Cyber Security Resume: Examples, Template, and Resume Tips
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When you started college everybody told you to go into IT, it is the profession of the future!
So you did, and it is.
Everything today is online, all our information: our images, our address, even our house can be on Google Earth, our bank information… Basically everything!
Whenever we want to buy something online (Hello, Amazon!) we are required to provide sensitive information like home address, bank account number and so on.
If you are a part of the majority of people who have at least one (most of us are guilty of having more than three on different platforms) of the social media accounts, there is so much more information that can be publicly visible.
When this all started to take shape and appear on the web, there were so many warnings about divulging sensitive information.
Is it just us, or does it really exist fewer and fewer warnings about internet safety and information security, but we see fewer warnings nowadays than before. Why is that?
Some would argue that there is not any online privacy whatsoever and that everything you share on the Web stays there permanently for everyone to see (if they know how), and they are not wrong. However, there are people like you who are in charge of web security, cybercrime, online frauds, and so on, so other people argue that the Web is safer now than ever before thanks to what you do.
Because everything is on the Web, you have countless options for making a career.
Each company has its own IT sector, where you can either code and program, or make sure that the company’s information is safe from hacking.
Your job is to make sure that data we as individuals or entire companies share via the internet stay out of the wrong hands.
We understand that creating a resume is hard, this is why we are here to help you find that perfect job for your area of interest regarding cyber safety and shape your resume according to what your prospective employer might consider a great addition to the company.
In this text, we will present you with two phenomenal examples of resumes that recruiters found completely perfect for the job.
Try to decipher any codes (‘codes, patterns…’ get it?) that you made when writing your own resume, and recognize areas that need to be fixed.
Later, we will take you through the process of writing your own resume step-by-step, which will only be easier with our resume builder.
After this guide, you will have the answer to all the questions that bothered you about writing a good, discernible resume, regardless of your work experience – you will know how to handle it perfectly.
You will also learn what skills to include in your resume, how to showcase your education and write a perfect summary.
You will have a ready answer to ‘How long should my resume be?‘ and many more questions that go through your head even now.
Your resume will stand out!
So, let’s start with the examples.
Cyber Security Resume Example

