Dental Assistant Resume: Examples, Template, and Resume Tips
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In general, the dental industry is a profitable one not only because fixing someone’s jaw or teeth cost a lot of money but also because technology is advancing day by day and that’s surely one reason why so many young people want to be a dentist when they grow up.
But, becoming a dentist isn’t as easy as someone may think because it takes 6 to 8 years to finish your bachelor’s and maybe even MD degree and that’s why many opt to become a dental assistant, which in itself isn’t a bad idea.
Furthermore, being a dental assistant before being a doctor of oral medicine or an oral surgeon is a great way to start your career and get some experience under your belt before you advance in the dentistry branch.
Today we are going to show you how to write the perfect dental assistant resume, and we will show you two examples of how it should look like.
After that, we are going to go down each section one by one to assure that you write the best resume possible for your next job position.
Feel free to use our resume template builder as it will help you write your resume without too much hassle and will provide you with the templates which best suit you and your profession.
Without further ado, let’s begin!
Dental Practitioner Resume Example

Associate Dentist Resume Example

Now that we’ve presented you two examples of how to write your dental assistant resume, the next step is to go through each section of the resume one by one and further explain what you should write.
We will be discussing what should and what absolutely should not be in your resume and also give you examples of that as well.
After that, we will give you some tips and tricks you can use so that you write the best possible resume.
So let us begin!
As you can see, in the Personal Info section, you will be asked to provide some basic information about yourself such as your full name, address, phone number and E-Mail.
Some information, such as a photograph is optional, and you should be notified by your employer if they are needed.
When it comes to your full name, obviously you should provide your birth name or, in the case that you’ve for some reason changed your name, the name written on your ID card.
This means that you should stay clear of nicknames even though your family and friends might still call you that.
Anna Lopez
Annie Lopez
Next is your address which sometimes isn’t needed, but you should write it just in case it is required by your employer, and don’t worry about your information being used because companies work under strict confidentiality policies.
After that, you should provide your phone number, either your cell phone number or a landline number because some employers don’t send E-Mails but rather call their future employees to set up a job interview.
Providing your E-Mail is pretty essential as most information such as job requirements, expected qualification and job interview details will be sent to you by E-Mail.
On that note, you should create a new E-Mail address just for business if you don’t have one because an old E-Mail address you’ve used in the 7th grade isn’t going to cut it.
The same goes with your social media information such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
Twitter and Facebook can be used instead of your website where you can post your information and interact with other people, but surely, LinkedIn will be your most useful social media.
You should look at LinkedIn as a continuation of your resume because there you can list all the things you’ve either missed out on your resume or you didn’t think was relevant, and by providing your LinkedIn account, your employer can find out other things about you as well.
Of course, you should clean up your social media addresses so that they look a bit more professional on your resume.
Social Media
LinkedIn: www.linkedin/in/john-pence/
Social Media
LinkedIn: www.linkedin/in/john-pence58346/
Writing a perfect summary isn’t always easy, but there are some things which you should pay attention to write a summary which isn’t too long but includes everything that needs to be mentioned.
When writing a summary, you should focus on:
- Length – The length of your summary should be two or three sentences and no more than that and the reason being is that a summary is just a brief overview of your work experiences, skills, and education as well as your reason why you think you should be chosen for that job position.
- Highlighting – You should be able to highlight your previous accomplishments and places you’ve worked at and also your skills but be sure to write what you think is most important and leave other things for the Experience section.
- Precision – You shouldn’t set high expectations in your summary, because it can be a double-edged sword if it turns out that you don’t have enough experience to work for the company you’re applying in.
Your summary should end up looking something like this:
I am a college graduate and certified dental assistant who has experience in working with orthodontists, oral hygienists and oral surgeons. I have worked for clinics and hospitals such as West Coast Dental Services and AltaMed. I have great communication skills, and I am very calm with patients.
I’ve graduated from a dental assistant school. I have been working with other dentists. I think I have good communication skills.
Side note: Because most medical branches mean that you have somewhat of a rich education, in your summary you should list maybe one certificate you have which is important for the job position you’re applying for to avoid over-cramming your summary.
Here’s more in-depth info on writing the summary section.
Writing the Experience section for any branch in medicine is as equally important as writing the Education section and the main reason being the correlation of theoretic and practical knowledge which is taught in medical schools and colleges.
That being said, it’s always a good idea to list all of your past work experience but also, even if you don’t have any work experience than you can list some internship programs you’ve attended and then pay more attention to the Education section later on.
Many dental assistants don’t have an MD degree and are using the position of a dental practitioner as sort of a springboard so that they can get some work experience in the dental industry and maybe finish their specialization afterwards.
Anyways, writing the Experience section is pretty straightforward.
You should focus on writing three or four sentences concerning what you did at your job, and if you’ve made any improvements or accomplishments, you should list that as well.
That being said, you should stay clear of listing duties which already implies in your job description, meaning you shouldn’t describe what your responsibilities were but rather what you’ve accomplished doing for that company.

