business.
You could have Silents, Baby Boomers, and Generation Xers reflect back on when they were just starting their careers to help them empathize with the new comers. Remind them of their own mentors who gave them guidance as they were growing in their work and remind them that it is time that they reciprocated. Remind them that as much as they have been in the game for as long as they have, there is also quite a lot they can learn from the younger generations. For example, you could have each older generation of employees regularly create educational or inspirational videos for the generations below theirs.
Similarly encourage the younger generations to seek out the knowledge of older generation co-workers and to seek their council when they are having difficulties in their work. Encourage these young employees not to be intimidated by the much more experienced employees but rather to view it as an opportunity to acquire experience without necessarily having to work for years to gain it.
Create a Supportive and Communal Work Environment
I am sure that you will agree that employees’ experiences are not only shaped by the kind of work they do but also by the people they interact with on a daily basis as well as the quality of relationships that they have with those people.
To establish a successful multigenerational workforce in your business, you must create an environment where people from all generations are able to connect on a personal level. This way, your employees will be bound by their relations to each other and, consequently, to your business as the binding factor.
So, what sort of measures can you take to build such a communal environment?
You can start by ensuring that mentors and managers provide support that enhances the day-to-day performance of employees across all generations as well as the career progression of those employees. This will ensure that no generational class of employees feels sidelined within the business.
This can be achieved by implementing a system where mentors and managers have to interact with each and every employee under their supervision on a daily basis regardless of their age or experience. The mentors or manager can then document each employees concerns, performance, satisfaction levels… These mentors and managers will then address each employee’s unique concerns and promote the enhancement of their individual performances and career growth rates.
However, managers and mentors will address similar/common concerns amongst their employees in a communal manner through open forum. Here every employee under the manager or mentor, regardless of their age or experience, will be allowed a chance to voice their opinion until a collective and agreeable solution has been reached on a subject. This will create a feeling of togetherness and community, where every employee feels that their opinions and input is valued regardless of their generational class or their experience.
The feeling of community will in turn lead to a stronger, unified, and cohesive workforce that appreciates and incorporates each generations input in the workplace.
You could also create generationally diverse employee teams with common goals and objectives. Remember, these multigenerational employee teams will only thrive if there is a group process. By creating employee teams where employees of different generations have to work together, each generation of employees will soon begin to realize the value that other generations of employees bring to the table. Through a successful combination of efforts to achieve a common goal by pooling each generation’s skills and talents, a mutual feeling of respect and unity will be realized and employees will be encouraged to do it again.
It is also important to remember the importance of emphasizing equality when creating these multigenerational employee teams. Equality in workload, equality in accountability, and fair indiscriminate rewarding of high-performers regardless of generational class. This will bring about a feeling of inclusion, fairness, and community where every employee’s input is equally important regardless of their age or experience.
Case Study: JD Wetherspoon
JD Wetherspoon is a U.K pub Company with over 750 outlets. JD Wetherspoon has a very broad customer base and for this reason the Company has chosen to reflect this in its workforce. As of 2006, JD Wetherspoon has no retirement age in order to retain valuable experience within the organization by enabling its succession to younger generation employees, which avails a communal feel in the workplace in the process. This also ensures that each customer demographic is properly catered for regardless of their age.
One of the Company’s biggest challenges was its difficulty in attracting older generation employee applications. While the Company was able to attract applications from students, applications from the older generations were scarce, which led them to scrapping off the retirement age in 2006. The Company now receives applications from people of all ages and avails an inclusive and indiscriminate environment where there are training programs available for employees of all levels and ages.
JD Wetherspoon’s experience has revealed the benefits of a multigenerational workforce to be that it enables the company to reflect and effectively service its broad customer base, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. It also allows the Company to stay consistently relevant with the constantly evolving consumer demographic. Additionally, since adopting a multigenerational workplace staff retention levels have risen above the industry average, indicating high levels of employee satisfaction.
Creating an Inclusive Work Environment
Have you noticed that employees tend to perform better in environments where they feel that they are making a real contribution and that their contributions are being recognized?
For you to successfully lead a multigenerational workforce you will, therefore, have to create an environment that caters for the needs of the different generational classes under your employ. This will entail reviewing and modifying policies and organizational communications in order to ensure that no generational class is excluded or sidelined.
In order to cement an inclusive culture you can also implement a reward system that recognizes and rewards any employee that promotes values and behaviors of a harmonious and inclusive culture. Additionally, you could organize informal activities for your workforce where workplace experience and age disparities are insignificant and employees from different generational classes can finally look at one another with fresh perspective. For example, friendly sports activities, holiday celebrations, and organizational gathering where employees can bring their families along.
Once employees have interacted on neutral ground and looked upon each other as equals regardless of their age, this mentality will be subliminally translated in the workplace. A budding culture of equality and inclusion will then become a part of your workplace culture, where every generation of employees feels that they are part of the collective.
Case Study: NASA
Older generations of employees at NASA had expressed the sentiment that, they wished they had gotten an opportunity to have been engaged in a leadership program at the beginning of their careers. NASA Assistant Human Capital Administrator, Toni Dawsey, then set out to find an effective way to involve the younger, less experienced workers in resolving the agencies problems.
