Content management system also known as CMS is a web based application which helps the user interact and manage a website from a centralized application. Normally a content management system is built with server based languages like PHP which provides a user complete control over the website. By using the backend (administration side of the website), a user can easily add, edit, modify or update the website. Content management systems are used from the beginning of 1990s and it is developing since.
A content management system is made up of two different parts.
CMA (Content management Application) is the interface which helps the users to add, edit or modify the website content in a more user-friendly way. This is one of the primary reason for increased popularity of CMS platforms. With CMA, a user with no coding skill what so ever can easily build, modify and edit a website with a click of a button.
CDA (Content delivery Application): Content delivery application or CDA helps the website with its required data and information.
Because of the increased popularity there are lot’s CMS platforms available in the market to choose from. These CMS provides beautiful front-end graphics and also backend easy to use interface that helps any one to build and run a website straight from the home. Two of the most popular Content management Systems are:
WordPress: WordPress is nowadays the most popular and highly used content management system in the world. Build by automatic, currently more than 22% websites are running on WordPress. WordPress was introduced as a blogging platform but as the users found it very easy to use, they adopted the technology to build all sorts of websites with it. The WordPress Community is so big that now WordPress lovers and WordPress developers have meatups and local communities of their own to support and share their experience with WordPress. The recent release of WordPress is version 3.9 and it is still runs with php and MySQL.
Joomla: Developed by The Joomla Project Team, Joomla is also a free open source Content management System which is highly used to build websites and to publish content online. Joomla runs on PHP which mostly uses Object-Oriented Programming and uses PostgreSQL to store information on the database. The unique thing about Joomla is that it is easy to customize and the platform provides longest period of constancy as a web application.