Java Developer Resume: Examples, Template, and Resume Tips
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IT sector is rapidly expanding and with it the demand for new jobs in the sector expanding very fast as well.
One of the best tech jobs from this branch is the job of a software developer, which is proven by statistics, which say that the average salary of a software developer in 2018 was $105,590, which is insane.
In order to fight off the competition on the labor market, you need to have a good resume, which is not so easy to write if you don’t know how to do it.
Today, we will present you with some examples of the perfect Java Developer resume and teach you how to write your own resume, as well as give several tips that could help you to further improve your Java Developer resume.
So, stay tuned and let’s begin!
Java Developer Resume Example

Senior Java Developer Resume Example

These were two examples of an excellently-made Java Developer resume. They should give you a pretty good idea of how the finished resume should look like.
Now that we are done with that, let’s discuss each individual part of the Java Developer resume and see what information is important enough to be in each of these sections.
Of course, the very first information you need to put in your resume is some of your personal info, such as name, address, and profession, as well as several important contact information, which could help companies contact you.
First Thing to Include: Your Name
The very first thing you need to write in, not just resume, but in every other business letter, is, of course, your own name.
Now, one of the most important things to think about when writing a resume is that you should always tend to keep your resume to look as professional as possible.
That way, you will show that you are serious enough to do a responsible job, which is the kind of person all companies would want to hire.
Therefore, when it comes to writing your name in a Java Developer resume, the best thing you could do is simply add your full name.
Listing your nicknames is definitely not a good idea, since it may be seen as an unprofessional thing to do, which is what you want to avoid. Let’s take a look at the example.
Christopher Miller
Chris Miller
For some jobs, however, adding a nickname next to your name wouldn’t be seen as that much unprofessional, like for example, for Game Developer or Game Tester jobs, where people are known by their gaming nicknames.
However, even in that case, it is the best to state your real name first, and simply add a nickname, since it would look more professional.
Stating Professional Title
After you write down your name in your Java Developer resume, it is a good idea to tell recruiters whether you have some experience or not.
Keep in mind that this is not a regular experience section, where you will write the employment history, but simply something to show your level of experience.
The first way to do that is to write your professional title, right under your full name, just as shown in our examples.
That way, companies you apply for will get a notion of one bit of your professional experience and know whether you might need special training or not, before starting your new job.
This is where people tend to ask us what they should do in case they are fresh graduates and when they don’t have any professional experience.
Even if that is the case, you shouldn’t be worried because everyone has to start somewhere, and all employers know that.
Therefore, instead of listing job titles you don’t have or making up some for the sake of the resume, what you should do is share your highest educational title.
For example, people who acquired a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science could simply put that underneath their full name in their Java Developer resume.
By doing that, you will tell companies that, even though you have finished your studies, you might need proper training, so you could start your job.
Most companies nowadays tend to do these trainings whenever they hire new people, so even if people are not experienced, they can still learn the basics needed to conduct their jobs.
Attaching Proper Photograph
In the past, it wasn’t very common to have a photo attached to your resume, unless specified by a potential employer.
For example, most jobs that require you to be pretty and handsome, like modeling jobs, required people to send their photos alongside with their resume.
However, times have changed, and nowadays it is perfectly normal to have a nice photo in your resume, no matter the job position.
Also, as one of the most common CV errors is the fact that people often attach very bad photos on their resumes.
What is considered bad in this case? Well, I’ve seen a lot of CVs, where people had an extremely well-made experience section, with almost all needed qualifications for the job, but they put some photos from a restaurant or café.
That simply made the entire resume look very unprofessional, which eventually lead to them not being selected for the job.
So, it is a fair question to ask what kind of photo is good for a Java Developer resume? Let’s find out.
Photo instructions
- Show natural smile
- Try to have natural look in your eyes
- Comb your hair
- Trim your beard (for men)
- Use a moderate amount of makeup (women)
- Surroundings should be neutral
- Wear proper attire
- Don’t take a picture in a bent position
Photo instructions
- Forced smile
- Closed eyes
- Messed-up hair
- Long and messy beard (men)
- Too much makeup (women)
- Busy surroundings
- Casual clothes
- Looking sluggish
As you can see, there is quite a lot to think about when deciding what picture to add to your resume, since random Facebook and Instagram photos wouldn’t do the trick.
However, if you closely follow these instructions, you will end up having a perfect photo to put on your Java Developer resume.
Sharing Your Phone Number
After you finish adding some basic personal information, it is a good idea to share some contact information, so companies could contact you if they decide that you could be the person they need for the job.
One of the most important contact information you should always share in your resume is your phone number.
Some people tend to ask me why it is so important to share a phone number when we live in a digital era, where you can contact anyone via email or social media.
Well, first of all, emails are not so reliable all the time, so it is always a good idea to have an alternative way to contact job applicants.
Apart from that, contacting over social media is not considered to be so professional, even nowadays, when social media networks are so common.
Also, some recruiters like to talk to their job applicants directly, and that way to test some of their inter-personal skills and even ask some questions about things they are interested in.
Including Home Address
Another common personal information that is often put in a resume is your home address, even though it may not be as necessary as other information.
It is often not specifically required to do so, but there is simply no reason not to put your home address in your resume.
Doing so could help you a great deal when it comes to getting certain benefits from your potential employer.
A lot of companies offer paid transportation for employees that live a bit farther than usual, or instead, they give them a bit higher salary, so they could cover the additional transportation costs.
Also, in case the company you’re applying for is big and with a lot of offices, you might be offered a job in an office closer to your home, rather than having to travel farther to the main building.
Listing E-Mail Address
Probably the most important contact information that is used in every aspect of the business nowadays is, of course, email.
