Data Scientist Resume: Template, Examples & Complete Guide
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Do you remember the times when you were just a kid watching one or the other Sci-Fi movie whose plot is happening in the distant 21st century?
Well guess what, that’s the century we actually live in! In those films, you would always see some “crazy scientist” gathering and analyzing various data about various topics and bringing them together to form a certain conclusion about something.
Having said this, we can now indeed see real-life people linking scientific processes, methods, algorithms and systems to extract insights and knowledge from various kinds of data.
Even though this may sound so complicated or unrealistic to some people, this is how our world is functioning today.
If it wasn’t for such processes, multiple, and moreover priceless, pieces of information would be lost for good.
This seemingly abstract work is accomplished by people who are generally referred to as Data Scientists, but you already know this.
Being a data scientist requires that you have an analytical mind, capable of perceiving links between various inputs.
Today, we will try to help you out by suggesting how to put this knowledge to practical use by guiding you through a resume writing process.
Just before we provide a plethora of useful examples and things you should or should not do in a CV, allow is to briefly remind you of some basic facts.
To begin with, let us tell you that your Curriculum Vitae is your professional ID. This is a presentation of your skills and abilities which needs to impressive no matter what.
You use your resume as a tool which helps you outdo and outshine the mass of others in the same field.
For some, writing a perfect resume comes ever so naturally, while others might struggle, no matter how brilliant they are at what they do otherwise.
Don’t worry though, since we are there for you! You have us and our little guide and our online resume builder at your disposal as well.
And finally, before we give you the actual steps of how to write an impeccable CV, pay attention to the basic notions relevant for writing a resume, such as:
- Your language must be precise and well-understood;
- Your resume MUST be organized properly (clearly show all relevant pieces of information);
- Choose a proper template (if in doubt, feel free to use our resume template builder);
- Your resume MUST draw (positive) attention.
Now that this has sunk in, let us dive into actual details on how to write that perfect resume!