Cyber Security Resume Sample

Have you noticed anything that you wrote in the same or similar way?
If yes, then great, you only need some fine-tuning to get your resume to perfection.
If not, you will have to work a little harder to create a great CV that will separate you from the crowd of other IT engineers looking for a job in Cyber Security. In both cases, read on.
This next section of this guide will go into detail with all sections separately.
Make notes and use them later, or start by choosing a resume layout that you consider will do the best job at showcasing your inclination to cyber security and start filling it in as we go.
You will have a variety to choose from.
Have you chosen already?
Let us continue!
The personal information section is your greeting card to all the recruiters.
Some resumes do not even get looked at past the personal info section of there is something seriously wrong with it.
And yes, there are a few things that may put off the recruiters at first glance.
We will go there in a second
For someone who has dedicated their life to securing personal information on the very public Web, we find pointing out safety practices redundant (you know you need to use trusted protocols), so we will just remind you that you should use one very clearly stated e-mail address.
Complicated ones will not fare well among the recruiters however creative and sneaky they are.
You want them to have your real name connected to your actual e-mail right there at the reach of the hand, they will not go through the trouble of cracking the code.
That is up to you. That is if you get the job.
You should make sure that you never use nicknames or cyber aliases when writing your resume for the same reason as you want to have a clean slate and a professional approach to recruitment.
Provide your valid phone number and address where you actually live at the moment. In this case, you want them to find you and reach you. Cyber or real-life safety is not threatened here.
As a person with an understanding of how the Web works, you surely know the importance of having a LinkedIn account for business opportunities. Include it in your resume, along with any other online presence app, if you think that will help make your case in the eyes of the recruiters (e.g. you are an online consultant for computer hotline).
When it comes to including your photo, check the practices of the State in which the company is located.
Some states require putting a photo on your resume, while others find it distasteful.
Shape your resume towards what the recruiters like.
It should be a nice and clean headshot if you decide to use it.
Your appearance is not important in how you do your job, and spending time in front of the computer and sometimes even working remotely can give you the opportunity to let loose and for example have a messy bun on while you are working, or your beard is not combed.
This is okay, but for a resume, the picture makes sure that you are put-together. It shows integrity and a professional approach to the job search.
Pamela Elkins
Pam Elkins Or CyberPam
And when it comes to e-mail:
The majority of people dread writing the summary section.
This is because they do not have the inherent capability to take out the most informative content and present it concisely.
Figuring out important detail over supporting information should not be a problem for a Cyber Security engineer. So what will you need to do to compose the best summary section?
First of all, look at the job description and requirements. You should include some information stated in it because that is what will catch the recruiters’ eye. If they are looking for an experienced employee, point out your experience regarding the time you spent doing the job, as well as achievements.
For achievements, try to be the most specific you can and avoid being vague. If you do not have any experience, focus on emphasizing some other requirements, your desire and ability to learn from experience and so on.
There are two other issues that arise when composing a summary: it is either too short or too long.
A short, generic resume will not give any additional information that will sway the recruiters your way; it will only state that you desire the job you are applying for.
On the other hand, a longer, essay-like summary will quickly tire and bore the recruiters so they will not even bother reading it or crucial information will not come to their attention
Keep your resume about two to three sentences long with carefully chosen information. Here is an example:
Short Summary
An IT engineer with 7 years of experience is looking for a new Cyber Security job.
Long Summary
An IT engineer with 7 years of field experience and desire for constant self-improvement is looking for a new job opportunity, where I can be up-to-date with new practices and processes, while still being able to use and share my knowledge. I am personally responsible for accessing and/or fixing over 400 issues per year of work. I enjoy friendly environment, and helping colleagues. I would like to help your company meet the world standards.
An IT engineer with over 7 years of field experience and desire for constant self-improvement, is looking for a new job opportunity, where I can be up-to-date with new practices and processes, while still being able to use and share my knowledge. I am personally responsible for accessing and/or fixing over 400 issues per year of work.
While the information we have just shared with you is still fresh, take the layout you have chosen from our resume builder and write your summary section!
The experience section is the trickiest for anyone who does not have it. What should you do if you are one of those, recently-graduated candidates for a Cyber Security position?
Focus on your education and the skills you have acquired, and make sure that your summary is perfect.
You can also decide to put information about a summer job if it is even remotely related to the field. This can show that you are hardworking and ready to pursue your goals.
If you belong to the lucky group of candidates who have had some experience in the field of Cyber Security or even IT, you only have to worry about presenting the information the right way.
Start from the latest position and go backward. It is considered that the knowledge and skills you have acquired a while ago can be outdated, especially in the fast-developing field of Cyber Security, and that the new skills are fresh and ready for you to use without much preparation and additional learning.
State the time period and the information about the previous employer neatly.
For each employment, write a line or two providing the information about what your responsibilities have been, your achievements, and the skills you have learned. Be as specific as you can.
Use our resume builder to easily keep your experience education in order.
If you do not have any experience, remove this section altogether. Have you already written it?
Let us continue!
Okay, yes, there are not many mistakes that you can make when writing about your education.
The information should be ordered in a reverse chronological order which means starting from the latest and finishing with the oldest one. There is no need to put own information about elementary and high school education.
You should stick with higher education information, BAs or MAs, any kind of Cyber Security certificate you have acquired over the school years or your previous employment. Continuing education information is the gold with the recruiters.
If you have any licenses that might help you do your job, list them.
Courses that may help you be more productive? By all means, write them down.
You are free to avoid putting down information that is not directly or indirectly related to Cyber Security. This type of information will only crowd the resume, taking attention away from what is really important.
For any education point, include several pieces of information about what you have learned and some of your achievements during studies.
Do this with more emphasis if you are fresh-out-of-school and have scarce or no experience to make your case.
A side note: IF you are thinking about finishing a course or getting a certificate on anything related to the field of Cyber Security, do not hesitate anymore.
The more formal education you have, the more different practical skills you have. Cyber Security is a wide field and any form of skills’ set may help you get that future job!
Easily add and remove the education pieces of information with our resume builder! It is as easy as the click of a mouse!
The skills section represents all your skills that can be closely or remotely related to the job you are applying to.
In your case of applying for a Cyber Security position at any company, the hard skills would be the ones directly related to the field of online safety.
Knowledge of any security assessment tools, understanding of the practices, finding and solving the malfunction causes, and so on.
The soft skills you can include are any information sharing ethics, interpersonal skills for working in a team, management skills especially if you are applying for higher positions, speaking another language and so on.
Aside from putting on the skills at random and throwing all of your skills together (leave out your skill of giving perfect neck massage after hours of sitting at the computer), there is another mistake that is very common and that is- not providing the accurate level of expertise of the said skill.
Just writing them down in a bunch will not let your recruiters know if you are the best for the job.
- Cryptography
- Digital evidence
- Recovering image files
- Cryptography 3/5
- Digital evidence controls *****
- Recovering image files – advanced
Use a descriptive method (beginner, intermediate, proficient…), numerical method (3/5, 5/5,…), stars (***, *****,…) or scales according to your preference.
Try out our resume builder, there is a variety of them to choose from.
Choose one method and stick to it throughout the skills list.
- Keep a master resume with all your education and experience information, and all the skills listed. When you decide it is time to move on from the job you already have, you will be glad that you do not have to recall all the years, details and numerous skills that you have acquired over the years.
- Keep your resume at the one-page length (two at most). The recruiters use up only 6-8 seconds scanning your resume so you want their attention on it a hundred percent. You do not want them to spend their energy twisting and turning the pages.
- Tailor-make your resumes. Each time you decide to send out a resume, make sure to make even the tiniest adjustments to fit the requirements of the job descriptions (The master resume will help you choose).
- If you have any real-life examples of the work you did, be ready to show the recruiters.
- Practice answering possible interview questions, it is your time to shine.
- Proofread your resume. For someone who should have extremely developed attention to detail due to the nature of your work, imagine how much damage a type-o can make. Have a family member or a friend help you with that, a new set of eyes may see something you have missed.
We understand that it can be a little tricky for you to find a way to present yourself in the best light, so we created this resume building guide, and our own resume builder to help you.
After you have read through all our advice and completed your top-notch resume, we hope that you will get that job you want and continue to make the Web safer for all of us.

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