Whether or not you want to accept that this world is changing rapidly, new technologies appear and it is advancing so fast that it is very hard to keep track of it and educate enough young people to work that type of job.

That’s why there is always a deficit of people working in the high-tech fields, such as IT, computer science and, of course, mechanical engineering.

It is hard to master everything you need to know, and when you do that, something new appears, and you have to learn that all over again.

But, no matter the difficulties and struggles, one thing is certain here: the pay is very good!

That’s why a lot of young people decide to go for these professions, which could provide them with enough money to live normally for the rest of their lives.

When there are a lot of people, that means competition is very high, and that you need to be able to stand out of the crowd if you want to get that dream job.

One way to do it is by having a resume that is capable of leaving a significant impact on potential employers.

But what defines a good resume?

Let’s see some of the most important points:

  • The ability to be different than the other resumes in order to attract the attention of the recruiters;
  • To include everything that is important and to exclude unimportant information from your resume;
  • Good-looking template to show your professionalism to the world;
  • Length shouldn’t be either too short nor too long.

We agree that some of these points might not be as clear as they should right now, but that’s why we are here today.

We will give you some examples of good resumes regarding mechanical engineering.

After that, we will explain each individual section of a resume and answer the questions about what to include and what to exclude from your resume.

Without any further due, let’s begin!

Manufacturing Engineer Resume Example


Mechanical Engineer Resume Example



In order for recruiters to contact you and get to know you better, you need to share some personal information about yourself when writing your resume and applying for a job.

However, not everything about yourself should be shared with other people. Depending on the position you want to apply for and other factors, you should think carefully about what to share with the public and what to keep for yourself

Another important thing to note is that recruiters see your resume as your ID. Thus, you should write it in a certain order in order for it to look more professional. And what is a better way to start sharing info about yourself than starting with your personal information?

Let’s take a look at what are the usual personal information people tend to share when writing a resume and how to properly write that information.

If you don’t want to write all of this by yourself, we have great news for you! You can now use our custom resume template builder and create your own resume in no time.

Full Name

Every time you meet someone for the first time, the first thing you share with them is, of course, your name. It’s the same when it comes to writing a resume.

However, since the resume is a formal way to meet someone, aka your potential employer, it has to be done in a more professional way.

That said, make sure you write your whole name and, under no circumstances, don’t use your nickname.

Let’s see an example below.

David Spencer
David 'Macho' Spencer


In order to show people what is your current employment status, or what is your field of specialization, you should write your title or your profession.


Next important thing to include in your resume is a photograph. Sometimes it is not required, it depends on the job itself, but it is always a good idea to have a photo in your resume.

And of course, sometimes companies specifically ask the applicants to include their photo with their resume and cover letter.

What is important to remember is that you shouldn’t put just any photo of yourself. Instead, make sure to put one where you look professional.

So, for instance, you shouldn’t put a photo of yourself on a beach, holding a beer and laughing with friends.

That’s simply not the way to do it. It would make you look childish and unprofessional.

So, make sure to dress nice, comb your hair, shave and take some nice pictures, where you will look like a real professional.

Phone Number

Although it is sometimes optional, sharing your phone number is very important because it gives recruiters the option to contact you via multiple channels, since emails tend to get lost from time to time.

More so, some recruiters prefer to talk directly to applicants, in order to get some initial thoughts about them over the phone.

Not to mention that it is way faster to arrange an interview over the phone than over email, where you need to wait for the other side to answer the message.


Sharing your address is usually not needed, but it cannot do any harm, so why not share it. It could also give recruiters an idea where do you come from, whether you might need to get a business car or payment for buses etc.

E-Mail Address

In this digital era, sharing your email address is no longer optional, but necessary thing to do.

But, one thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn’t share just any of your email addresses.

Since your resume needs to look professional, you should put some of your more professional-looking email addresses or just create a new one, only for things like this, where you need to apply for a certain job, etc.


As you can see in the table above, using your gaming nicknames or random names for your business email is not a good idea, because it simply doesn’t look professional.

