The Hardest Would You Rather Questions on The Internet
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If you are looking for a fun and interesting way to start or keep a conversation going, you can never go wrong with would you rather questions.
Would you rather questions are questions that present a person with two difficult situations and require the person to choose one of the two situations.
The questions are bound to get someone thinking hard as they try to choose between the two difficult situations.
To make the conversation even more interesting, you can ask “why” to have the person explain why they chose one situation over the other.
Playing a game of would you rather is a great way to pass time with your friends and colleagues.
It is also a great way to keep yourself and your group entertained in situations where there’s not much else to do, such as during a long drive.
Would you rather questions are also a great way to learn about the other person without having to directly ask them personal questions.
The answers they pick and the reasons behind their answers can give you great insights about their personal values, beliefs and preferences.
Because of this, a game would you rather is also an interesting way to pass time and bond with someone you are dating.
Below, we have compiled a list of 100+ of the hardest would you rather questions that are sure to leave your friends stumped and have them thinking for minutes before giving their answer. You can bet these questions will make for an interesting evening.
#1: Would you rather have to always say what you were thinking about or be unable to speak ever again?
#2: Would you rather become the world’s best at a skill of your own choosing or have the ability to speak every language in the world?
#3: Would you rather have the ability to fly or the ability to make yourself invisible whenever you want?
#4: Would you rather have to never work again (you would have enough money to live a comfortable life) or never be able to fall asleep again (you would suffer no negative effects from not sleeping)?
#4: Would you rather be imprisoned for one year in a maximum security prison with the most hardcore criminals or be imprisoned for ten years in a low security prison with Wall Street type of criminals?
#6: Would you rather have to eat your favorite food only for the rest of your life, or be unable to drink anything else for the rest of your life other than water?
#7: Would you rather be the greatest soccer player in the world and never win the World Cup, or be an average soccer player and win the World Cup 4 times within your career?
#8: Would you rather go back 1000 years in time and become a king or continue with your life as it is today?
#9: Would you rather have the ability to watch the top 5% best movies only or only be able to watch the remaining 95% of movies?
#10: Would you rather have the ability to breathe underwater or the ability to see at night as though it was daytime?
#11: Would you rather graduate from university with a First Class Honors while actually having learnt nothing, or graduate with a Lower Second Class while actually having learnt a lot?
#12: Would you rather be the worst basketball player in the NBA or be the world’s greatest videogame player?
#13: Would you rather have lots of acquaintances and people you casually interact with but no best friend, or have one very close friend but no other friends?
#14: Would you rather live in a place that rains continuously forever or a place that never gets even a single drop of rainfall?
#15: Would you rather have no nose or no ears?
#16: Would you rather time travel to the past or to the future?
#17: Would you rather be forced to wear wet underwear or wet socks?
#18: Would you rather have the ability to predict the future, or the ability to read people’s minds?
#19: Would you rather get a chance to meet your celebrity crush, only to discover that they are a total douche, or never get the chance to meet them and continue holding them in high regard in your mind?
#20: Would you rather find your dream job and excel in it but never experience love, or work in an ordinary, boring 9-5 but then find the love of your life?
#21: Would you rather know how you are going to die or know the exact time you are going to die?
#22: Would you rather have the ability to read other people’s minds or the ability to teleport to any location in the world?
#23: Would you rather have the ability to read other people’s minds or the ability to talk to animals?
#24: Would you rather have your best friend go missing forever, or have all of your friends except your best friend go missing forever?
#25: Would you rather have to read out aloud every time you read something or have everything you say to other people come out as if you are singing?
#26: Would you rather commit a terrible crime and get away with it but live in fear of being caught, or get jailed for 2 years for a crime you did not commit?
#27: Would you rather have an average job with a nice, loving family or have a very high profile job but be required to never have a family?
#28: Would you rather have average skill or knowledge in something everyone respects or be the world’s best at something most of the world thinks is stupid?
#29: Would you rather be known all over the world and widely mocked, or be normal but only known within your neighborhood?
#30: Would you rather your fingers become as long as your legs or your legs become as long as your fingers?
#31: Would you rather be employed and not have to work so hard, or work for yourself (have your own business) and have to work extremely hard – if you would make the same amount of money in both cases?
#32: Would you rather marry an average looking person who is generally a nice person and who loves you or marry the sexiest person on earth even though they are somewhat a jerk?
