Lead Magnets on the Site: How to Start Attracting Customers
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It is a known fact that not all website visitors are going to buy something or at least come once again. There always will be people who will visit once and never remember about your site ever again.
There is no way you can make every visitor convert, but you can minimize the number of such visitors. It is in your power to prevent a certain number of visitors from leaving and never coming back. How so?
There are a lot of techniques to make people convert, but in this article, we are going to discuss a very specific one. It is called a lead magnet. Do you want to know how to boost your conversion rate? Do you want visitors to remember your website? Do you want to use a lead magnet most effectively? Then you have found the right place!
This article will provide you with information about what a lead magnet is, why you should use it in your marketing strategy, types of lead magnets, and how you can create one! It is a full guide to lead magnets that will lead you through this phenomenon with simple explanations and clear instructions. With no further ado, let’s make a lead magnet expert out of you!
It is a way to buy conversions with information. Site visitors get a valuable piece of exclusive information, but they have to give their email address or any other contact information instead. Afterward, you can use their email for email marketing. Not that easy to forget a site that gave you interesting information or taught something and sends you an email every time, right?
In a world where there are so many websites and to be honest, they offer the same solutions with a different package; it is a big challenge to grab the attention of users. Users are spoiled children at the moment who look for the best designs and fast-loading pages. They want a little something on top. Some sites do not have it but you can have one. The lead magnet will become a cherry on top that will keep your visitors on the site.
Enough, conversions are not the only reason to use a lead magnet. This marketing tool has a lot to offer and you can use it for other purposes or everything at once. Let’s inspect every reason.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is a powerful marketing tool. You can connect with potential customers in a personalized way. Emails are engaging: there is an instinct to open the email and somehow respond to it. It costs you nothing. However, you need to get emails before you can send something. A lead magnet helps you to get these addresses and then you can automatically send offers, sales, or brand information.
Build Large Mailing Lists in No Time
Building a mailing list can be painfully difficult. Users do not like to give their personal information: some do not want advertisements in their inboxes, someone wants privacy.
However, if you offer real benefits of them sharing the contact information, they are more likely to agree. Indeed, we love free stuff and when we see it; we forget why we did not want to give contact information before. It is especially valuable in times where information is sold online and not offered for free.
Establish Connection with Clients
As we have said before, it is difficult to forget someone who sends you an email all the time. It is also quite difficult to forget someone who gave you a good piece of advice or valuable service.
Now that we know what a lead magnet is and how extremely beneficial it can be for your business, you may want to know how to create this magic wand. We have your back: we will provide 5 steps you need to go through to create a lead magnet. Let’s learn together!
#1 Define Pain Points
Users will not give their emails for the information that they do not need, already know, or simply are not interested in. It is as clear as a day. Therefore, research hard to find out what information is attractive enough to your customers.
Valuable content is the information that solves problems. Finding pain points means searching for problems that cause your customers inconveniences and make them look for solutions. Your lead magnet has to be this solution.
To find relevant content, try doing this:
Find Blog Posts That Have the Most Reaches
If the article is well read, it means that people related to the title and invested their time in reading because the topic was interesting and very much needed. By finding popular articles, you find the pain points that apply to most of your customers.
See What Competitors offer
Now and then you can look at what competitors are doing. It can tell you in which direction to move and learn from their mistakes and success. So visit and see what information they provide their visitors with. You may get the idea of what the offer looks like when it pops up, and what topics their lead magnet discusses.
Yet, remember that you came here to learn not to copy exactly. You must get the idea, an overall concept of what it should look like if you have never created a lead magnet before. It is also a great source of inspiration. Afterward, produce your content. Otherwise, a competitor will come at you and your audience of yours can leave from a website that can cope.
Conduct a Survey
Nobody knows what a site visitor needs better than a site visitor themselves. Asking people directly is the best strategy you can use: you will know exactly what is needed. However, you will need to put more effort into it because you need to create a survey itself.
We do not recommend asking for suggestions – visitors are too lazy to think and type in words or sentences. It is also quite hard to choose from all the topics that they have in their minds. Sometimes you can not even come up with the topic. Give them a list of topics instead. It is so much easier to just click on a button.