As you can see, it’s also a good idea to add some numbers because your employer will surely be interested to know if you’ve really done something at your job and not just stare at patients having their teeth removed.
Also, because all dental ordinations have track records, it’s fairly easy to keep track of how many procedures you’ve helped with.
Similar to the Experience section, your education is very important mainly because in this branch of work employers want the best of the best and even though maybe you don’t have much experience working for a company, if you’ve been successful academically, you’re sure to have some experience in your internship programs and practical courses.
Knowing this, you should list all of the schools and colleges you’ve gone to and also write if you’ve had attended any internships, programs or seminars because all of that will be necessary for you to differentiate yourself from other candidates.
Also, keep in mind that you will need certificates and licenses to be able to conduct procedures such as x-ray scanning because you need special training and education to do it, so feel free to add all of your certificates and licenses as well and don’t forget to write the town and country you’ve went to college because it needs to be an accredited one.
College of Dentistry, Gainesville, FL, USA
College of Dentistry
Lastly, if you have a high GPA score, have been enrolled in some student organizations and wrote some papers which are worth mentioning, you can add that as well.
This is your time to shine and make those 6 -8 years of studying worth it.
Here is a great article that can be helpful on writing the education section.
Last but not least is the Skills section, and here you should focus on writing your overall skill set which you think will benefit your future workplace and also the things your employer might find interesting.
It depends on what you know to do, whether it is making dental plaster molds, working with children in pediatric dental clinics, knowing how to give anesthesia to patients or even knowing a second language.
By listing those things, you are saying what you want to do at your next job position even though your duties might involve other responsibilities.
Surely, you should stay clear of listing trivial things like knowing how to prepare coffee, how to iron a shirt without iron or how to tie your shoelaces in 5 seconds because there isn’t a workplace which needs all of those skills, and if there was, I would have already been working there.
Jokes aside, your Skills section should look something in the line of:
- Experienced in giving anesthesia to patients
- Certified in x-ray scanning and radiology
- Great communication and relaxed with patients
- Knows how to prepare the paperwork and manage appointments
- Fluent in both German and French
- Knows how to remove a tooth
- Great at talking to patients about their day
- Plays Solitaire when there are no appointments
To summarize, keep it simple but try to offer various and helpful skills apart from the basic duties you’re already supposed to know and also think of it as an opportunity to show off a little bit because you never know what your employer will be looking for and if you maybe have just that.
- Proofreading – Before you send your resume to your employer, be sure to have it checked for grammatical errors as they can seriously ruin your credibility and you can never be sure that you haven’t made any, so it’s better not to risk it.
- Reviewing – Make sure to send your resume to a professional or someone who gets tons of resumes daily who will tell you if you need to make some improvements before you send the resume to your employer.
- Formatting – Be sure to have your resume in different document formats such as PDF or TXT because you never know which format your employer will ask from you. Also, it’s a good idea to have a printed copy of your resume with you on your job interview.
- Font – Don’t use a font that looks like it is handwritten because today resumes go through a machine which searches out keywords and it maybe won’t be able to scan your resume. Instead, you should opt for standard fonts such as Times New Roman, Cambria, Calibri, Helvetica or Arial and be sure to use the same font throughout the whole resume so that you appear more professional.
- Listing your education – Because dentistry is a broad term by itself and because there are many schools, colleges, courses, and programs which offer certificates and diplomas, you should list everything relevant for the job you’re applying, even if it was just a seminar you’ve attended, it all counts.
- Bullet points – When listing something, you should try to use just three or four bullet points because more than that can appear a bit crowded and like you are writing your autobiography, so keep it simple.
- Resume length – In connection with the previous point, you shouldn’t go past two pages in your resume, and ideally you would just fill out one page because employers and hiring agents rarely have time to read the whole sheet of paper so keep that in mind.
- Highlighting – Knowing how to emphasize and highlight keywords will help you get your message across even though your resume is one page long, and you should highlight things such as past work experience and your skillset.
- Political correctness – There is no room for your political, religious or other ideological opinions, and that being said, you shouldn’t, under any circumstances, write then in your resume, except if your employer specifically asks for them which is very rare.
- Adapting – You should never write the same resume twice because many job positions don’t require the same skills, education and work experience and this especially apply to jobs in the medical branch.
- Checking your E-Mail – You should check your E-Mail once in a while so that you don’t miss out on any replies because you never know if they are going to call you or send you an E-Mail, so you better be prepared. Also, you should check your spam folder if something was maybe filtered out.
- Resume builder – If you still have some questions about how to write your resume, feel free to check out our resume builder templates as they are pretty convenient for people who never wrote a resume before and even experienced ones. It’s pretty easy to add or delete sections that you need for your resume, and you can choose the template which best suits your profession.
To summarize, we had gone through everything you needed to know when it comes to writing your dental assistant resume and by following our guide step by step, you are sure to create a great resume.
Don’t forget to implement everything we’ve learned here today and pay attention to keywords and on emphasizing the most important parts of your resume.
Also, remember what not to include in your resume so that you don’t make any possible mistakes because you want your resume to look professional.
In the end, if you possibly still have some questions concerning your resume, then you should try out our resume builder because it has helped many clients before and it is guaranteed to help you as well.
Good luck with finding your new job!

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