If we were to ask you what your most important resource is, how long would it take you to say it’s your people?

If it was the first answer that popped your mind, congrats – you have a chance of excelling in your business, keep on reading this text.

If not, now it’s time to face the truth and understand the reason behind the doubt you’re feeling in your people.

Ask yourself: Is it that you are unsatisfied with your employees or that you just think something else brings more value to your work than your people?

Whichever the case it is, we will make sure you understand why there is a saying “You don’t build a business. You build people and then people build the business.”

Once you realize the importance of people, you’ll be ready for your starting point, which is recruiting the best people.

How to identify requirements, find the best players, make a job position look appealing, hire and integrate those people into your company – these are all the things we will be covering.

Whether you are HR or CEO of your company, what you are about to read might be crucial for your business.

Take a paper and a pen, and let’s get onto it!


When starting any business you have to take into consideration different factors and different aspects.

Founders usually sit down with their mentors, consultants or couches and discuss which parts of the infrastructure are essential, what is the best strategy for their company and what should be their starting point.

In those moments you realize how detailed your processes should be, how important the quality of your product or service is, how understanding the needs of your customers or consumers is crucial for your business, etc.

But the most valuable thing you get out of this process is the realization that you cannot do anything without having people in your company.

Depending on the size of the company, it could be from 2 to 2000 employees and even more in the beginning – it wouldn’t change the one honest fact: if you don’t put your employees in the first place, you lose every chance of succeeding.

Now you’re probably going through your head trying to remember some company or individual who got successful without caring about their employees.

It’s true, you’ll probably find them. Just bear in mind that their success is completely short term and that before you or they even realize it will be gone.

Assuming that you want to build a long lasting successful business, you will need people. And not just any people. It is in your best interest to have the best pool of people who will help you and your business grow.

It is a common error that CEOs focus on coming up with mind-blowing strategies, developing processes, upgrading their product and service so it’s the unique and most wanted one on the market but on the way forget about their employees.

Bear this in mind: you can have the best strategy in the world and it will mean nothing if you don’t have people who are connected to it and executing it passionately.

That, of course, doesn’t mean that your only focus should be your people. Strategy, processes, product, and service still matter, a lot.

Your number one task should be figuring out how to connect your people with the vision of your company and educate them and equip them with skills and knowledge they will need to sell your product or service with genuine passion.

Some researchers have shown that engaged employees – meaning those who feel valued and appreciated at work; bring 24% better results to the company than those who don’t.

It is not about skills, knowledge or some magic potion – it is as simple as this: focus on your people and give them everything they need.

First, you have to give, and then you get to ask.

You are probably a bit confused now thinking “Wait, shouldn’t this article help me get the best people in the easiest way?”

Yup, it should, and it definitely will.

We will get to that and you will see how focusing on your current employees is crucial if you want to attract the best pool of future employees.

Just stay patient.

Additional researches have proven that the same engaged employees that feel valued, appreciated, understand company’s mission and strive to achieve its vision, have 50% more tendency to post images, videos, texts or any other type of content on their social media, stating proudly in which company they work, what they usually do and with whom people, they get to work.

Now imagine having all of your employees publish that kind of posts on a regular basis.

Would you even have to dedicate yourself to employer branding and promotion of job opportunities?

Probably not, because people are the best representation of what you have to offer.

Instead of organizing special teams, investing money and losing focus whilst searching for new employees, you can invest your time, patience, work and money into your current employees, help them feel valued and appreciated, provide them with a learning environment and watch the magic happen – as they will bring much more success to your business than before, and also with all their actions promote your company as the most desirable employer.

Although it sounds too easy and simple –it works. Word of mouth is the best marketing tool you can have and the one that brings the most value to your business.

Now that we have covered some basics of the importance of employees and how the current employees influence the pool of people for future positions, we can move on to actual strategies and roles HR and CEO play in recruiting the best players.


It happens quite often that the role of the Human Resources department gets confused with the duties of the CEO or Vice Presidents of other departments.

There is often a discussion around the question “Who can tell the best what type of people we need in each department?”

Although each Vice President/ director/ chief knows their function the best, HR plays a huge role when it comes to hiring new people and is final responsible for this task, as well as for induction of new employees and their training.

There are a lot of different aspects of HR as it is complex but we will now focus only on main responsibilities of this department so you can get a clear picture and understand why HR sets the foundation in future company’s success.

1. Recruiting the Talents

The starting point for each HR department as everything starts with people. In order to develop extraordinary employees, you first have to recruit them. That’s why the first and most important task of each HR department is to recruit and hire new employees.

This is usually conducted in synergy with employer branding department as it is necessary to spread the word about the company and new position.

From defining the job description and requirements, through conducting interviews and assessments to making a decision and inducting new people – it’s everything you can rely on your Human Resources department to get it done.

2. Employee’s Satisfaction

This function is mainly organized towards employees themselves and their satisfaction.