Dawsey initiated an entry-level leadership program that would prepare younger generation employees for future leadership positions. A key requirement of the program was to challenge the young employees to engage a particular issue within the agency and work on it. The pioneer class of the program was assigned the subject: ‘Is NASA prepared to be a recruiter and retainer of next generation workers?’
After conducting extensive research and gathering relevant data, the group concluded that NASA was not ready. The group presented their findings to the Administrator of the Strategic Management Council. Having being impressed by the group’s reports he instructed NASA Directors to implement some of the recommendations presented by the group. Some of these recommendations are:
- NASA should promote leadership training programs for Millennials. This generation of employees is more likely to stay at the agency if they can see some development in their career paths.
- NASA should provide innovative opportunities for the young generation employees in order to realize immediate growth in their careers rather than having to wait for change that will occur five or ten years into their employment at the agency.
- NASA should provide opportunities to enable technology studies and apply them immediately. This would definitely be aided by hiring younger generation employees who are more adept to the latest technology.
NASA enrolled new hiring targets eighteen months later that would encourage a multigenerational workforce, eventually enabling growth, progression, and employee satisfaction within the agency. In an effort to achieve this, the new hiring targets dictated that half of all new employees would be from the Millennials generation.
One major reason you may fail to harness the advantages of a multigenerational workforce is because you fail to understand each generation’s uniqueness. Show awareness, acceptance, and respect for the differences existent in your workforce. The idea is to make everyone feel like they are a perfect fit and communicate these differences in such a way as to encourage diversity, innovation, and creativity.
You should strive to facilitate open dialogue about how to utilize the diverse skills and talents of each generation in order to unlock the potential of your multigenerational workforce. Speak in such a way as to motivate each generation, especially the younger generation employees who are easily demotivated by negatively perceived comments. Let us analyze what form of communication appeals most to each generation.
- Silents: This generation responds best to a respectful tone during communications. Your communication to this generation of employees should be in proper grammar, clear instructions, and no profanity. The language will hit home for this generation where it is formal, professional, and without slang.
- Baby Boomer: Communications with this generation can be slightly informal and in a more casual form and setting. This generation tends to value personal relations just as much as they value their work. When communicating to employees of this generation be sure to make the conversation engaging by leaving room for their input.
- Generation X: This generation is more receptive to direct communications with minimal pleasantries. When communicating with employees from this generation, get straight to the point. This generation is decently adept to technology so, even better; send them an email or a text message dictating very clear instructions.
- Millennials: Approach this generation positively. They are very easily intimidated, especially due to their lack of experience. Avoid condescending tones that feed their insecurities. Encourage them to voice their opinions and link communication to their own ambitions and goals. Like Generation X, Millennials are accommodative to technological mediums of communication so a friendly text message or email will be effective too.
Conflict Prevention and Management
In any multigenerational setting, a little conflict is to be expected due to the conflicting perceptions, outlooks, and approaches to various issues. It is a natural reaction for people to reject change or the unknown.
As their leader, your part in this is to ensure that conflicts amongst the various generations in your workplace are minimized and easily contained when they do occur. While encouraging the different skills and talents of each generation is an effective approach, it is equally important to promote common goals amongst different generations, for example, the employees’ need for high-quality service delivery or a friendly, accommodative work environment. Assure/show them that they are all on the same team and that they all want the same things out of their work.
You can also encourage regular and mandatory self-assessments on the quality of relations amongst employees. These assessments could then be used to develop suitable policies that will minimize friction between employees of different generations. These are guidelines meant to further foster a respectful work environment for everyone. You should then also implement a recognition and reward system for employees that uphold those guidelines the best.
A multi-generational workforce will enhance your business by availing both acquired wisdom and experience from seasoned employees and new skills, energy, and enthusiasm from younger generation employees. It is important to have a healthy balance in your business; a unique understanding (both old and new) of the business world, fresh perspectives, a proper understanding of rapidly changing technology… that will enable you to stay relevant and competitive.
A multigenerational workforce will bring about benefits to your business, but let us not overlook the immense benefits it offers employees exposed to this environment. Employees in a multigenerational work environment are forced to step out of their comfort zones, challenged to think outside the box, and encouraged to collaborate with colleagues from all generations, making them incredibly versatile. Younger generation employees, having minimal or no experience, get to receive free mentorship on the workings of real world and in turn these young employees are able to keep older generation employees in touch with evolving social norms and rapidly advancing technology.
However, remember that implementing the strategies we have discussed in this article is not enough to create a happy, efficient, and highly productive workforce. People under your employ want more or less the same thing regardless of what generational group they happen to be in.
Human beings want to be respected, treated honestly, to feel included, and to do work they enjoy alongside people they trust. This is what will fundamentally give you an effective workforce. A multigenerational environment then works to enhance this by creating a well-rounded and equipped workforce that is highly adaptable and accommodative to any customer base.
Your business will realize great benefit from appreciating the experiences and talents of all generations and including them in your workforce. Each generation of employees brings a unique perspective to the table, creating a stronger, creative, and more innovative team that leads to a more profitable, reputable, adaptable, accommodative, and relevant business. It is up to you as a business leader to harness the potential of a multigenerational workforce; to be brave enough to exploit this beautiful mix of skills and talents to enhance your business as a whole.
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