#33: Would you rather be despised by your family and friends but greatly loved by the general public, or be loved by your friends and family but greatly despised by the general public?
#34: Would you rather wake up and find yourself in the middle of a desert or wake up and find yourself in a row boat in the middle of the ocean?
#35: Would you rather have a muscular body and look very fit but be very weak or look out of shape and be overweight but be incredibly strong?
#36: Would you rather be able to get away with any lie you tell or have the ability to detect any time someone lies to you?
#37: Would you rather have the ability to convince anyone to do anything you want but have them hate you for it afterwards, or never be able to convince anyone to do anything but be loved by every person you interact with?
#38: Would you rather be forced to live in the same place for your entire life (without the ability to travel) or be forced to move to a new city after every two weeks?
#39: Would you rather have dumb opinions but have a voice that people love listening to or have very insightful opinions but have a voice that no one wants to listen to?
#40: Would you rather have the ability to travel anywhere you wanted but live in poverty or be extremely rich but be forced never to leave your home city?
#41: Would you rather have a huge and wild party thrown for you and attended by your favorite celebrities but then forget about it the next day, or have a small party with your friends and family that you remember perfectly?
#42: Would you rather be unable to grow a single hair anywhere on your body or have your entire body covered in hair?
#43: Would you rather sleep with your boss to get the promotion you have always dreamed about or give up the promotion?
#44: Would you rather be the funniest person people know and be the life of the party but secretly suffer from depression or have people think you are boring while you are happy and content with your life?
#45: Would you rather be able to tell a lie without feeling bad about it but be a terrible liar, or be the greatest liar the world has ever seen but feel incredibly bad every time you lied?
#46: Would you rather be in your dream job and earn a pretty little salary or be in a job you hate but earn a great salary?
#47: Would you rather get locked in a room alone for a year with access to all the music you wanted to listen to and any book you wanted to read but without TV (or any screens for that matter) or be locked in the room with access to any TV show you wanted but without access to any reading material or music?
#48: Would you rather come up with an invention that positively changes the future of mankind in a great way but get no credit for inventing it, or invent a deadly weapon and become famous for it?
#49: Would you rather have the ability to read any language in the world but be unable to speak the language, or the ability to speak any language in the world but be unable to read the language?
#50: Would you rather lose the ability to read or the ability to hear music?
#51: Would you rather be very rich but known by nobody outside your circle of friends and family, or have your current income but be famous all over the world?
#52: Would you rather write a bestselling novel but not be credited for it, or receive the credit for a bestselling novel even if it was written by someone else?
#53: Would you rather have the ability to silence any sound or anyone speaking anytime you wanted but then be unable to talk louder than a whisper, or be able to talk normally but then be forced to listen to something you hate every single day?
#54: Would you rather have a job you hate with the knowledge that you will retire comfortably within 10 years, or have a job you really love but have to work till you die?
#55: Would you rather have an amazing body for the rest of your life but have subpar intelligence, or have what many would consider a mediocre body for the rest of your life but then be more intelligent than the average person?
#56: Would you rather be an insane snorer and disturb everyone you ever share a bed with, or have the love of your life as the insane snorer who disturbs you every night?
#57: Would you rather be the dumbest person in the world but also the richest, or the smartest person in the world with your current net worth?
#58: Would you rather look very amazing in all your photos but then be unattractive in real life or be an average looking person but then look unattractive in all your photos?
#59: Would you rather win the lottery but then have to die within ten years or continue your life as it is now with no guarantee that you will live a long life?
#60: Would you rather be banned from setting foot in your home country forever but then be free to travel anywhere else you wanted in the world, or stay in your home country but not be allowed to go anywhere else?
#61: Would you rather have all the pimples that will ever appear on your body throughout your life appear within three weeks and never appear again, or have them appear regularly over the course of your life?
#62: Would you rather have the ability to subtly influence anyone’s decisions or have the ability to fully control five people’s decisions?
#63: Would you rather your head become as big as a watermelon or as small as a tennis ball?
#64: Would you rather be the CEO at a small company or a low level employee in the best company in the world?
#65: Would you rather be an ok-looking person but be very funny and interesting, or be super-hot but very boring?
#66: Would you rather have the ability to reverse one of your decisions every day or the ability to pause time for a minute every day?