In your resume, the section listing your personal information is the first thing that a potential employer checks.
Naturally, we all want to know the name of the person we are dealing with. In this section, you are bound to present only relevant information about yourself.
Obviously, these MUST be true.
No need to explain why!
Just like with everything else, when writing a CV, you need to follow a specific order.
Of course, you start with the name, address, and possible ways to get in touch with you.
Without further delay, let’s go through section by section and see what it is that you need to and/or should not do in your resume.
- Miranda Flint
- Jack Bonnie
- Miranda Flint, AKA “The Cat Lover”
- Jack “Gamer” Bonnie
As seen from the example above, make sure to provide your full first and last name.
Make no mistake – nicknames are completely irrelevant here!
They are highly informal and playful, which is opposite of the serious work environment. Stay on the safe side and give nicknames a wide berth.
Next important step is providing your profession details.
Sometimes, potential employers even take a look at this section first and then check your personal details, such as your name. From this reason, your profession must be precisely indicated in your resume.
- Master of Business Analytics
- Master of Science in Data Science
- Having a college degree
- With MSc degree
Avoid being vague at all costs! If you take a look at the Wrong column, you will understand yourself that this is a rather confusion notion.
Imagine being an employer and seeing something like this.
Employers do not have the time or simply do not want to explore what kind of college degree you have or from what field your degree is. With a CV like this, your application will be disregarded.
On the other hand, if maybe your profession is not an exact match to the position you are applying for, still, you need to be completely honest about it.
Once you are in the interview, your employers will see right through your failed attempt to fool them.
You will end up as dishonest and will probably never get the chance to apply for the same company again.
Be honest, say what your profession is, but show them how your previous experience or other skills make you a perfect candidate for the position.
Attaching/Including a photo in your resume is optional. Still, we recommend that you do include a photo after all. We will all agree that resumes without a photo are a bit impersonal.
People are visual beings, so it’s only natural that we want to have a face to put with the name.
And, if you decide to forego the photo, the potential employer might get a wrong impression of how you are not confident about yourself or your looks.
Now let’s take a look at the following distinction.
Instructions for a Photo on a Resume
- Natural smile, without forcing it
- Make sure your eyes are naturally open
- Hair must be clean and neatly combed
- Light, or none at all, make-up (for ladies)
- Trimmed beard (for gentlemen)
- You must be alone in the photo and the background must be neutral. Hint: Take a photo standing or sitting in front of a white or otherwise neutral wall.
- Proper posture
- Dressed formally
What you should avoid on a Photo
- Laughing, grinning, or smiling widely
- Closed eyes
- Messy, dirty, or otherwise untidy hair
- Strong make-up (for ladies)
- Untrimmed/too long beard (for gents)
- No group photos allowed (avoid photos with your family or photos from parties or holidays).
- Slouching
- Dressed casually
What we have just presented is what kind of photo you need to choose. As judged from the column Right, make sure to look professional.
If you opt for the photo as described in the Wrong column, the employers might perceive you as not taking proper care of yourself and being too casual, which is not good for your professional outcome.
Phone Number
It is almost impossible to imagine that somebody does not have a cell phone.
So, leaving your number out might confuse the employer.
Giving your phone number is important since it is a good and reliable method for employers to get in touch with you. It is understood that you will give YOUR phone number, not somebody else’s.
It is highly recommended that you provide this detail in your CV since this is how you will give a chance to employer to speak to you.
Speaking helps establish stronger bond than e-mails, so even if they haven’t had a chance to meet you in person yet, this will enormously improve your chances for employment.
This is another optional part of your resume.
And, just like with the first one, we again recommend that you do not leave this out of your resume.
This data is again linked to your honesty as an applicant. If you need to move across the state, or to another state for that matter, for the job it’s only fair to warn the potential employer about this.
E-mail Address
Just like with mobile numbers, it is almost unthinkable that you do not have an e-mail address. Before we go any further, take a look at this.
Here we have just shown you that your e-mail also needs to be serious and professional.
Do not use those e-mail addresses that you might be using on various platforms for different purposes (e.g. shopping online, playing games, etc.) when applying for a job.
Additionally, you need to take care that the e-mail address is easily spelt and pronounced.
This is how you will avoid ambiguities and doubts, especially if you need to share this detail over the phone.
Social Media Profiles
Creating profiles and accounts on social media is a widespread phenomenon.
So, inevitably you will have at least one of these. Giving them in your CV is optional, so if you decide to include them please pay attention to the following.
When we talk about a job application, social networks might not be as helpful as you think.
The content you post, share or like over there might lead to some wrong conclusions about you so you will have a lot of trouble making things right. If you provide the links, at least limit the visibility of the contents you post, share or like.
Even though it is a social network, a link to your LinkedIn account is always a good idea. The main idea behind this network is for professionals to find and for companies to offer jobs, so it is definitely good to list it.
After the facts you outline in the personal section, it’s time to deal with a bit more complicated part of your resume. It somehow seems that writing the resume section takes a lot of effort and skill to write.
So, let us give you some hints on how to not end up frustrated when you sit down to write that brilliant summary of our work experience.
Before we tell you anything else, note that the point of your summary is to be convincing.
In the summary section, you must make use of language, making sure to use as fewer words possible and yet demonstrate everything you can do.
However, do not write your summary in a merely factual fashion, but give it an appealing note instead (i.e. advertise yourself). If you are wondering how to do that, then have a look at this.
Good summary
College graduate with experience. Master of Business Analytics with over 6 years of experience. Specialized in market data research and analysis and organization of findings to boost the profit of an organization. Presently seeking for an opportunity to invest the knowledge and experience into a new environment in order to promote personal growth and the development of the new employer.
College graduate with experience.
Even if you might think at first that we are talking quantity, not quality, take another look at the table above.
When an employer reads the column on the left, they know instantly the kind of expert they are dealing with. You seem like a person who knows what they are talking about and how to get things done.
On the other hand, the column on the right side is a complete opposite. You would appear as uncaring, disorganised, even uneducated.
When writing the summary part, imagine you were a marketing expert and you are advertising yourself.
Accordingly, you are not simply looking/applying for a job.
You are getting this job, because you have the experience, the knowledge and the skill, and no one else can do this better then you do.
Convince the employer that you are the perfect candidate for the position who will be able to deal with anything that comes your way.
The experience section is the central part of your resume.
After you briefly comment on this in the summary, there officially comes the part of your resume which confirms to the potential employer that you are the right candidate for the given opening.
Before you start writing, have in mind that your experience is listed in the chronologically reversed order, i.e. starting from the most recent job.
The data you provide here need to be true and complete, including the full name of the companies you were previously engaged in.
More importantly, you also need to indicate the position you held and a brief description of the responsibilities and tasks you were in charge of.