Almost everything, from business transactions and correspondences to communication between employees and their bosses can be done through emails.
Also, most job applications are done directly through emails, without having to send a physical copy of the resume.
Therefore, it is only reasonable to say that sharing your email address in your Java Developer resume is an absolute must.
However, there are few things to think about when doing so, which will be covered here, so you don’t have to worry about making mistake when it comes to sharing your email address in a resume.
One of the most common mistakes here is that people tend to share just an email with potential employers.
That is generally a mistake because most of our random emails look a bit unprofessional as shown in the example below.
As you can see, it is better to create a new email, made of your full name, rather than use your random emails, which you are using for other things.
This way, you will have an email just for your work and job applications, which will reduce the amount of unnecessary spam and make it easier for you to manage the most important messages.
As for the selection of email providers, that really depends on your country of origin and whether you can trust certain providers.
In general, you could use the world’s most famous internet providers, such as Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and Hotmail, but if there are providers from your country, who you trust, you could use them as well.
Providing Social Media Profiles
Let’s be honest, we wouldn’t imagine a life without some sort of social media nowadays, both in personal and business sphere.
You can do almost everything by using certain social media networks, from shopping to meeting new friends and hooking up with potential dates.
Social media networks have become so useful that multinational companies invest billions in social media marketing, in order to promote their products and services.
Therefore, it is not a surprise a lot of people ask whether they should put some of their social media accounts as one of the contact information in their resumes.
It is something that is not specifically needed or required, except for certain jobs, like social media marketing manager or something similar.
However, a lot of people tend to share their social media profiles in their resumes, but a huge number of them do that incorrectly.
You may think that we are talking nonsense right now and ask “Oh, but how is it possible that someone can wrongly copy and paste their social media profile links in the resume?”, since it may seem like such a simple process.
Well, it is not just about copy-pasting your profile links. There is much more to it, so read carefully, so you could avoid making the same mistakes.
To start with, before you share any social media profile, you should make it look as professional as possible because it would make you look good in the eyes of potential employers.
What I mean by that is that you should remove unnecessary and unprofessional content, like some incriminating photos on Instagram and Facebook, for instance.
Also, you should try to edit your profile link before posting it to your resume, so it looks a bit better than a random combination of letters and numbers.
Some parts of profile links can be removed, without links losing their properties as shown in the example below.
Link without additional letters and numbers looks much better and easier to read, so always make sure to do that when it is possible, of course.
When it comes to different social media accounts, most of them are optional. However, I strongly recommend you share your LinkedIn account since it is a social media network designed for business people, which allows you to connect to various companies, successful people and individual entrepreneurs.
A lot of people also tend to find their jobs on LinkedIn, so here is the message for all of you job seekers: social media is even more important than you thought!
That would be everything regarding writing the personal info and contact section of the Java Developer resume.
Now, let’s focus on teaching you how to write the rest of the resume, shall we?
Before plunging into listing your previous jobs and schools, it would be a good idea to summarize everything that will be mentioned in those sections.
In other words, you should write a short summary section, which will contain the most important information about your previous employment, tasks you did on those jobs and skills you have, and which could help you conduct the job you’re applying for.
However, this section shouldn’t be too long, since the resume itself shouldn’t be longer than 1 or a maximum of 2 pages.
Therefore, you should try to identify crucial information and put it there, but keeping in mind that it is not too long, as well as not too short. Let’s take a look.
Java Developer with over 5 years of experience and a wide range of completed projects. Capable of designing the software for different clients, as well as providing technical support in evaluating the efficiency of finished and ongoing projects. Has some knowledge of Trillium TS Quality, as well as using XML, HTTM, and Java to create a valid interface in Trillium Director Services.
Java Developer with over 5 years of experience and a wide range of completed projects.
The example shows us both the wrong and right type of summary, so let’s analyze it a bit closer.
As you can see, the short summary looks kind of generic, meaning that you can see it in a lot of unprofessional resumes.
It doesn’t give recruiters any meaningful information, like for example, what kind of job did the person do and what skills he/she used in the past.
On the other hand, a longer summary is pretty detailed and gives some sort of information about this applicant’s skills and experience.
Therefore, when writing a summary for your Java Developer resume, make sure to identify the most important information about your experience, past jobs, skills, and achievements.
This way, you will be able to turn some of your duties into accomplishments and intrigue the reader, which would make them read the entire resume and help them decide whether you are the right person for the job.
When it comes to listing previous jobs in a resume, people often ask how far back should you go on a resume because there are people with a lot of experience, so if they listed everything, they would need a lot of space to do it.
However, we know that resumes shouldn’t be longer than 2 pages, so if you are very experienced, you will have to set the priorities and list only the most important jobs.
But, how to select the most important jobs?
Well, you should look for those jobs in your employment history that are closely related to the job you are applying for.
Also, if you made a break from that type of job, and worked something else, not related to the field you want to get back to, then you should mention that.
For example, if 3 years ago you stopped working as a Java Developer and did some private job, like, I don’t know, bookkeeping, you should list your job as Java Developer, with all the tasks and stuff, and mention that your previous job was related to something else.
Also, you should always list the first previous job, no matter what it is. However, for the later ones, you can only put the most important jobs.
Now, for the form. The best way to write your employment history is to start from the present and go back to the past.
Apart from simply listing job title and employer, make sure to write a couple of points about every job and explain what you did and what skills you used.
To get a better understanding of how that should look, let’s take a look at the example listed right below here.