#67: Would you rather live in a fancy house in a dilapidated neighborhood, or live in a dilapidated house in a fancy neighborhood?
#68: Would you rather be the best in a very important professional field (medicine, science, etc.) and have an average salary, or be an average professional in an ordinary field (teaching, banking, arts, etc.) and have a very high salary?
#69: Would you rather go back 500 years in time and become stinking rich, or live in the present world and be poor?
#70: Would you rather have your body covered in scales or in fur?
#71: Would you rather be the CEO of a well performing company while everyone believes you are unemployed, or be unemployed while everyone thinks you are a hot shot CEO in a well performing company?
#72: Would you rather have the whitest teeth that are super crooked, or have straight, well arranged but extremely browned teeth?
#73: Would you rather drive a super luxurious car but have to spend four hours every day driving to and from work, or commute to work in a crowded and smelly bus for only thirty minutes?
#74: Would you rather have the ability to tell when your partner is lying to you, or the ability to know what your partner is thinking at all times?
#75: Would you rather have your heart broken 70 times and finally find your soulmate the 71st time, or never have your heart broken but spend your life with someone you are not sure you love?
#76: Would you rather find your true love and soul mate and get married to them, only for them to die after two years and never fall in love again, or get married to a nice person that you like and have a long life together, even if you are only settling for this person?
#77: Would you rather be transported 20 years into the past or future every time you pass gas or be transported to a random place in the world every time you sneeze?
#78: Would you rather have three eyes or have a tail?
#79: Would you rather have to relive the same day over and over again for a period of one year or have 3 years taken off from your life?
#80: Would you rather lose the ability to talk for a year or lose the ability to read for a year?
#81: Would you rather have people able to know what you were thinking about any time they wanted or have every aspect of your life live-streamed on the internet?
#82: Would you rather be forgotten forever after you die or be remembered in history as the cruelest person to have ever lived?
#83: Would you rather be the greatest music composer in the world and have no one listen to your music, or be a super famous musician but be unable to perform any of your music?
#84: Would you rather have the ability to read other people’s minds or the ability to control things using your mind?
#85: Would you rather live a life with no regrets but die at the age of 40, or live to be 100 years but die with lots of regrets?
#86: Would you rather lose all the memories you have made so far in your life or lose your ability to create new long term memories?
#87: Would you rather have every dream you have each night come true the moment you wake up or have the dreams of randomly chosen strangers come true the moment they woke up?
#88: Would you rather be great in bed but everyone thinks you are terrible, or actually be terrible in bed while everyone thinks you are really great?
#89: Would you rather live to the age of 150 on condition that you will look 150 years old the entire time, or die at the age of 50 but look like you are 25 years old the entire time?
#90: Would you rather win 500 million dollars on the lottery tomorrow but be forced to eat 10 cockroaches for breakfast every day or keep living your life as it is today?
#91: Would you rather have all your friends disappointed in you or have your family disappointed in you?
#92: Would you rather wake up tomorrow with one million dollars in your bank account or go back to the age of 5 with all the knowledge you have now?
#93: Would you rather get anything you ever wanted but die within five years, or keep living your life as it is now?
#94: Would you rather lose the ability to read anything for a year or lose the ability to see anything on a screen (cell phone, computer screen, TV, and so on) for a year?
#95: Would you rather date only one nice and loving person your whole life but live wondering if there was a better person for you out there, or have several great relationships over the course of your life, but with periods of terrible heartbreaks between them?
#96: Would you rather have to wear wet socks every day forever or only be allowed to wash your hair once per year for the rest of your life?
#97: Would you rather be able to tell anyone to do something and have them do it even if it is against their wishes, or the ability to read anyone’s mind without them being aware?
#98: Would you rather accidentally bite your tongue every time you chew something or get a paper cut every single time you touch a paper?
#99: Would you rather have the ability to know what will happen in the next 10 minutes or the ability to know what will happen in the world a 100 years from now?
#100: Would you rather have a lot of money but hated by most of the world, or have a nice reputation and be loved by everyone but remain poor?
#101: Would you rather always feel extremely tired regardless of how much rest you got or always feel extremely hungry regardless of how much you ate?
#102: Would you rather have a perfect short term memory but then forget everything after a month is over, or have a perfect long term memory but then have great trouble remembering anything in the short term?
