Ever since the rise of the IT sector and fast-changing computer industry, there has been a very high demand for experienced IT experts.

Companies need high-profiled minds to create the best apps on the market since the competition is fierce and even the slightest error could cost a lot of money and potentially ruin the company itself.

However, even though the demand for this kind of job is high, there are not a lot of true experts in this field.

Yes, there are a lot of people who do software engineering jobs, but not all of them can be called experts since nowadays, almost anyone can go online and try to learn to code by themselves.

Therefore, the competition on the labor market for these jobs is also high, which is why you need to make yourself to be above the competitors and attract the looks of companies’ officials who are tasked with hiring new people.

One of the most common ways to do that is to have a perfect resume, which is not easily achieved, especially if you are not so experienced.

That’s why we are here today to help you with that. We are going to explain why resumes are so important, after which you will see two examples of a perfect full stack developer resume.

Then, we will go even deeper and explain every individual part of the resume and teach you how to write them and what kind of information to put there.

So, a lot of people tend to write pretty generic resumes, with almost computer-made comments and sentences.

Imagine being a recruiter who has to read through all of that. You would be bored to hell, trust us when we say that.

Therefore, you should try to make your resume stand out and be different from all those generic-like resumes.

To do that, you need to know what are the most important parts of every resume and to identify the most important information you need to put in each section.

That is very important because resumes shouldn’t be longer than 2 pages. Everything above would make it look unprofessional.

There are several ways of doing that, which will be covered later in the text.

Also, it is pretty common to make or download a nice resume template to give your resume a unique look and feel.

For that purpose, you could use our resume template builder and create your resume in just several minutes, by filling in all the information you think is necessary.

Now that you know what we are going to focus on in this text, let’s not delay any further and begin with our guide, by showing you two samples of the perfect full stack developer resume.

Full Stack Django Developer Resume Example


Full Stack Software Engineer Resume Example



These fine samples of a good full stack developer resume show us how the finished product should look and what are the main parts of each resume.

Now that we’ve seen that, let’s discuss all of those crucial parts and teach you how to write them individually and what kind of information you should include in your full stack developer resume.

We could say that, in a way, a resume is a type of business letter, so it has several similar characteristics with it.

For instance, you start all business letters by adding your personal information, such as name, surname, address, phone number, etc.

It’s the same with writing a resume, with some additional contact information and social media profiles (if you want).

So, without too much delay, let’s see what personal information is relevant enough to be included in your full stack developer resume.

Sharing Your Name in a Full Stack Developer Resume

Just like when writing a business letter, it is a common thing to introduce yourself by stating your name in a resume as well.

Depending on the country or the type of job you’re applying for, there are different types of introductions out there.

For example, if you work in the gaming industry, a lot of people are mostly recognized by their gaming nickname.

Also, in an academic community, it is common that people introduce themselves by stating only their last name.

However, when it comes to writing a resume, you should always write your full name, without using any nicknames.

It is the most polite thing to do since it would be weird to employ someone without knowing their full name at all.

“Oh, hey, this is Nick Hammerhead, he is our new software developer.”

“Nick who? Is that your last name?”

“Oh no, that is my nickname.”

Boss: *sigh*

So, without too much explanation, since this is pretty clear, simply write your full name in your resume personal section, as shown in the example below.

Michael McIntyre
Mikey McIntyre

Why Does Writing the Profession Matter?

After you write your full name, it would be a good idea to share your professional title, which is usually written right underneath the full name.

This is done so recruiters could see if you are already experienced in some areas or whether you are specialized to do a specific job.

For example, if you write that your profession is ‘Full Stack Developer’ that means you have a knowledge of software development.

However, you can deepen that even further by writing that you are a ‘Full Stack Django Developer’, which means that you are experienced in software development, but that you are specialized in using Django, meaning that you would be the most productive if the job requires using Django.

In case you are still not experienced, or if you just graduated, then you can simply put your highest educational title, for example, Bachelor of Software Engineering.

That would tell recruiters that you don’t have any practical knowledge, so they will probably have to organize special training before you start working, which is common in most companies.

Share Pro-Looking Photo!

Some jobs require that you attach a photo to your resume, but it is usually on a case-by-case basis, meaning that sharing a photo is not really necessary for most jobs.

