
Also known as cultural diversity, the cultural differences are the collection of human societies or cultures in a specific region/area, as a result of globalization and mutual influences. It contradicts the term “monoculture” meaning “having only a single unified culture”.

As numerous cultures have emerged from around the globe, it is not surprising to know that there has been an advancement in various languages, dress codes, and traditions. There are also major distinguishers in the way the various societies/cultures are organized with the principles of morality, as well as in their interactions with their respective environments.

Cultural differences lead to building up a person’s relationship with the environment. The various social groups consist of elements of different behavior, personality, assertiveness, cooperation, personal values or interpersonal style.

Businesses are the most crucial platforms here that are highly affected by cultural differences as communication is the key to working well and if there is a gap in the cultural understanding of the employees, it may harm the company on a major scale.

Problems in workplace that are caused by cultural differences

Despite the many issues that cultural diversity arises, the issues in the workplace are one of the most prominent ones. These issues arise due to disability, or differences in education or work styles.

One factor is the generation issue. A typical and diverse workplace includes employees who can be traditionalists, baby boomers, millennials, etc. Each generation has its own set of characteristics. These characteristics range from those who link their personal identity to their profession to being flexible and diverse.

Then there is education and personal background. The cultural difference allows a distinct difference from workers from a small town and workers from a larger one. Their skill sets start to vary as some work at a faster pace while some may not even approach their job duties with the same haste as their peers.

The term ethnicity has laid the foundational structure for cultural difference in workplaces as communication, language barriers or the business manner is conducted is quite different. Hence affinity groups have been launched with the aim to bridge these cultural differences to ensure a more productive and efficient work environment among the workers of different cultural groups.