Bandwidth is a term related to digital communications. It refers to the bit-rate of the available or exhausted information capacity in digital networking. In simpler words, bandwidth is synonymous to the exact rate of data transfer. It refers to the exact amount of data that can be carried between two data points at a specified time period. Generally, network bandwidth is expressed metrically in the form of bits per seconds (BPS). However, the modern networks now measure their speeds in millions of bits every second, which is also referred as megabits per second (MBPS). Similarly, billions of bits every second, referred as gigabits per second (Gbps) is also a part of digital networking.

While understanding bandwidth, we should note that it is not the only vital factor that affects the performance of a digital network. However, other relevant factors like data loss, latency issues, lags and speed breaks may also affect the network and make it seem like a low-bandwidth issue. The bandwidth required for all digital networks may not be the same. While an IM conversation may take less than 1000 bps, a VoIP conversation is likely to exhaust 56 kbps for coming up glitch free and ostensible sounds. Again, while a standard video will exhaust 1-2 Mbps, an HD video will exhaust around 4-5 Mbps.

What is an effective bandwidth?

The term ‘effective bandwidth’ refers to the maximum and best reliable transmission rate that a network path can come up with, which is measured by a bandwidth test. This rate can be authentically determined by constantly checking the time needed for a specific file/document to leave its source point and finally download the destination source. However, in some networking platforms like the home broadband, the effective bandwidth is limited to a certain extent.

Original meaning of bandwidth

While studying about bandwidth, we should note that it is also a range of several frequencies. More specifically, it can be termed as the differences between the highest and the lowest frequency of the signal component. Just like a conventional signal frequency, the unit for measuring bandwidth is also the hertz. This is the original and the most authentic meaning of bandwidth. However, in modern times, bandwidth is strongly associated with digital networking.

What is the importance of bandwidth?

Bandwidth is highly significant for determining how fast a web page loads on a browser. In fact, it is also one of the essential things to consider while you’re choosing a platform for web hosting. The bandwidth can be significantly affected by the website and the internet connection used for accessing it. Generally, a website loaded with heavy graphics will need higher bandwidth of 10 gigs or more. Similarly, a simpler website will require comparatively lesser bandwidth. Just as fast internet connection allows you to download web pages and videos flawlessly, higher bandwidth will effectively improvise the user experience and let your users avail the very best from your website.