Computer-based training (CBT) refers to the computer-mediated training which was initially imparted via CD-ROMs or DVDs. However, nowadays, these e-trainings or web-based trainings are delivered with the help of the internet via web browsers. With the advancement of technology, these trainings have become an intrinsic part of our lives and in the current age, CBT refers to every kind of electronically supported methods of learning. In a broader aspect, computer-based training refers to all kinds of self-paced training activities which are conducted with the help of computers.

These trainings are extremely flexible and can be taken at workplace, home or even while traveling. CBT provides an advanced kind of training that even the classroom trainings cannot. Due to this reason, it has turned out to be extremely popular and widely availed.

How to conduct a good computer-based training?

Well, as we all know, the efficiency and the effectiveness from computer-based trainings can be immense. However, many of these trainings have miserably failed due to the low/medium quality of the infrastructure. Due to this reason, an essential aspect of good computer based trainings is proper resources and the right knowledge. This can be done by conducting a needs and task analysis program which in turn will determine the skills, competences and knowledge required for achieving a good performance at work.

Apart from this, better attention should be paid to the instructional designing programs which often incorporate different training approaches concerning the CBT. A proper and effective computer based training also requires a couple of graphic designers who will develop screen designs that are intuitive, screen interactions that are user friendly and multimedia content that is motivating, inspiring and highly effective.

A good and effective, computer-based training will contain a large number of lesson plans, questions, and also pre-post tests that are required for providing proper feedback to the training enthusiasts. This in turn will play a vital role in measuring the progress of learning and the effectiveness of the training programs.

In order to conduct a good CBT, an individual will need to have a deep insight on different aspects, ample resources, and proper lesson plan in the process of development and management.

Advantages of computer-based training

Computer-based trainings come with a large number of advantages. Some of these benefits are listed below.

  • The most effective benefit of these computer-based trainings is the fact that it can be used for training a large number of individuals in a proper and standardized manner. With CBT, a large group of individuals can be trained in a proper and flexible manner according to their suitable time slots.
  • Unlike conventional classroom based trainings, CBT is self-paced. This means, the learning enthusiasts can check and regulate their speed of training and can even repeat a lesson if the need arises.
  • CBT gives learners the opportunities to measure their progress in learning and acquired skills with the help of reliable, authentic, valid and standardized tests.
  • Computer based trainings also give feedback to the trained students, thereby motivating and inspiring them in the long run.

Thus, if you want to avail a standardized method of learning in a proper and flexible manner; computer based training can be a great option.