How to Get Your Point Across to These Five Personality Types
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Do you work in a fast pace environment, maybe a customer service firm, or does your job description involve a lot of contact with people? Do you also find it challenging to communicate with a spouse or a friend without sending the wrong information?
If yes, then you would have noticed a particular disparity with people’s personalities. Admittedly, you will agree with me that you cannot use the same method to communicate with people with two different characters.
This has led to a series of misunderstandings in corporate workspaces, arguments, and issues between spouses and friends.
You should understand that people with different personalities require different ways of communication.
Now, we are not talking about language as much as how you present your points.
Your thought process, body language, and underlying message all work together to deliver your points to anyone; however, it significantly differs from person to person.
That is why we have come up with some helpful ideas that will help in communication.
However, before we tell you the “how,” we will tell you the “what.”
Personality has to do with a set of balanced, behaviors, emotional, and cognitive patterns that are as a result of environmental and biological factors. It generally has to do with one’s interaction with people and the environment.
One’s behavior is greatly affected by their personalities; sometimes, it could be learned or could be influenced by habits.
However, it is generally stable and will often show up even if it is well guarded.
Personality is measured by a series of tests that vary from people to people because of the complexity of character. One such tests are the Big-Five personality traits.
Initially proposed by Hippocrates as the four temperaments and further researched thoroughly by series of Psychologists including Lewis Goldberg, who narrowed it, gave it the name “Big-Five.”
Goldberg coined an acronym OCEAN that represents the five different personality traits. They stand for:
- O – Openness to new experiences.
- C – Conscientiousness
- E – Extraversion
- A – Agreeableness
- N – Neuroticism
This test determines your personality traits as an individual and rates you either high or low in each test.
Hence, a cumulative score will determine your personality type.

Source: Wikipedia
Openness to New Experiences
As the name implies, if you are very eager to try out new things, highly imaginative, creative, and very curious, then you are part of this category. You will find that you are sensitive to aesthetics and aware of your feelings.
Additionally, people with this personality type are sometimes mistaken to be absent-minded more often than not.
Unpredictability is another feature of the open-minded individual as people around are often mesmerized by their level of creativity. Also, people with high openness pursue self-fulfillment by engaging in intense mind exerting/physically-exerting activities.
Adversely, individuals with low openness gain fulfillment by following the norm and persevering in a specific event that is data-sufficient. They could also be seen as pragmatic, closed-minded, and dogmatic.
Here are some questions to answer to rate your level of openness:
- Do you understand things quickly?
- Are you very creative?
- Do you regularly think out of the box and full of ideas?
- Have you noticed an immense interest in abstractions?
- Are you fond of using complicated words?
If your answer to the above questions were more positive than negative, then you have a high level of openness and vice versa. Openness is usually evenly distributed, with few people scoring extremely high or extremely low.
Additionally, individuals with high openness are more politically inclined and expressive than other personality traits.
This personality trait is most careful and diligent and desirous to perform well in tasks assigned to them. Efficiency is their watchword as they strive to deliver in an organized manner.
If you show a high level of self-discipline, achievement-driven, and lack spontaneity, then you may have a high level of conscientiousness. Also, these individuals may be systematic, elegant, and orderly.
Additionally, you may be termed as reliable and hardworking.
Whereas, individuals with low conscientiousness usually find it difficult to motivate themselves to work on tasks they set out to perform.
Generally referred to as go-getters, these individuals plan their actions and days and adhere strictly to the plans.
Here are some self-evaluation questions to rate you:
- Do you always feel prepared?
- Are you particular about details?
- Have you noticed exactness when delivering tasks?
- Do you strictly follow a schedule?
- Do you always remember where you last kept your items?
- Are you always helpful?
- Are you against procrastination?
A high level of affirmative answers indicates a high level of conscientiousness. Individuals with low conscientiousness usually refer to conscientious individuals as obsessive and stubborn.
Also, low conscientiousness may be regarded as spontaneity and flexibility.
Additionally, conscientious individuals will instead give in than argue with you.
Extraversion or Extroversion has to do with obtaining fulfillment from external interactions.
As a result of this, extraverts enjoy conservations and may be talkative, gregarious, or assertive. If you are an extravert, you will notice that you are energized whenever you are in a large gathering, such as a political group, parties, and public demonstrations.
Time spent alone for extraverts is less fulfilling and maybe draining for them, whereas they are energetic when they are with people.
On the contrary, individuals who score low on the extraversion test are known as introverts and prefer to be on their own and are more interested in their mental well-being.
Hence, they are more reflective and reserved as they tend to lose energy during interactions with others, whereas they are energized during sober reflections.
Some self-evaluating questions include:
- Do you feel more comfortable around people?
- Are you a conversation starter?
- Have you always been the life of the party?
- Do you thrive as the center of attention?
- Are you quiet around strangers?
- Do you talk in large gatherings?
More positive answers indicate that you an extravert, low definite answers points towards you being an introvert whereas, if you are in the middle, your answer brands you as an ambivert.
Ambiverts enjoy solitary moments and still enjoy interacting with people and mildly enjoy social gatherings.
Consequently, they change their behavior to suit their present situation; therefore, they could be extraverts with close friends and family while exhibiting introversion in the presence of strangers.
This personality trait is majorly regarded as sympathetic, warm, kind, and cooperative.
High scorers in this test are empathetic and considerate, whereas low scorers may be tilting towards selfishness as well as lack of empathy.
If you have this personality trait, you will notice that you find fulfillment in volunteer work and helping others out without expecting anything in return.
Additionally, compassion is your watchword, as you are trustworthy and even-tempered.
