Not all managers are created equal. Their positions are varied, and you must have an idea of what each one provides.


Management positions are the positions in an organization occupied by the members of the management of that organization (You’re probably calling me captain obvious right now, but you would be surprised how many people get even the basic definition wrong)

The different flavors of leadership

Each organization has its own way of organizing manager positions, but there are common terms. Although they are ordered from higher to lower many of these terms can be mixed with one another:

  • Board of directors. A board is a group of people who are legally charged to govern an organization, usually a business. This term is frequently used to refer to the positions in top levels of management, but there are exceptions.
  • Managers. They’re the ones responsible for controlling or administering an organization or group of staff. Large organizations usually have different levels of managers and specializations based on what they need.
  • Supervisors. Usually, they’re the ones who oversee the productivity and development of entry-level workers. The term is also used to refer to one’s immediate superior.
  • Work Directors. Work directors are the most involved on the day to day activities. They usually work directly with their subordinates, carefully monitoring their work.

Management position versus leadership position

A manager position and a leadership position are not the same thing, and I say this because people tend to assume that one implies the other. A manager may hold an official position of power in company, but no be a leader, and an employee can command the respect and obedience of its peers without being in a manager position.

Management position versus Non-Management Position

You would think that the differences between management and non-management would be obvious, but remember what I said about obvios. Both types change with each organization, but there are common elements that separate them.

  • Non-Exempt. Managerial jobs usually, but not always, have the characteristic of being exempt, which means no extra pay for extra hours.
  • Supervisor. Those in management are responsible for supervising other employees.
  • Responsibilities. Managerial personnel is responsible for the work of an entire team or division.
  • Workload. The workload of a manager involves a great deal of decision making and reviewing the work of others.