#2 Choose Your Content Type
Yes, lead magnets come in different forms and shapes. It depends on how much effort and time you want to put in a lead magnet. Try to choose from:
Guides are one of the most popular lead magnets. Firstly, it enhances the topic fully. Guides usually define the problem, tell about its reasons, and provide solutions. Secondly, a guide means step-by-step clear instructions and gives a defined idea of what a visitor has to do to succeed.
A webinar is a guide, but you can ask additional questions, and you do not have to read. It is more personal because you clearly see a creator, a speaker.
There are two types of webinars: pre-recorded and live. In the first case, visitors can see it anytime and they do not have to build their day around it but they also either cannot ask questions at all or they have to wait for an answer for quite some time. In the case of a live webinar, they have to plan their time but they also can have an instant answer or ask for additional explanation.
Some people need statistics and case studies for their business development. The report is scientific and you have to research the topic well, make surveys and analyze what you have got.
Checklists are loved by the audience. They are usually no longer than a page or two and they only have instructions of what you have to do.
It is close to a report being packed in an easier form.
Everybody struggles with ideas and they need inspiration or a ready-made product they can use.
It is obvious that every type of content involves different efforts and skills. It is totally up to you what content type you want to “sell”.
#3 Create Good Content
Nobody will exchange their information for bad content, but what is good content, anyway?
Some people believe that lead magnets are dead. It is the fault of creators: they make bad content and users do not believe that they will research and gain useful information in the “exclusive guide”. Do not be one of the bad creators. Providing good content is not that hard.
First of all, provide valuable information. Some sites offer exclusive guides rewritten from their blog posts that are generalized and, in fact, accessible to everyone. In order to produce something valuable, do not copy from your or any other blog. You actually have to put in effort and creativity. Share your knowledge and what you have learned from your experience.
Secondly, edit. If you write a checklist with 10 mistakes on one page, people will not believe that you are an expert. It will show how unprofessional you are and how little you care about people who provided you with their emails. It is also not good if you try to make the content as long as possible for the sake of page numbers. To be honest, a one-page PDF is more than enough for some topics. People do not expect you to give them a whole book about upselling.
Thirdly, design it nicely, request design help if needed. You may have the best content out there, but nobody will bother to read if it is designed poorly or is barely readable. Choose the right fonts, highlight important parts, make it pretty and make sure your content is well written.
#4 Create a Good Offering
In the offering, explain why it is worth it to exchange their emails on your lead magnet. Your content will not matter if you have a poor offering: nobody will bother to check it out. Keep in mind that you have minimum space as well. Therefore, a good offering is as important as a lead magnet itself.
You have three rules to consider:
Be Clear With What You Offer
What problem does your lead magnet solve? Is it a guide, checklist, or a webinar?
Explain Why a User Has To Get It
What will change in their life after they use it?
Make It Exclusive
Why is it too good to be a blog post? Why does it have to go to an email and not be public?
With a good offer, you will fish out everything you need.
#5 Launch Your Lead Magnet
After you have everything researched and prepared, let the world see your lead magnet. Make sure that everyone can find how to get your content. Put it on the top and in the footer. Pop-up is pretty popular as well, just do not be too nasty and offer it every 10 seconds – it is annoying. Make the close button visible as well.
A lead magnet is an important marketing tool where you can give a piece of content and get the contact information of site visitors. It boosts conversions, helps you with email marketing and mailing lists, and makes people remember you. There are only 5 steps towards a good lead magnet:
- find pain points to get a topic,
- choose content type,
- make it good,
- create an attractive offering,
- launch the magnet.
Lead magnets require some effort and time on your behalf, but the results are astonishing! Now that you know how to create a lead magnet, close the article and let the creative juices flow.

Author’s Bio:
Eliza is a talented writer and editor. Mostly she prefers writing about digital marketing, SEO, and SMM. Every day she strives to learn something new and share her knowledge with others. She is responsible and attentive in all he is doing and always focused on the result.
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