Yes, you may be branded as passive or naïve; you still derive pleasure in being affectionate toward people.
Also, altruism is like second nature to agreeable individuals as they are selfless and generous.
Some self-evaluation questions are:
- Do you sympathize readily with the feelings of others?
- Are you more interested in people than yourself?
- Have you noticed that you have a soft heart?
- Do you insult people?
- Are you concerned about people’s problems?
- Do you make people feel at ease?
- Are you fond of personalizing people’s problems?
If you score low in this test, then you could pass as self-absorbed and challenging, also skeptical about the motives of people.
As a result of this skepticism, you may be tagged as unfriendly, suspicious, or uncooperative.
Agreeable individuals are usually good team players and supportive of a common goal.
Also, Paul Sackett and Philip Walmsley believe that agreeableness and conscientiousness are personality traits that guarantee success in any organization.
Individuals with high neuroticism may be regarded as either emotionally unstable or emotionally stable because of their ability to express negative emotions like depression, anxiety, or anger. You may be prone and highly reactive to stress and also irritable when expressing feelings.
The bout of emotions may last longer than usual, hence, keeping them in a foul mood more often than not.
Additionally, they read meanings to ordinary situations and end up blowing things out of proportion, interpreting setbacks as hopelessly challenging to overcome.
Usually seen as the pessimist among the five personalities, their attitude to work is almost always anxiety.
Some self-assessment questions to answer are:
- Are you easily irritated?
- Do you always get upset?
- Do you have frequent mood swings?
- Are you prone to stress easily?
- Have you noticed that you are more anxious than others?
- Do you worry a lot?
A low score on this test will mean a less reactive response to emotions as well as a lower rate of getting upset. They also exude a specific control over negative emotions, but this doesn’t necessarily mean increased positive feelings.
Additionally, decision making for people who score high in this test may be clouded as their emotions always drive them.
Also, you are hardly satisfied with the results at your workplace.

How to Get Your Point Across to the Different Personalities
Admittedly, different characters have different attitudes, hence, altered response to situations.
Therefore, a stealthy approach is needed when communicating with any of the Big-Five.
Thus, we have compiled some tips on how to get your points across to any.
How to Get Your Point Across to Individuals with High Openness to Experience
These individuals are known to be creative and problem solvers. Therefore, you should employ a method to access their minds.
Additionally, these individuals think outside the box; thus, you should apply vivid imaginative tools to get them to think about ideas that may appeal to them. Also, you should encourage innovative thinking and give these individuals room to express themselves.
Also, open individuals are problem solvers and are always ready to show off their abilities. Therefore, you can talk about the puzzles or issues that are affecting a particular object.
Ensure that you accurately identify the problems and allow them to suggest possible solutions.
How to Get Your Point Across to Conscientious Individuals
These are great team players and display high self-discipline; therefore, they are assets to companies as well as relationships because they are goal-oriented.
When getting your points across, ensure that you have thoroughly researched in advance; this is because these individuals are particular about preparedness.
Additionally, back your points up with current data as well as the pros and cons of your suggestions as they pay attention to details.
While assigning tasks to such individuals, be sure to give ample time as they may be a bit driven to perfection while delivering.
Also, avoid sudden changes without giving the reason for your decisions.
How to Get Your Point Across to Extraverts
Extraverts or Extroverts feed off positive energy expressed through communication with people.
These individuals are more interested in social activities and positive energy; therefore, try to keep the conversation upbeat to ensure a good working relationship.
Also, let them know that the conversation was enjoyed to allow them to look forward to further communication.
Give them ample time to talk.
This cannot be overemphasized as it is not hidden that they enjoy talking.
Listen more to them and try not to cut them short as they will reciprocate and give you enough time to share your thought, of course, when they are done.
However, if you must cut them short, do it politely and ask for some time; this way, they will grant you the audience as they also love your opinion.
Additionally, extraverts love the spotlight; therefore, try to involve them in tasks and also when you need creative ideas.
When you give them enough time and space to shine, they will deliver to the maximum.
How to Get Your Point Across to the Agreeable Individuals
Agreeable individuals are always willing to please and will go out of their way to do the right thing.
However, this makes them a target for people who wish to use them. The best way to communicate with these individuals is to give them instructions and be more appreciative when they do what is required of them.
Additionally, give them room to express their thoughts and share their ideas with you as they could also possess creative ideas.
Try to avoid open confrontations as this will only make them take your advice and opinions and offer nothing as they try to avoid conflicts.
Also, you can make these individuals team leads as they will deliver effective and try to be peaceful and make decisions that will favor everyone.
How to Get Your Point Across to Individuals with High Neuroticism
Neurotic individuals have emotions that are easily frayed; hence, they are very expressive, especially when they are under a lot of stress.
One way to start communicating with them is, to begin with, reassurance, especially when they are stressed out, assure them that it is alright to fail, and make mistakes. Ensure that you avoid being judgmental when they make mistakes.
While communicating with them, when things become too heated up, you can suggest a time out for them; either they take a long walk or breathing exercises to calm their nerves.
Also, try to avoid pressuring them, especially in a corporate setting, as this will only increase their emotional instability.
The five personalities are all critical, especially in a corporate setting, as everyone has a role to play.
You should try to understand these personalities and assign tasks accordingly. Ensure that every one of them is heard and allowed to express their thoughts freely.
Additionally, the work environment or atmosphere significantly affects these personalities.
An unstable work environment can make the highly open individuals lose their creativity, or the conscientious may lose the drive to achieve their goals. Intentionally study their personalities and give what they need.
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