#103: Would you rather remain unknown during your life and then become famous after you die or be very famous during your life and then become forgotten after your death?
#104: Would you rather look like a 25 year old and feel like a 75 year old person or feel like a 25 year old person and look like a 75 year old person?
#105: Would you rather your Google search history be released to the world or your credit card statement?
#106: Would you rather have an awesome life that everyone thinks is miserable, or have a miserable life that everyone else thinks is awesome?
#107: Would you rather have a bottomless bag of money, or an unlimited supply of sex?
#108: Would you rather lose $10,000 of your own money or lose one of your fingers?
#109: Would you rather maintain your current level of wealth and be happy, or get stinking rich but depressed?
#110: Would you rather live a happy life and die in five years, or live an unhappy life and live for another 50 years?
#111: Would you rather be barren, or only be able to have quintuplets every time you conceive?
#112: Would you rather spend a year in jail, or have that year reduced from your life?
#112: Would you rather have your partner think you are the most attractive person in the world while everyone else believes you are ugly, or have everyone else find you unbelievably attractive while your partner thinks you are ugly?
#114: Would you rather be able to travel back in time and meet people from your past who passed away, or travel to the future and meet your future children and grandchildren?
#115: Would you rather be secretly loved and admired by everyone while they pretend to hate you in public, or be secretly hated by everyone but have them pretend to love you in public?
#116: Would you rather have the cleanest kitchen and a very dirty bedroom, or have the dirtiest kitchen and a very clean bedroom?
#117: Would you rather have your partner cheat on you several and never find out, or cheat on your partner and have to confess?
#118: Would you rather your romantic partner be great in bed but poor at kissing, or be a great kisser who is poor in bed?
#119: Would you rather save five people from a burning people, with a 50% chance that you might get trapped in the fire, or only save yourself and forget about the other people, even though you had a chance to save them?
#120: Would you rather be notified that you have one day to live and get the chance to say goodbye to people close to you without getting the chance to do anything else, or have the chance to do everything you have ever dreamt of, but not get the chance to say goodbye to people close to you?
#121 Would you rather be forced to murder a 25 year old who has done nothing wrong, or be forced to kill 10 60 year olds who have committed minor infractions (such as running a red light)?
#122: Would you rather wake up in a random person’s body every year and be in control of their decisions and actions for the whole year or wake up in a random person’s body once a week but without any control over their actions and decisions?
#123: Would you rather have very bad body odor that you cannot get rid of or have very long nose hair that is impossible for you to cut?
#124: Would you rather live without having ever known your parents or know who they are but then find out that they are the world’s most hated criminals?
#125: Would you rather accidentally “like” your ex’s photo from two years ago on when stalking him or her on Facebook, or accidentally send a dirty text meant for your significant other to your mom?
#126: Would you rather sleep with your first cousin, but no one would know, or not have sex with them, but then everyone in your family believes that you did?
#127: Would you rather marry someone you hate and save your mom’s life or marry the person you’ve always dreamt of but have your mom become a drug addict?
#128: Would you rather sleep on the same bed sheets forever without changing them or only be able to shower once per month?
#129: Would rather have an uncontrollable urge to pass gas every time you are in the office, or have this urge every time you are on a first date?
#130: Would you rather get cancer and live for 10 years, or get infected with HIV (and everyone knows about it) and live for 20 years?
#131: After you die, would you rather your body was found in a room full of drugs or a room full of sex toys?
#132: Would you rather poop bricks every time you went to the bathroom, or puke slimy slugs every time you went to the bathroom?
#133: Would you rather walk in on your parents having sex, or have you parents walk in on you while having sex?
#134: Would you rather chew a piece of gum you found stuck under the seat of your chair, or lick a homeless vagrant’s toes?
#135: Would you rather have to watch your parents making love every single day for 10 years, or make it stop by joining in once?
#136: Would you rather murder a baby, but have everyone believe that you tried as much as you could to save the baby, or allow the baby to live, but then have everyone believe that you tried to kill the baby?
#137: Would you rather have to spend a night inside an asylum full of crazy people, or in a haunted hotel?
#138: Would you rather see the ghosts of dead people or hear their voices?
These are 100 of the toughest would you rather questions on the internet that will force your friends to think really hard before answering.
Use these questions to make for an interesting afternoon or evening with friends and learn more about your friends’ personal values, beliefs and priorities.
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