With the rapid globalization of commerce, demand for logistics managers is increasing as companies seek to effectively and efficiently manage their supply chain processes and other logistical functions.

Logistics managers are professionals who are responsible for the storage, distribution, and movement of materials and supplies, analyzing budgets, processing shipments, route planning, and so on. Being a managerial positions, the logistics manager also plays a supervisory role over the rest of the logistics team.

As a logistic manager, you will be in charge of supervising shipping, coordinating drivers, making sure orders get to customers in timely fashion, managing equipment involved in shipping and storage, such as fleets of trucks and forklifts, managing the supply of raw materials, supervising the distribution center, and managing and supervising all supply chain activities. You will also have to understand and ensure compliance with Department of Transportation (DOT) standards.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for the logistics industry looks good, with jobs for logistics professionals expected to grow by 5% in the period between 2018 and 2028, which is the average growth rate for all occupations.

However, this growth rate accounts for all professionals in the logistics sector, not just logistics managers.

Logisticians. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

According to the BLS, the median pay for logistics professionals is about $74,600 per year, or about $35.86 per hour. Note that this is the median pay for all professionals in the logistics sector.

Therefore, since you are aiming for a logistics manager position, you can expect to earn way higher than this.

Despite the positive job outlook, the competitive pay that comes with logistics manager positions means that you can expect quite some competition for logistics manager jobs. If you want to win a job ahead of the competition, you need to give yourself every advantage you can in every aspect of your job search.

This starts with crafting a competitive resume that grabs the recruiter’s or potential employer’s eye and gets them interested in knowing more about you, which means inviting you to a job interview.

Remember that before the interview, the only thing the recruiter knows about you is what you put in your resume, and therefore, it has the potential to make or break your job search efforts.

So, how do you create such a resume?

In this guide, we are going to look at the do’s and don’ts of crafting a professional logistics manager resume that will get you invites to job interviews, where you can then impress the hiring panel with your extensive knowledge and amazing personality.

If creating your own resume from scratch feels like too much work and you don’t have the time for that, you can always use our resume builder.

With our resume builder, you only need to key in the important details about you and your career, and the builder will generate a professionally designed logistics manager resume for you. It also gives you access to dozens of professionally designed templates, allowing you to choose a resume design that best represents your personality.


Learning is always quicker and easier when you have examples of what you are trying to achieve, so here are two excellent examples of logistic manager resumes.

Highly Experienced Logistics Manager Resume Example


Logistics Manager Resume Example Without Lots Of Experience



There are several types of resume formats. Generally, the best resume format will depend on your line of work, as well as your level of experience.

However, the most popular resume format, and the one that is preferred by most recruiters is the reverse chronological resume format. This resume format works quite well for people who have a significant level of experience.

Being a managerial position, the position of logistics manager is one that you work up your way to, and therefore, anyone applying for a logistics manager position will have at least a few years of experience. Therefore, the reverse chronological resume format will work perfectly for you.

The best thing about this resume format is that it orders your information in a timeline, starting with the most recent information going back to the earliest.

This way, a recruiter can easily tell your current level of experience, your current level of education, as well as other important details without having to read through the whole resume.

The only downside to the reverse chronological resume format is that it is not very good at hiding gaps in your resume, since it arranges your information as a timeline of events. If you have gaps in your resume, you should use the functional resume format.


This is the section that tells the recruiter who you are, as well as how to get in touch with you in case your resume impresses them (which it will if you follow the steps in this guide).

The personal information section of your resume typically includes your name, phone number, mailing address, and email address.

You may also include your LinkedIn profile, your website, online portfolio, and similar pieces of information that are relevant to your job search. Below are some tips to keep in mind when writing the personal information section of your resume:

  • Emphasize your name by writing it in a large font. To make it stand out even better, write it in upper case and make it bold. If you have a middle name, it is advisable to initialize it or leave it out completely.
  • If you decide to include your physical address in your resume, simply mentioning your current city is enough. Including your address is advisable if you are in the same city as the job you are applying for. If you are in a different city, remember to let the potential employer know that you are open to moving in case you get the job.
  • Always double-check that you have provided the correct phone number because this is likely to be the medium the recruiter uses to contact you.
  • Note that there is a correct etiquette regarding email addresses. Always provide a personal one, rather than your work email. In addition, don’t use an email that is not easy to read and remember. For instance, avoid email addresses that look like jd2234@gmail.com. In addition, email addresses should feature your name rather than a gimmicky name like friendofdogs@gmail.com.
  • While it is not absolutely necessary to include a link to your LinkedIn page in the resume, it’s becoming more common, since a good LinkedIn profile can help the recruiter learn more about you as a professional and give you a competitive advantage.

Below is an example of a well written personal information section:


Logistics Manager
Telephone: 816-236-4563
Email: cwendells@gmail.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/cwendells



Recruiters don’t have a lot of time to spare on each and every resume, since they typically look at tens or hundreds of resumes whenever there is an open position.

The resume summary or objective gives the recruiter a quick overview of who you are, what value you are bringing to the organization, and why you think you are a good fit for the job. So, which of the two should you use?

The choice between a resume summary and a resume objective depends on your level of experience. A resume summary is best suited for those with a significant level of experience, while a resume objective works best for those who are yet to acquire significant experience.

Like I mentioned earlier, you are unlikely to get hired to a logistics manager position straight from college. This is a position that you have to work your way up to, and therefore, anyone applying for this position will have some experience.

Therefore, for your logistics manager resume, you should use the resume summary instead of the resume objective.