When a potential employer takes a look at the column Right they know what they can expect from you.
By listing the tasks you dealt with previously, you clearly show to them what you are capable of delivering on the new position.
By doing this, you also save time to the employer so they do not have to guess or ask for additional information from you.
The column on the right side is inadequate and besides incomplete. Avoid organizing your experience section in such a way. If you still do so, then be ready to miss out on so many job opportunities.
Just like any other part of your resume, the data in your experience section must be accurate. These details are verified so easily; hence, save yourself the embarrassment and list only the facts.
In case you do not have the required experience, or it is insufficient, do not obscure this fact.
Your honesty will be valued and you might be given a chance to fill the vacancy despite the fact that you are missing a year or two of experience.
Whatever the case, it is always recommended to be proactive and let the employer know you are open to new things and ready to learn further.
Hint: Adapt your work experience to the vacancy you are applying for.
That is to say, do not include those jobs that bear no connection to the given position.
The education section in your CV is listed after the previous work experience. The experience is more important for the employer, which is why it comes first.
The idea behind is that through experience you will learn even those things that you hadn’t been focusing on during college.

As for your education section, again you need to present true data since you will inevitably be asked to present your certificate(s).
Still, if you obtained an MA or MSc certificate, or even BSc, then you can omit the previous education. The point is, the highest degree you obtained is the most relevant one.
In your education section, be sure to include any scholarships you were awarded.
It is ok to boast just a little in your resume. it will show to potential clients that you excelled at learning and will prompt them to rank you better compared to other candidates.
As for your GPA, it is also an optional data. However, if your GPA was 3.8 or above, again, brag a little bit about yourself.
Hint: If you are listing all relevant institutions you attended, make sure to list them in the reversed chronological order.
Writing your skills section might be the easiest part to write, after the personal data section.
This is where you list what you are good at. However, the things you list must be relevant for the job you are applying for.

When writing the skills section, you need to personalize it to the job application, so painting we listed on the right side of the table is highly inappropriate and irrelevant for a data scientist. The other two items in this list are incomplete.
You are allowed to be vague under no circumstances!
Don’t say you can use programming languages, but list all them that you can use proficiently.
Vagueness will be perceived as a lack of actual knowledge or interest, and these will only work against you.
By the way, notice this – we did not say you can use well, but proficiently.
This is what is expected of you. Strong language is your best friend here.
You are not good at communication, but you excel at interpersonal relations and conflict solving, for example. See the difference it makes. You have just shown them you can use language and you have other skills as well.
A special subset of your skills is dedicated to languages. When listing these, include only those languages you can truly speak.
Do not create a false image about yourself, it will do you no good.
Describing skills
- English (Native)
- Spanish (Advanced) / Portuguese (Basic)
- French (Intermediate) / Spanish (Basic)
Describing skills
- English
- Spanish / Portuguese
- French / Spanish
You also need to include the level of how well you speak a certain language.
At specific occasions, you might even need to list separately the level your various language skills (i.e. speaking, writing, listening, reading).
Honesty, in this case, is highly appreciated, especially if the employer demands that the candidates know a specific language. You might deceive them briefly at first, but your interview will give them a clear picture.
As for the general interests that you provide at the final part of your resume, it is more than fine to include the abstract painting here. However, don’t overdo it.
List only those activities that you like the most and that you spend time doing.
Hint: 2-3 activities are just fine!
And, we have just shown how to write that impeccable CV! if you are still having doubts about your skills to write it (and trust us, you shouldn’t!), then feel free to use our resume template builder and make your life easier.
- Double-check your writing for punctuation or grammar mistakes.
- Pay attention that the data you provide is full and true to the best of your knowledge.
- Customize your resume to the job you are applying for.
The job market is so full of opportunities and sometimes it only takes a little for us to join the numerous professionals contributing to a better tomorrow.
Once you embark on a job quest, there are certain activities you need to complete previously and the most important among them is writing an appealing resume.
This king of a resume implies that you present yourself in the best of light in the eyes of the potential employer.
Since writing a CV might be the cause of serious trouble, here we tried to make your life easier by providing relevant guidelines on how to do it by yourself.
However, if you are still uncertain that you will be able to do it yourself, then our resume template builder is just the thing for you!
Once you’ve made that perfect CV (either way), show it to the world and embrace the numerous opportunities you will get.
Enjoy it and good luck!

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