The term best practice denotes a method or a unique workflow that has been constantly producing better and more accurate result from a specific workflow in a constant manner. All though the phrase Best practice was introduced as a figure of speech, but it has been recognized as a legit term to use on business industry these days. The term has been used as a certified managerial term on ISO 90000 and ISO 14001.

Following best practices helps an individual to get the best possible result by avoiding maximum trial and error steps. As best practices have certified results to prove that it works, it has the highest possibility to get the best result than any other alternative workflows. Best practices are so common that many consultations and strategic management companies make workflow templates by following best practices to increase the company’s level of efficiency.

Other major benefits of following best practices is that it helps the company to know exactly what is being followed and find out the result quickly, if something goes wrong. But it is also important to mention that best practices vary from situation to situation and industry to industry (from Business studies concept). So, it is important to assure understanding the attributes or pre-requisites of a best practice before applying it to achieve a certain result.


While best practices are followed and in many cases generated extra-ordinary results, many critics have questioned the feasibility or the effectiveness of the process. According to many, best practice is a bookish term which is used to build a moral and industry stand point for the new learners. As each and every day the environment of a certain industry is changing and more and more different influences are affecting the workflow, there is a very little chance of best practices to work perfectly. From such reasoning, a new idea has been introduced which is called the smart practice or best practice. While best practice had a long term steady design and course of action, smart or good practices merely have them. The new concept suggests that each and every industry would follow a workflow called contextual practice. Contextual practice is designed by accumulating everything that worked for a business or an organization for the last couple of years and possess a very good assurance that it will work for current companies too, but there has to be a clear presence of similarities among the companies and the environments as well.