The starting point is the relationship between employer and employees and HR represents a middle layer that connects these two that need to collaborate perfectly in order to bring good things to the business.

HR has a role from inducting the new employees, through tracking their engagement, measuring their satisfaction and resolving the conflicts as they appear.

Strengthening the communication and relationship between employer and employees is one of the main aims, and the HR department plays a huge role here.

3. Developing the Talents

Each HR’s goals is to hire the best employee, those from the top league and above average achievers.

Unfortunately, you can’t always have the best outcome, and even when you do, you still need to give proper education and training to those employees in order for them to adjust to company and its goals.

That’s why it is so important to have a Human Resources department that will focus on developing and improving the talents you have in your company.

This doesn’t go only for new employees, as it is also important to provide training to regular employees constantly.

We live (and work!) in dynamic surroundings, meaning that conditions constantly change, especially with the fast improvement of technology and industry, as well as the changes in supply and demand.

In order to keep up to date with all these changes, you have to develop your employees constantly and provide them everything they need to know in order to perform at their best.

Another reason this is important is the employees’ satisfaction.

If you have read the text carefully, you will remember that we talked about how employees’ satisfaction can boost your business results, as well as help you in recruiting future talents.

Researches show that the number one thing people look in employers is an environment where they can learn and develop.

So if you want satisfied employees, you’ll need to provide them with a learning environment.

That’s why you need the Human Resources department and that’s how you once again realize the importance of your HR superhero.

4. Everything Connected to the Compensation

If you were wondering who takes care of compensation, determines payroll and make sure that each employee receives their check regularly – it is HR. Of course, everything goes in synergy with the finances department and CEO, but HR is final responsible and has the final word.

Besides payrolls, they also manage and cover compensation programs that exist in most of the companies nowadays. Instead of bargaining each Vice President or CEO, HR takes care of it and makes sure that everyone gets what they deserve and feel satisfied.

5. Additional Benefits Provided by the Company

Human Resources department is usually the favorite department to each employee as they are the one that seems to be taking the most care about them.

That’s not far from the truth as HR tends to provide employees with all they need in order to perform at their best level.

This also includes some additional benefits provided by the company, such as health care, bonuses, gym, and pool access, etc. the possibilities are various and it depends on the company and company’s partners what are the main benefits they will be able to offer to their employees.

It is the responsibility of the Human Resources department to take care of this, make sure that each employee enjoys the benefits they get and track the general use of them.

Human Resources, Talent Management, Talent Development – these are all common names for one of the main functions in every company. Besides the finances department, the human resources department is the right hand of the CEO.

Everything that happens in the company must be aligned between human resources, finances and of course, CEO. That’s why you will hear a lot of successful businessmen claiming that the key to the success of their company was actually a good synergy with human resources.

Understanding the Human Resources function is essential if you want to recruit the best people. Whether you are an HR manager or CEO, learning the boundaries and concrete job description helps a lot when it comes to starting recruitment and focusing on getting the best people on board.


Yes, we are finally reaching the 10 simple rules you have to follow if you want to hire the best people.

We will cover each of them in details so you understand completely what you should do and be able to define your first step after reading this text.

Without further ado, let’s start!

1. Present the Job Opening in the Best Possible Way

Although word sales often leave bad connotation in our minds reminding us of somebody trying to trick us, we all have to face the truth: everything we do is sales.

How we speak with our friends, teachers, employers, employees, colleagues, clients, etc. comes down to sales. We are trying to sell somebody something. A story.

It is the same with letting people know there is a job opening. You can do that in numerous ways.

But how many people will get back to you and will you get the desired results depends on how well you sell that job opening.

Writing just a couple of lines or listing down some regular obligations and requirements won’t do the job.

It’s the fact – nobody wants to do the boring stuff and nobody wants to worry whether they are good enough for your company or not.

So, what should you do? You should start by explaining the importance of that role for your company – write down the main responsibilities and contributions.

Let people know and imagine how appreciated they would be in this position if they did their job at the top level.

Then focus on explaining the job climate and team a new employee would be working in – give them an opportunity to imagine being a part of your company and let them start connecting with its mission.

In the end, write only the main requirements and conditions – only those that are completely necessary and represent the basis for that job.

All others can be (and will be!) developed later in the company, thanks to our lovely HR department.

2. Look for Personality, Not for Skills

What do you think, what is easier to change – values or qualities?

To spare you from thinking )and overthinking) here is the answer: it is much harder to change values and it takes extraordinary circumstances for people to do so, as qualities are something that can change easily and be developed in each person, no matter how skilled or not skilled they are in the present moment.

So why do we suggest hiring somebody because of their personality and attitude rather than skills and knowledge?

Exactly because of the thing we have mentioned previously.

Your company has a set of values that need to be lived and demonstrated in each situation, under each, and without any exceptions. Besides CEO and top management, those values need to be represented by each employee, as well.

