Vblog, also known as a video blog is a type of web content which is recorded, edited and published as a video content for the web. The basic platform for publishing a blog is YouTube although more and more web technology is becoming available for the masses like CDNA servers to enable self hosted site to host their own videos on their own hosting server.
Vblog is the short form of Video web log, which now days sometime bears more importance than text based web contents like blogs. The basis reason for such popularity are:
More value
More entertaining
More Exposure
Easy usability
With all these benefits to enjoy, more and more internet users and e-marketers are opting for vblogs than text contents.
Although there have been millions of vblogs posted on YouTube already and thousands are getting posted daily, there are basically three types of Vblogs that exists on the internet.
VDiaries: Vdiaries are the oldest and most basic form of vblogs found on YouTube. These videos are mostly recorded by the author where he/she talks about their daily lives. But the content that is represented in these videos can vary as every individual has separate things to talk about.
VReviews: These types of blogs are mostly about recording videos of individuals talking aboutproducts or services which he/she experienced recently. These reviews are a form of advertisement where vblog is used to promote a specific product or service by adding a touch of personal influence into it. These type of vblogs experienced it’s boom during 2006 to 2010 as Youtube provided the technology and different affiliate offer promoters provided the means.
Vtuts: Vtuts or Video tutorials are the types of vblogs that are about videos where the instructor or an expert of an industry teaches its viewers or subscribers (person who opts-in to get updates about the channel) about their subject of interest.
To make a Vblog, all you need is a good quality webcam, a personal computer or a laptop with good quality RAM and Graphics Card. It is essential to have high performance hardware when it comes to publishing vblogs as the recording, rendering and editing process need better performing hardware than a general pc or laptop.
Before creating a vblog, it is essential to research about the vblogs keyword (words or phrases users type on a search engine to find more information about their desired subject) to learn more about the current demand for such content in the industry.