However, it has become a common practice in most countries, so people actually almost always add their photos in their resumes.

However, we’ve seen a lot of people who make the same mistake and add pretty unprofessional photos, such as photos from clubs and coffee shops.

This is a very bad idea because it doesn’t make your resume look professional. On the contrary, it diminishes your chances of getting called to an interview.

So, that means you shouldn’t post random photos from your Facebook or Instagram profiles, but rather take a new photo, perhaps even go to a professional photo studio if it is not too expensive for you.

Let’s take a look at some basic traits every resume photo should have, so you could have a better understanding of what kind of picture to take.

Photo instructions

  • Smile normally
  • Get your hair neat
  • Open your eyes
  • Don’t put too much makeup
  • Trim your beard
  • Neutral surroundings
  • Wear something nice
  • Stand tall

Photo instructions

  • Fake smile
  • Closed eyes
  • Messy hair
  • A lot of makeup
  • Long beard
  • Crowded surroundings
  • Casual every-day clothes
  • Bent stature


Don’t Forget to Add Your Phone Number!

After you add some nice photos and provide your name and profession, you should write some contact information, so company’s officials could get in touch with you.

Depending on the job, people usually use emails and phone calls to communicate with job applicants, so the best thing you could do is start by sharing your phone number.

Some recruiters prefer to talk directly to job applicants, so they could ask them some questions about different things and get to know them a bit better.

Phone calls are also a good way to evaluate if the candidate has good interpersonal skills, which could be very important for certain jobs.

Apart from that, emails are not always a completely reliable way of communication, so it is better to have different channels of communication, so you wouldn’t miss a chance to get the job you want.

Putting Your Address in a Resume

Apart from a phone number, pretty basic information you should share in your resume is also your home address.

Most of the time, it is not so relevant information. However, sometimes it can be one of deciding factors of whether you get the job or not.

People who are closer to offices might have a higher chance of getting a job if the company’s policy is to save some money and cut costs.

How is that related to the topic, you may ask?

Well, if someone lives farther from offices, the company usually has to cover the transportation expenses, either by organizing its own transport service or by providing additional money to employees, which would be spent on paying transportation.

Also, if the company you applied for is pretty big with a lot of offices all around the state or even multiple states, sharing your home address might help the company to put you in an office that is closer to your home.

That way, you won’t need to spend hours in heavy traffic, trying to get to the job and vice versa, which could save you some free time.

Resume and E-Mail Address – Important!

The other very important contact information you should always share in your resume is your email address.

Nowadays, most job applications are done through emails, in which case recruiters will already have your email even if you don’t put it in your resume.

However, there is no reason not to do that, but there are several things to remember before you put a random email in your full stack developer resume.

To see how that looks, let’s check the example.


As you can see, it is not a good idea to use random emails that are built with your nicknames and random numbers because it looks a bit unprofessional.

Since you are trying to look as professional as possible, you should create a new email from your full name or a bit shorter variation if your full name is kind of too long.

When it comes to choosing the right email provider, there isn’t any specific rule, but it is recommended to use the most popular ones, such as Yahoo and Google.

Expert Guide on Listing Your Social Media Profiles in a Full Stack Developer Resume

Our era is the era of IT and the internet, so it doesn’t surprise that a lot of people are using social media platforms every day, thus giving social media trends a lot of popularity.

At first, people were using them to find friends from all around the world, since you could chat with people who live in almost every part of the globe.

However, since then, social media platforms have evolved and are now also used for achieving business goals.

Companies use digital marketing, more precise, social media marketing, to attract customers from the entire world and to even reach those people who they thought are unreachable.

Because of that, a lot of young businesspeople have started to share their social media profiles in their resumes.

But, some of them do make several mistakes, that could potentially ruin their chance of getting the job they want.

For example, you should never simply share your social media profiles without revising them first, meaning that, instead of copy-pasting the profile links, you should edit your profiles to look more professional.

Along with that, you should also edit profile links, which can sometimes be really long and not so appealing to the eye. Let’s take a look.


Every profile link has some parts that can be removed, in order to look a bit more professional, like these numbers shown in this LinkedIn profile link.