Social Media Profiles

Today’s business couldn’t be imagined without social media marketing.

Social media platforms are a great way to get more people attached to your product or service, and they make it much easier for marketers to reach different types of people in one place.

Hence, it shouldn’t be a surprise that a lot of people tend to put their social media profiles on their resumes.

The only required social media profile you should always include in your resume is your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is very important because it brings all kind of businessmen together in one place, and it is a great way to chat with the people of the same qualifications about your job.

Apart from that, you are also free to add any other social media profiles you want. Like for instance, Twitter, Facebook, and even Instagram profiles.

Another very good info to share about yourself is your Skype profile if you have one. It can be very important for people who work with international clients and for those who are applying for a company which is located in a foreign country.


Despite resumes being short and without any extensive information, you should briefly describe everything that is in your resume by having a separate summary section.

There, you need to write what is your current experience, what skills you can offer to potential employers and what are your previous achievements if you have some and how you can apply all that to help your company thrive.

The summary section is supposed to be as short as possible, but also as informative as possible.

Let’s see what we mean by that.


Manufacturing engineer with over 10 years of experience, specialized mostly in designing and manufacturing of crucial airplane components for Boeing and US military. Looking for an opportunity to apply all those skills, in order to improve the efficiency and stability of both civilian and non-civilian aircraft.


Manufacturing engineer with some experience, looking for an opportunity to apply all his skills.


As shown in the table above, the summary on the right is very shallow, without too much information, while the one on the left is very informative. That helps recruiters see what was your previous experience, what type of job you know how to do well, and how you can contribute to the company with all those skills.

If you have worked in different fields, you should also write that down in the summary section. That would show that you are an experienced candidate capable of doing work on multiple positions and different fields. Let’s see an example.


Mechanical engineer with 7 years of experience in different fields, such as working on HVAC projects for companies’ buildings and shorter time spent in Rockwell, where I worked on B-1B Lancer supersonic jet bomber. Looking for an opportunity to apply skills I learned on different and interesting projects.


Mechanical engineer with the experience in multiple fields looking for an opportunity to apply his skills.


As you can see, rather than just saying how you have experience in multiple fields, it would be a good idea to write what those fields were and what are some achievements you might have acquired along the way.

That way, your resume will look more professional, and recruiters would be more likely to invite you to an eye-to-eye interview.


When you write the experience section of the resume, you should start from the present day and go back to the past.

Or let’s say, you should use reverse-chronological order, meaning that you would first write your most recent job and finish with your first job.

That scheme is used for almost every bit of information in resumes. Let’s take a look, shall we?


Another thing to note here in the table is that there are a couple of points for each job, describing what the job itself was and what were tasks.

That way, you will give more insight to recruiters, letting them know what skills you might have acquired along the way while working on those jobs.

That could help them when they need to decide whether to hire you or not, by matching the skills you have with the skills needed for the job position they are offering.

This process can be time-consuming and even boring from time to time, so why don’t you just use our resume template builder and help yourself out by just filling the information, without having to manually create your own template.


Now that you wrote what kind of experience you previously had, it is time to write something about your education.

As with the experience section, you should write your highest education first, then go to the lowest.

Frankly, a lot of highly-educated people don’t even write elementary schools or even high schools, but only universities because they want to keep the resume as short as possible.

Let’s take a look at some example.


As you can see in the table, the right way is to use the reverse-chronological order to write information about your education.

Apart from that, make sure to include some points about your grades, especially if you had high grades and some information about the activities you had done while you were attending your classes, aka some school or student projects or some accomplishments, such as making onto the Dean’s list for multiple semesters.

All that helps to build a picture that will show the recruiters what kind of person you are and whether you are a good candidate for the position or not.


A lot of people tend to put all kind of stuff in the skills section of their resume, simply because they think every skill they have is relevant for the job in question.

A part of it might be true, but you have to remember that resume should be as short as possible, no longer than one page, so you need to put only the most important information onto it.

Instead of putting all the skills you have, you should only put skills that are relevant for the job you apply for. Let’s take some example



These were the guides on main sections that each resume should have.