It is always better to hire somebody who lives and demonstrates values similar to your company’s but lacks all of the needed skills than to hire somebody who knows how to do their work but the work he o she does is completely against the company’s values.

It is widely known that everything in the world can be learned and developed. You just have to give a person an opportunity and provide them with a learning environment.

Of course, it can’t be just any random person. You should focus on his or her values, but also consider their personality and attitudes.

For instance, you shouldn’t go into details when it comes to technical skills, but you can always tell for each position what type of person you need.

Should it be somebody who is extraverted or somebody who is introverted? Somebody who makes decisions on an emotional or rational basis? Somebody who prefers to take initiative and have freedom in what he or she does? Or somebody who needs strict guideline and don’t enjoy coming up with personal solutions of the problem?

These are only some of the questions you should ask yourself before going to interview.

When you envision exactly what type of person you need for the concrete position, you can focus on looking for these characteristics during the interview.

And remember – always choose personality over skills, as skills are cheap and can be developed in each person in the world.

3. Hold an Ongoing Recruitment

Most of the companies organize recruitments once or twice a year or more if they have a need, which gives them an only limited pool of people.

Do you know how many people that have a job right now will wish to change it in a couple of months, exactly in a period when you don’t have recruitment?

Considering the fact that most of the world’s employees are probably millennials, the answer is a lot. Especially young people have a tendency to change the working place often throughout their career.

If you are looking for the best talents and people who are already on top of their leagues, you should consider increasing your chances of hiring them by always keeping some open spots.

It might be true that you don’t need new employees at the moment but spotting great talents and making sure they choose your company should make it on the top of your priority list.

Even if that means coming up with open spots and new responsibilities. Those opportunities do not happen often so make sure you seize them when you can.

4. Keep Your Hiring Process Quick and Efficient

Do you know how many people lose interest in a company or completely disappoint themselves because of the hiring process that lasts too long? Unfortunately, a lot.

Even though you probably have a lot of applicants for job openings and that’s the thing that’s slowing down the process, make sure you respect each of the applicants.

You show your respect by staying quick and efficient, responding to their application quickly and getting back to them with a decision as soon as possible.

If you have more than one HR manager in your company, make sure that you have standardized process time, as “soon as possible” might have different meanings to different people.

Bear in mind that the applicant is applying to more than one opportunity for sure and that if some other company is faster, they will most probably choose that other company.

5. Make Sure You Have the Best Recruiter

Before starting the recruitment you should consider recruiting a new recruiter.

Seriously, even if it sounds funny, it is very important that you have the best possible recruiter for your company.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to find a new one, but consider providing the existing one with additional training or sit down with them and together define what you are looking for in new employees.

It could also be useful if the representatives of other departments joined you at the meeting so HR gets a clear picture of what type of people are needed for each position.

6. Look for Diversity

When defining which people you need for your job, think about diversity and what could your company use that your competition is overlooking.

You have to do both internal and external analysis of the company and define a concrete set of characteristics, knowledge or skills your company could benefit from.

This recruitment strategy might help you a lot when it comes to targeting specific talents and if you execute it correctly, you might boost your business results disruptively.

7. Focus on Past Experience

At each job interview, there is a set of questions, and interviewees have a tendency to think about their best edition and provide you with answers based on it.

Instead of asking questions related to the future, ask questions about past events.

For example, if somebody claims that he or she is a team player, ask them to give you an example of a situation when they demonstrated that quality.

This way you make sure you get the real picture of the candidate and differentiate the best ones for the best wannabes.

8. Pay Attention to the Gaps

Skills can be developed in everyone but it doesn’t mean that you should completely ignore those that are missing.

Analyze all the skills that a candidate is missing and think about how it would influence the business when he or she starts working.

On the interview try to understand how quickly a candidate can learn and how motivated to learn they are. After that, you can make a decision whether it’s worth it investing your time and knowledge in this employee or not.

9. Conduct Tests and Workshops

It might be quite useful (especially if you have a lot of candidates) if you conducted several tests and workshops to assess your possible future employees.

Define once again what are the main things you are looking for in an employee and give them the tests that will help you realize whether they have it or not.

You can use the advantage of a big number of candidates and organize them into groups with a task they have to solve together to check how actually they work in a team.

10. Honesty Before All

This goes without saying but let’s just say it anyway: be completely honest during the interview and make sure that you build up such an atmosphere where a candidate feels safe to be honest as well.

Pretending will not bring anything good. It is really important, to be honest, and represent the company authentically so the candidate can actually see whether he or she would like to become part of it.


After everything that you have read, we really hope that you understand how important people are to the company and why it is important to perform the recruitment at the top level.

If you take into consideration all of the above-mentioned rules, we are completely certain that you will have the best people in your company in no time. Good luck!

Hire Great People: Ten Simple Rules

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