When it comes to sharing social media profiles, it is an optional step, which means that you don’t really have to do it if you don’t want to.

However, we recommend you to always share your LinkedIn account, since it is a social media where you can meet a lot of businesspeople and connect with different companies, which could help you to find and get some really nice jobs.


Resumes can contain a lot of useful information, even though they shouldn’t be too big. Because of that, it is a good idea to write a small summary section.

In this summary section, you should describe your past jobs, the skills you acquired and some accomplishments you’ve made in several sentences.

Try to distinguish the most important information and include it in this section because it is almost the first thing recruiters will read.

Let’s compare the examples of good and bad summary and analyze why is one better than others.


Full Stack Developer with over 6 years of experience in software engineering and developing new features and apps for different products and companies by using programming tools like Django, HTML, CSS, Node.js, and Angular2. Capable of analyzing customer feedback in order to find the best way to create new and enhance the existing product features.


Full Stack Developer with over 6 years of experience.


A lot of people tend to write generic summaries for their resume, simply by stating that they have experience in certain areas.

Imagine what would be the first thought of recruiters in this case:

“Full Stack Developer with over 6 years of experience, you say? Well, there are a bunch of people as same as you. Let’s check the next candidate.”

If you want to be different and make yourself seen by companies, you need to give them more information than just the fact that you have been in business for over 6 years.

As seen in the proper summary, there are a lot of useful information recruiters can learn from there, which is precisely what you want to achieve.

They will notice that you are familiar with certain programming languages and software, as well as seeing some of your accomplishments.

That will help them decide whether you are the right person for the job or not, rather than just being a generic candidate with a pretty generic resume.


When it comes to writing down your previous jobs, there are several simple procedures to follow, which will be covered in the next part of our guide.

Being a full-stack developer requires you to be familiar in several areas of software engineering, which is why this job is one of the most in-demand jobs.

As for listing your jobs, you should always start by putting your most recent jobs first, then move on to the previous ones.

If you have a lot of experience, then you can avoid putting every single job and instead list only the jobs that could be the most important for the job you’re applying for now.

For instance, if you’ve worked as an ice-cream seller during your studies, then there is no need to list that job since it is completely unrelated to full stack developer job.

Also, it would be a good idea to write a couple of points regarding every job you list in your resume, describing what were your responsibilities, what skills you had to use and what accomplishments you’ve made.

That way, recruiters will get a bit of insight into your current experience, which would help them know what to expect from you if they hired you.

To help you get a better understanding of how all of this is done, we’ve listed some wrong and right examples of writing the experience section of a full stack developer resume.



Technically speaking, listing your previous education in a resume is pretty similar to writing the experience section, with several minor changes.

When it comes to the order of listing, you should use the reverse-chronological order here as well, meaning that you would first write your most recent education then go back to the past.

What can be tricky here is the fact that you need to keep your resume as small as possible, without having to lose any important information.

Therefore, listing all your schools could be too much, especially if you are a very experienced individual with several important jobs that you have to include in your resume.

If that is the case, you could simply write only your highest education, for example, if you have a Master’s Degree in Software Engineering, you should only write that down.

Another thing to note is that you should also write a couple of useful points, the same as with the jobs, describing some of your activities during your studies.

This includes things like school projects, internships organized by your university, case studies and memberships of any school clubs.

Also, if you had pretty good grades, make sure to include your GPA score, as well as the fact that you had managed to get onto the Dean’s list, especially if the requirements were very high.



There are a lot of people who have a wide range of different skills, which they like to put in their resumes, thus making it pretty extensive.

While it is always good to be really skillful, it is not a good idea to make your resume too extensive because it would look a bit unprofessional to be fair.

In order to avoid that, you should identify skills that are crucial for your profession and for the specific job you’re applying for.

Some skills are important for certain jobs, while some can be pretty useless. It all depends on the job in question.

For instance, knowing a bit about financial analysis and patient care is pretty useless when it comes to doing a full stack developer job, while skills like knowing certain programming languages are almost a must.

Let’s take a look at the example and see what we mean by that.


Another thing to notice from this example is that you should use bulleting lists to write down your skills because it looks much better.

Also, it would help recruiters to compare the set of skills you have with the set of skills needed for the job they are offering.