Now that we are done with that, how about we go through some of the smaller, but also very important things you need to think about when you decide to write an interesting resume.

  • Font Style & Size – one of the first questions you may ask yourself is what kind of font you should use to write your resume. Is there a generally accepted font, or is it individual preference? The answer is that there is not any general font people choose to write their resumes, but they usually use ones that are easy to read and which looks good in the eyes of the person who reads them. That means that you should only use hand-written styles for the title while avoiding it when it comes to writing the main text because it would look more professional.
  • Making Bulleting List – resumes should be no longer than one page. That means you need to avoid writing too many unnecessary information. Thus, it would be a good idea to make a bulleting list for the most important things you want to add to your resume. Just make sure that each point is no longer than 3 rows. If it is longer, it could overwhelm the text with unneeded information, making your resume more like a novel than a brief description of your life and deeds.
  • File Formats – some, usually inexperienced people tend to keep their resumes in word.txt file format, thinking that format itself is not so important. That kind of thinking is completely wrong. While not being the most important thing, having a good document format is important none the less, because it would make your resume look more professional. That’s why it is a good idea to convert your TXT file into PDF. The PDF format is harder to edit and somehow looks neater. Also, make sure to name your resume as “First Name_Last Name_Job Position.pdf”. That way it’s easier for recruiters to recognize you.
  • Resume Template – you may think that the template you pick or create by yourself is not important, but in that case, you would be so wrong. What makes resume template very important is that it represents one side of your personality, so when recruiters see the very organized template, the first thing they surely note is that you could be a very neat and organized person, which is something every employer values. There are hundreds or even thousands of custom templates all over the internet if you are not feeling like creating one for yourself. In that case, you should try out our resume template builder.
  • E-Mail Check – though this doesn’t have to do much with the resume per se, it is still useful tip. Whenever you apply for a job, make sure to regularly check your emails, so you don’t miss the message from potential employers. Sometimes it is very easy to miss these emails because it could happen that they go to the spam folder, so make sure to check that as well.
  • Revisiting your Resume – you managed to finish writing your resume? Great! Now you need to revisit it in order to check if you covered everything that is important and provided the recruiters with the information about you that could be relevant to the position you want to apply for. You can do that by looking at the resume from a different perspective. Pretend you are a recruiter and analyze your own resume bit by bit. By doing this, you should be able to notice if there is anything wrong with your resume and if there is something you missed. That way, you will be able to correct your mistakes and make your resume look more professional.
  • Different job, different Resume – applying to be a mechanical engineer and an accountant is not the same. Some skills that are important for doing one job is irrelevant when it comes to doing the latter. That’s why you have to adapt your resume to the position you want to apply for. Change the skills you might have, use ones that could be relevant to the job. After all, a resume should be a short overview of your life, skills, and interests.
  • Political Opinions and Activities – sometimes your political status and opinions matter, especially in countries that are known for their high influence of politics in almost every part of people’s life. In that case, if you are a member of the right party, you might receive some benefits and even be employed because of it. But, the problem comes when you meet every requirement recruiters are looking for, except the one where you belong to their political party. In that case, it often happens that someone else, who is less qualified than you, receive the job, simply because they share the same political views as the people on top of the company. For that reason, it might not be a good idea to include any political opinion and activities in your resume.
  • Using the right Grammar – when writing a resume, make sure to use proper grammar. It is one of the crucial things you need to do. Having a lot of typos would make your resume looks less professional and sloppy. That itself could ruin your chances of getting the job.
  • Constantly update your Resume – every time you learn something new and get rather important skills, make sure to look back to your resume and put it in there, so your resume would be up to date and ready in case you stumble onto some great job opportunity.


That would be everything folks! In this article, we learned how to write a perfect resume for Mechanical Engineering.

If you still feel very doubtful on how to do it yourself, remember that you are free to use our resume template builder and create a perfect resume in just a couple of minutes.

Mechanical Engineering Resume: Samples & Complete Guide

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