Writing down schools in your resume is basically the same as writing the experience section, with simply a bit different subject.
If you are a very experienced Java Developer and you have a lot of jobs to list, you can simply list your highest educational achievement, for example, a Master’s degree.
Also, in order to keep your resume as short as possible, you don’t have to put lower educations, such as high and middle school, for instance.
So, if you have a Master’s degree, you can only put that one and add your Bachelor’s degree as well, without adding lower ones.
The writing process is the same. You start with the most recent school or university and finish with the latest, with the several points about your student activities.
If your GPA score was good enough, you could share that information as well. Also, if you had certain achievements during your studies, such as being on the Dean’s list, for instance, make sure to include that as well.

In the end, you need to share some information about your skills, so companies could check whether you are the right person for the job they are offering, or not.
We all know that a lot of people have a lot of different skills, but you don’t have to list all of them. Instead, simply list skills that are the most important for the job you are about to do.
Also, feel free to list the level of expertise for every skill you share, as shown in the example below.
- HTML/CSS – Expert
- JavaScript – Expert
- Trillium TS Quality – Expert
- IDQ – Advanced
- Time-management – Advanced
- Great interpersonal skills
- Very good cooking skills
- Excellent with children
- Good organizational skills
- Add portfolio – if you are already experienced Java Developer, you can create a portfolio and add it to your resume, so recruiters could see what types of projects you had done in the past.
- Include programming certificates – if you have some coding certificates from the courses you had finished, or if you have done some online courses, make sure to include that information as well.
- Write some referrals and their contact information – you could write some referrals and add hyperlinks to their contact information. For example, contacts that can vouch for you that you’ve done certain jobs and made certain applications for them.
There you go, folks! This was the general guide on how to write the perfect Java Developer resume.
Today you learned why having a good resume matters nowadays, especially in the IT sector, what are the most important parts of the Java Developer resume and how to write them.
If you are still having some issues with creating your own resume, or you simply don’t have the time to do it, feel free to check out our resume template creator and make your perfect Java Developer resume in a matter of minutes.

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