Another thing to note is that if you have a knowledge of a certain foreign language, you should make sure to include that as well.

In that case, it is a good idea to list the languages you know and the level of your proficiency in those languages.

Apart from that, listing certain courses you’ve done, that could be useful for the job in question, is also a good idea.


In the previous part of the guide on how to write a perfect full stack developer resume, we have familiarized ourselves with what are the most important sections of the resume and how to write each of them.

Now, let’s focus on some things that could help you make your resume even prettier and more professional, as well as some tips about the job application process that could help you get the job you want.

1. Choose Neat Font Style for Your Full Stack Developer Resume

In order to beautify your resume a bit and make it look more professional, you should try to find the best font to use on your resume.

Even though we can’t say that there are predetermined fonts that will look good on every resume, there are several useful tips regarding picking your desired font.

First of all, you should never pick resumes that resemble handwritten styles, since they are a bit harder to read and would simply make recruiters’ job much harder, in which case they might simply decide to ignore your resume.

Next, you should always try to pair up your font style with the template you make or download, in order to look good.

Also, it is a good idea to try to match the font style with the job position you are going for since some fonts and templates could go well with some professions, while not going so well with others.

2. Get Your Full Stack Developer Resume to a Perfect Size

We had already said that resumes shouldn’t be too long, but they should still contain all the important information about the job applicant.

This might sound confusing and you may ask how is it possible to make the resume short while also having a lot of information in it.

Even if you have a lot of experience, you should keep your resume to a minimum size. The optimal resume size is from 1 to a maximum of 2 pages, which is enough to write everything important, even for the most experienced individuals.

Therefore, you should try to identify critical information and include that, while removing all unnecessary information that might sound relevant, but in fact, it isn’t that much.

3. Use Bulleting Lists to Make Your Resume Look Pretty

One of the best ways to reduce the amount of content in your resume is to use bulleting lists to write some of the most important information.

They help you list everything important while removing unnecessary text from your resume, which would probably exist if you had to write everything in lengthy paragraphs.

Also, bulleting lists are pretty useful to make your resume look more organized and professional as well since just a quick overlook would show you excellent organization and everything would be much easier to read.

That is very important for recruiters since most of these companies have dozens, if not hundreds of candidates and going through every resume can be time-consuming.

4. Expert Tip for Using Different File Formats to Benefit Your Resume

When you decide to write something, you probably use Word document, which is in the TXT file format, are we right?

That is also true for writing a resume. Using TXT file format makes your job easier since this format is pretty easy to be edited if needed, while also allowing you to add a lot of additional perks, such as tables, photos, and links.

Therefore, you should always keep your resume in a TXT file format, in case you need to edit it fast and send it to another employer.

However, since TXT format is easier to edit, it is also less safe to send your resume in this format, since some people could be mean enough to edit it for you or remove some stuff.

Even though that is highly unlikely to happen, it is still an option, which is why a lot of people tend to convert their TXT documents to a PDF file format.

The PDF file format is a lot harder to edit and it is a bit nicer to read, since it kind of looks more professional that TXT one.

Therefore, you should also keep a copy of your resume in a PDF file format, which you should send when applying for a job.

So, the conclusion is to keep your resume in both file formats. In TXT format for editing and in PDF format for job application purposes.

That way you will always be ready to apply for a job if some pretty neat chance pops up and allows you to pursue your dream job as a full stack developer.

5. Best Way to Make or Choose the Proper Resume Template?

Now, another thing that could help your resume look more professional and, in general, much prettier than normal document is to make or download a proper resume template.

What you want to achieve with this is to give a soul to your resume and make it look a bit more personal, rather than having a random document full of text.

The ideal thing would be if you made your own template, according to your personality, the job you’re applying for and your general preference.

However, a lot of people don’t have time to do that, since it can be a pretty time-consuming endeavor, so they instead simply decide to download already made custom resume templates from the internet.

If you decide to go this way as well, make sure to find a template that will go well with your profession and other things such as font you’re using and the job you’re applying for.

That way, your resume will be more attractive to the eye and could potentially attract more recruiters, thus increasing your chances of getting the job.

