Senior Product Marketing Manager
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- Senior Product Marketing Manager
This role of the Senior Product Marketing Manager is for an individual with a knack for identifying business opportunities and executing marketing tactics and strategiesacross channels. The Senior Product Marketing Manager also has an analytical mind for result measuring. Channels that the Senior Product Manager uses are inclusive, but are not limited to; internal and external partnerships, websites, email, paid search, business events and functions, SEO, among others in order to achieve marketing goals.
A good Senior Product Marketing Manager is a team builder as well as a team player with a collaborative leadership style that earns the trust of junior marketing personnel; gaining credibility and elevatingthe junior personnel’s morale.
The Senior Product Marketing Manager is also able to gain the respect and support of Senior Marketing Management as well as external partners by demonstrating marketing expertise and great personal attributes such as a strong business acumen, impeccable judgment, confidence, attention to detail, teamwork, objectivity, and accountability.
Objectives and Responsibilities of the Senior Product Marketing Manager
Strategy: The most prominent responsibility of the Senior Product Marketing Manager is the creation of consumer-based marketing strategies that identify target consumersand align the product marketing campaigns and content in order to support the consumer’s journey.
In this capacity, the Senior Product Marketing Manager conducts competitive analysis, monitors, and assesses the product’s market in order to realize measures and strategies that the business can adopt to expand the product’s consumer base.
At this capacity, the Senior Product Marketing Manager also plays a pivotal role in incorporating the realized product strategies into the product’s positioning, product messaging, product roadmaps, portfolio plans, and other related product activities.
Consumer Relations: The Senior Product Marketing Manager is also tasked with interacting with the consumers. As a Senior Marketing Manager, it is absolutely necessary to understand the target consumers and what better way to achieve this than interacting with the very people that he targets.
At this capacity, the Senior Product Marketing Manager keeps in touch with the market and product trends and engages directly with consumers, monitors and reportsthe consumers’ satisfaction and experience with the product, as well noting points of improvement that will enhance the consumers’ satisfaction and experience in future.
Collaboration: It is only natural that the Senior Product Marketing Manager will be responsible for playing a collaborative role with various product departments and personnel. The most prominent departments that the Senior Product Marketing Manager works collaboratively with are the sales, marketing, design, engineering, marketing, business intelligence, as well as external partners.
The Senior Product Marketing Manager at this capacity, also works with the business development and product management teams in order to identify, analyze, and reach out to potential opportunities and partnerships with third-party vendors.
Product-Life Cycle: Due to his intimate understanding of the product’s market and target consumers, the Senior Product Marketing Manager is responsible for active participation in the product’s specifications for user experience purposes, establishment of product milestones, and product priorities. At this capacity the Senior Product Marketing Manger also takes a leading role in the development, implementation, and launch the product or any additional features.
Content Creation/Analytics: This is also a prominent and independent function of the Senior Product Marketing manager. The Senior Product Marketing Manager defines and comes up with market segmentation models and formulates optimized product messaging for product solutions tailored for the varying audiences of the product.
At this capacity, the Senior Product Marketing Manager will also lead in the development of creative consumer-oriented marketing collateral inclusive of blogs, infographics, and videos. The Senior Product Marketing Manager will also set and monitor key marketing metrics that enableproduct’s success and solutions.
Technology: As a lead marketing manager, it is imperative that the Senior Product Marketing Manager keeps in touch and identifies technological growth areas, new technologies, and emerging solution. The reason for this is that technology today plays a major part in consumers’ lives.
Technological resources as product marketing tools are, therefore, more effective than traditional marketing approaches today. At this capacity, the Senior Product Marketing Director will drive social media and blog strategies that will promote the product to the online community. He may even go a step ahead in reaching out to social media influencersand trend-setters for the purposes of acting as unofficial brand ambassadors.
Required Qualifications of the Senior Product Marketing Manager
Education: The candidate for this position must have a Master’s degree in Marketing, Business Administration, Engineering, Information Technology, Psychology, or any other related field. Experience of the equivalent of these educational requirements is also acceptable.
Experience: The candidate must also demonstrate the ability to adapt, lead, and coach others in a fast-paced environment. The candidate must have had at least 5 years of experience working in the marketing department in a slightly complex business setting. In addition, the candidate must have had proven experience and history in a supporting role for a sales department.
A suitable candidate for the position of Senior Product Marketing Manager must demonstrate knowledge and extensive experience working with various marketing metrics and processes in a highly competitive environment.
Communication Skills: The position of the Senior Product Marketing Manager is a highly interactive and collaborative one. For this reason a candidate must possess superior communication skills that facilitate clear communication with Senior Product Marketing Management during reports and presentations, collaborating with department personnel, and most importantly during interactions with the consumers.
Clear and concise communication will ensure effective performance of duties in a cross-functional setting and, as such, great communication skills both in verbal and written form are a necessity for a Senior Product Marketing Manager.
Interpersonal Skills: A Senior Product Marketing Manager must also possess excellent interpersonal skills that will ensure that the performance of his functions as well as those handled by collaborative personnel and junior marketing personnel are handled without the occasioning of unnecessary delays, conflict, or complications.
People Skills: In addition to this, a Senior Product Marketing Manager will possess equally excellent people skills that enable him to work well with other people as well as interact easily with the consumers and external partners. People skills are what make a person likeable and easy to relate with; and people will respond to such a person much more easily than a person with poor people skills.
People skills will ensure that the Senior Product Marketing Manager is able to move people into working smoothly and effectively with him in a collaborative manner and will also enable him to create and maintain lasting bonds with consumers and external partners.
Analytical Skills: A suitable candidate will also portray superior analytical skills necessary for the performance of the position’s functions. The Senior Product Marketing Manager will have to possessan ability to oversee market research, define real-world market segmentation models, develop high-value marketing tools, drive sales and partnership enablement, monitor competitive activity, identify customer and market needs, set and monitor key marketing metrics, identify new growth areas in technology, and come up with emerging marketing solutions and opportunities.
Software: The role of Senior Product Marketing Manager role will involve a great deal of presentations to Senior Marketing Management. A candidate must, therefore, be able to develop creative marketing collateral such as case studies, infographics, videos,blogs, training materials, demos, website content, white papers, and product solutions.
These presentations have to be both visually and verbally engaging and for this reason, a candidate for this position has to demonstrate expertise in the use of computer softwares such as Visio, Fireworks, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Dreamweaver.
Ms Office: The Senior Product Marketing Manager must be proficient in Ms Word and the Ms Excel analytical tools. He must also demonstrate expertise in the use of PowerPoint in order to create engaging content for presentations made to the Senior Marketing Managers, collaborating department personnel, as well as external partners.