Product labels are distinct designs or logos which differentiates or tells a product apart from similarly existing products. It distinguishes a product from other competing goods. These differences may be down to a choice of color, font, watermark, logo etc. Labels are very important features of a product as this feature helps consumers to easily identify the product and also it is used as part of a marketing strategy.
Labels give information about type or model, size, brand, trademark, serial number and other product-related information. It does not carry intrinsic details; rather, it just carries the necessary and customer-enticing information on it.
Most often than not, it is the easiest and efficient way of passing across specific information about the product to the consumer. However, there are other modern means of communicating such information on the product such as leaflets, manuals, mobile applications and website videos.
A label can also be used for warning purposes. For example, acidic substances and flammable gas are required to be labeled dangerous so users and the general public will pay special attention using products containing these components. Labels such as these are usually permanent on the product – take for example a fire extinguisher or a flammable gas container.
Temporary labels are usually made on edible products and household items such as refrigerators, drinks etc. The design and durability of a label will be determined by the purpose of the product. A warning label may not require much design or aesthetics while an identification serving label will require much research and design expertise.
Labels must be made in conformity with existing local laws to ensure legal protection from infringement. These laws vary from country to country. Generally, labels are made according to what is prescribed by the law in the country of the origin of the product, precluded them from carrying misleading information.