6. E-Mails Matter! Check Them Regularly!

We had already said that emails are one of the most important communication channels in the business environment.

However, emails have a tendency of not always being reliable as they should, so it could happen that you don’t receive some important messages, or they might end up in the Spam folder.

The problem with that is that you don’t get notified when a new message is sent to the Spam folder, so you could easily miss that important email from the company, stating that they are inviting you to a job interview.

Therefore, you should try to check your emails as regularly as possible, even take a quick peek into your Spam folder, just in case there are some important messages.

This way, you will always be ready to answer the invitation from the company’s officials and prepare for that interview.

7. Revising Your Resume After Completion

Once you have finished writing your resume, do not cheer because your job is not over yet! There is still one more thing to do before sending that job application.

What you should do is revise your resume, to try to find out if there are some mistakes, whether some missing information or simply some grammar mistakes.

The most efficient way of doing this is if you pretend to be a recruiter and look at your resume from a different perspective.

This way, you will easily notice any misconceptions and find proper solutions to fix them, in order to make your resume look perfect.

After that, you will be ready to send it out with your job application without having to worry about whether it will leave a good impression or not.

8. It is a Bad Idea to Share Your Political Activities and Opinions in Your Full Stack Developer Resume

We are not going to lie. Sharing some of your political ideas in your resume can sometimes be pretty beneficial, especially if you share the same opinion as to the person who is tasked with hiring new people.

However, the problem is when it is not the case, meaning that recruiters might simply decide not to be objective and remove you from the selection process, even if you are better qualified than some other candidates.

Therefore, it is best never to share your political activities and opinions in your resume, just to be safe and only to rely on your own personal competencies to get the job.

Otherwise, the risk might be too great and you might even lower your chances of getting the job you want so much.

9. Importance of Fixing Grammar Mistakes in a Resume

Let’s face the facts. No one likes seeing grammar mistakes in a resume, especially for a job that requires a bit higher education and a lot of other knowledge, such as a full stack developer job.

Having grammar mistakes looks very unprofessional and could easily ruin your chance of being called to a job interview.

So, what you should do is always try to find and remove all grammar mistakes from your resume, before you decide to apply for a job.

If you are not quite sure how to do that and whether your grammar was completely right, you can use software such as Grammarly, which automatically detects any grammatical mistake in your text documents.

10. Keep Your Full Stack Developer Resume Up to Date All the Time

In order to always be ready to apply for a job, you should always keep your resume updated with the newest information about your jobs, skills, and achievements.

You can never know when you might stumble upon some great job application or meet someone who could offer you a pretty good job.

So, whenever you learn something new or finish some specialized courses, make sure to open your resume in the TXT file and update it with all that information.

11. Lying in a Resume is a Bad Idea

There are a lot of people who tend to write lies in their resumes, simply because they think it would help them get the job.

However, nowadays recruiters are well-trained and most of them know how to spot a lie on a resume, which is why it is not a good idea to lie about your skills and competencies.

It is better, to be honest, and ask for training if you need to learn something that could help you do your job, rather than lie about it and potentially ruin your chances of performing well on that job.

12. Preparation is Critical!

Getting that call to come to a job interview is just a part of the last step before getting the job.

However, that is usually the hardest step to do, since recruiters tend to ask a lot of questions, and candidates often get really nervous and completely fail.

Truth to be told, people fail, not simply because they are nervous, but because they weren’t prepared for the interview.

Therefore, what you should do if you get invited to a job interview, is prepare yourself for the final battle, which will not be easy.

You can think of it as your own Waterloo. Will you suffer the same fate as Napoleon and fail, or perhaps change the history and crown yourself as a person who managed to defeat the odds and get that full stack developer job.


This was everything we had prepared for you today people!

In this text, we learned why our resumes so important, what are the main characteristics of a perfect full stack developer resume and how to distinguish yourself from the crowd of competitors.

You now know to identify all individual parts of a resume and how to write them, as well as some smaller tips that could help you beautify your resume even more, in order to make it better.

Also, you are aware of some tricks you can use to pass the job interview and get the job you want, so what are you waiting for?

Write your own resume and conquer the hearts and minds of those companies, in order to get invited to a job interview.

Full Stack Developer Resume: Sample and Complete Guide

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