The resume summary concisely summarizes your qualifications for the job and your job experience. You can think of it like a condensed cover letter. Below is an example of a well written resume summary:


SOLE certified logistics professional with 15 years of experience as a logistics manager, both in the Army and in the private sector. Responsible for equipment valued at over $100 million at Encee Corp. Decreased order delivery time by 30% within four months at Copycat Ltd. Extensive industry knowledge and excellent problem solving skills.



I have already mentioned that experience is a very important factor for anyone applying for a logistics manager position.

Employers want someone with some hands-on knowledge about the industry, which is why it is very crucial that you show your experience in the right way.

When writing about your previous experience, include the following details:

  • Name of the company
  • Title of job you held
  • Dates of employment
  • Quick summary of your job responsibilities
  • Highlight of your key accomplishments at the job

The most important thing to keep in mind when writing your experience section is to highlight your key accomplishments.

While your competition will only be writing their job responsibilities, highlighting your accomplishments puts you a step ahead and shows that you not only held these positions, but that you excelled at them. This is what every employer wants – an employee who is going to excel at their job.

Below is an example of what a well-written experience section should look like:


Logistics Manager, Copycat Ltd
Jan 2009 – June 2015

  • In charge of managing a team of 10+ shipping/receiving personnel.
  • Decreased order delivery time by 30% within the first four months.
  • Negotiated favorable contracts with forwarders, leading to over $100,000 in annual savings for supplies shipped in from abroad.
  • Reviewed daily and monthly order reports and managed inventory levels to align with monthly order numbers.
  • Earned the company award for “Best Manager” for three years.



While most employers are more interested in your skills and work experience (being able to actually do the job), education credential are still a big deal.

At the very minimum, you will need a bachelor’s degree in a relevant course – such as operations management or logistics – to get a job as a logistics manager. However, being a managerial position, a master’s degree will give you greater advantage.

The education section of your logistics manager resume should answer the following questions: What schools did you attend? Which degrees did you attain? What was your GPA (for recent graduates)? Did you get any special honors or awards at school?

When writing the education section of your logistics manager, leave out your high school education. For a managerial position, high school education is irrelevant, no matter how impressive your SAT scores were.

A good education section should resemble the one below:


2004 – 2006:
The University of New Mexico
Master of Logistics and Supply Chain Management

2000 – 2004:
The University of New Mexico
Bachelor of Commerce in Logistics and Supply Chain Management



While your education credentials are great, the most important thing recruiters and potential employers want to know is this: can you do the job?

It is more cost-effective for the employer if a new hire comes already equipped with the skills to perform their tasks with minimal supervision.

This is especially important when you are applying for a managerial position. No employer will risk trusting their logistics and supply chain operations to someone without demonstrated skills.

There’s just too much at stake. This is why you must highlight your strongest skills in your logistics manager resume.

Some of the skills you might want to include in your logistics manager resume include:

Technical Skills

  • Materials purchasing
  • Budget administration
  • Inventory analysis
  • Account management
  • Supply chain operation
  • Computer literate skills: MS Office, MS Dynamics Nav system, IMIS, CMHS
  • Data analysis
  • Extensive industry knowledge

Soft Skills

  • Team leadership
  • Problem solving
  • Strategic thinking
  • Logical reasoning
  • Negotiation skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Time management
  • Forward thinking
  • Adaptability
  • Ability to see the big picture
  • Decision making
  • Attention to detail


Having professional certifications in your resume is a great way to give yourself an added advantage. It acts as proof that you have the skills necessary to work within the logistics sector, since industry certifications are issued by trusted bodies within the industry.

Some of the certifications that might be relevant to the position of logistics manager include:

  • APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional Certification (CSCP)
  • Certification in Transportation and Logistics (CTL)
  • Certified Master Logistician (CML)
  • Certified Professional Logistician (CPL)
  • Demonstrated Master Logistician (DML)
  • Demonstrated Senior Logistician (DSL)
  • Demonstrated Logistician (DL)
  • ISM Certified Professional in Supply Management (CPSM)
  • SCPro Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)


Owing to the high competition for logistics manager jobs, you should try to give yourself every advantage you can, and one way to remain ahead of other equally educated and experienced candidates is to go the extra mile and add some extra sections to spice up your resume and show the employer what extra value you are bringing to the table.

For a logistics manager resume, attractive extra sections include:

  • Publications: If you have been published in reputable journals and publications, include that in your resume. Ensure, however, that the articles are relevant to your career in logistics management.
  • Awards: If you have won any awards related to logistics management, include them in the resume. Winning an award is always a sign of brilliance and initiative.
  • Professional memberships: If you are a member of any professional bodies related to the logistics industry, include them in your resume. Being a member of a professional body is a sign of focus and commitment to your career.
  • Conferences and conventions: If you have attended important conferences related to logistics management, you can include them in the resume to emphasize your commitment and willingness to go the extra mile and learn.
  • Volunteer experience: If you don’t have much job experience, you can use your volunteer experience to bolster up your resume. However, the volunteer experience will only be relevant if it is related to your career in logistics management.


The position of logistics manager is very critical in an organization, and therefore, it needs someone who knows what they are doing and can deliver. You can bet, therefore, that recruiters and employers are going to thoroughly comb through promising resumes to identify the most deserving candidates.

The guidelines provided above will help you to craft a resume that puts you miles ahead of the competition and gets you noticed. Remember, however, a resume is a tool that only you gets in the door.

It earns you a phone call or a job interview. From there, if you want to get the job, you will need to impress during the job interview.

That said, writing a resume can be a chore, and not everyone has the time to do it step by step.

If that sounds like you, that’s what our resume builder is here for – to automate the process of crafting your logistics manager resume. Give it a try to quickly generate a professional looking logistics manager resume.

Logistics Manager Resume: Sample And Complete Guide

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