There are several factors that determine our choice of careers. One of them is the circumstances the person is currently in. People who are in a financial bind are bound to look for jobs that are high-paying, while those who are more concerned with status are more likely to look at what the job looks like more than how much it actually pays. Abilities and skills also figure in the equation; people choose to do something because they have the skills for it.

It varies among people, and there is one reason for that: differences in personality. If not for these differences, then everyone would do well in pretty much any career. Everyone can become manager. Everyone can become a businessmen and entrepreneur. And everyone can become teacher and educator.

But that is not the case. There are people who are more effective as business owners rather than as employees working for other people. There are individuals who are better at communicating with students while there are those who prefer working on projects.

Take a look at two people who are both skilled photographers. One prefers taking photos of nature, going on long, solitary hikes in the mountains and taking photographs of birds, and various flora and fauna. The other photographer, on the other hand, is more comfortable taking photos while in the middle of crowds of people, so they are actively pursuing celebrities and famous personalities and taking their photos. These two have the same skill sets and professional background, but one is a nature photographer, while the other is a member of the paparazzi. What made them different?

The most likely answer? Their respective personalities.

Career Personality Test | Discover Your Ideal Career

© | Gumirova Elvira

In this guide, we will explain how your personality affects your career preferences and discuss how you can utilize the three leading personality tests (Myers-Briggs type indicator, Jung typology test, Holland’s six personality types) for finding a career that you really love.


Career choices and preferences mostly boil down to the personality of the individual. What makes every individual unique is his or her personality.

Each one of us has our own sets of values, traits, expectations and quirks. All these contribute to how we make our choices in our actions, from our day to day activities to bigger decisions, such as those that involve our future and our career.

Importance of Career Personality Tests

The first step towards assessing what career would suit you best is to get to know who you are. In other words, you have to know your personality inside out. There are many people who may scoff at the idea, saying that they know themselves well enough to know what career path they want to follow, and what will be best for them. But here’s a surprise for you: you may actually be mistaken.

There are people who, once they have taken some personality tests and took the results into consideration with respect to their career choices, become surprised at what their career personality is. They may feel surprised to learn that they have great potential for a certain career that they never even considered before. In contrast, they may also realize that they are not really a good fit for a career that they have always thought was perfect for them.

That is the importance of knowing your career personality. And how can you do that? A tool that is commonly used, even by human resource managers and career consultants, is a career personality test.

This type of assessment tool basically lets the respondent answer several questions and subsequently weigh the answers to analyze the personality of the individual. The result will then help the person determine which careers are a good fit for his personality.

In the succeeding discussions, we will take a look at three of the most reliable and trusted career personality tests that are commonly used today.

Follow this career formula to boosting your chances of having a fulfilling and successful career.



The official Myers-Briggs Personality Type test will cost you money. However, there are free versions of it that you can find on the internet.

In this career personality test, there are four categories with sixteen identified personality types, and each personality type has specific and distinct career preferences affecting their choices.

The Artisan

These are the artists, who are described as “free-spirited” and “party-loving” individuals.

1. The Performer (ESFP)

Typical of a performer who feels comfortable being in the spotlight, he is outgoing and friendly. Basically, he is one who loves life, in general, and has fun being with other people. Therefore, he has no qualms about working with other people and adapting to new environments and settings. He is lively and playful, but still puts great value on common sense.

However, he falls short on keeping long-term commitments, since he is often known to have a short attention span. There is also a high chance that he is sensitive, to the point that he will have trouble taking criticism for what it is, and end up taking it personally.

Possible careers: Actor or someone in the performing arts (e.g. theater and musical stage), interior designer/decorator, guidance or child welfare counselor, sales representative, fashion designer, photographer, athlete, professions in early childhood education

2. The Promoter (ESTP)

The promoter usually takes a pragmatic approach to things, which means he is more able to focus on the here and now, instead of worrying too much about the future. He exhibits flexibility and high tolerance, which makes him more comfortable learning things as he goes about doing them. In fact, he performs even better in times of crisis.

Typically, this personality is not ashamed of its enjoyment of material things. For him, it is important to live comfortably and in style. Unfortunately, he is also the type that easily gets bored. Despite his high levels of tolerance, there also comes a point where he becomes insensitive and tactless, even if he is not aware of it.

Possible careers: Banker, entertainment agent, sports coach, investor, marketing personnel, emergency medical technician, entrepreneurs, sales representative, facilitator, marketing specialist, stockbroker

3. The Composer (ISFP)

They live “in the moment”. That is one way to describe people with this type of personality. They are appreciative of what they currently have, so they tend to enjoy the present instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. They are usually quiet and sensitive, but also friendly and kind towards others.

Since he is naturally warm and sensitive, you can expect a Composer type of person to exhibit loyalty and commitment. They make very good friends, since they are also very good listeners, and their laid-back personality tends to make one feel at ease around them. Put them in any setting, and they can easily adapt.

But put them in the middle of a confrontation, and they are likely to back away from it. Although they are ready and willing to listen, they are not the type to return the favor, since they are mostly withdrawn, making them difficult to get to know.

Possible careers: Physical therapist, fashion designer, landscape artist or architect, social worker, teacher, veterinarian, pediatrician, counselor, psychologist, graphic designer, multimedia artist, animator, fashion designer, customer service specialist

4. The Crafter (ISTP)

He looks beneath the surface. He does not simply look at the process, but also on what goes on behind it. They are analytical, always trying to learn what makes things work and why. This is one reason why they can be relied on when it comes to organizing and analyzing large amounts of information.

Efficiency is certainly something that a crafter can offer. He is also an ideal mediator, since he is naturally gifted at handling conflicts. However, there are high instances where they may not be comfortable with expressing their emotions. They are also weak when it comes to planning for the long term.

The Crafter is a person of action. In fact, they prefer to act instead of talking it out in long conversations. They value honesty, so they are also straightforward in how they deal with other people.

Possible careers: Economist, data analyst, emergency room nurse or physician, detective, forensic pathologist, computer programmer, mechanic, farmer, pilot, automotive technician, electronics technician, engineer, fire fighter


The Rationalist

Rationalists are creative and insightful. As a result, they are natural problem-solvers and are able to generate the most number of ideas.

1. The Field Marshall (ENTJ)

Just like a typical field marshall, he is the type of be able to easily spot inefficiencies and problems. He is frank to the point of being brutal and harsh, which makes him look like he is angry. He is decisive when it comes to making choices, but this may also make him appear impulsive, as if he is guided entirely by his emotions. You can say that he is born to be a leader.

When it comes to setting goals and objectives, a field marshall is very effective and a good strategist. He is the type to welcome input from other people, so that he can take criticisms well and use them for improvement. You can also trust a field marshall with matters regarding money and resources. Be careful, though, because he may have a tendency to be controlling and intimidating.

Possible careers: Business executive, business manager, market analyst, management consultant, venture capitalist, lawyer, judge, university professor, military personnel, politician, factory foreman

2. The Inventor (ENTP)

The inventor is someone you can trust when it comes to coming up with solutions to problems. In fact, he is the type to thrive on challenges – the more challenging they are, the more inspired he will be to find answers and solutions.

It is ingrained within him to be enterprising, to look for ways to make money out of an activity. That’s why he is not the type to shy away from challenges; instead, he actively seeks them out. He is not afraid to speak his mind, sharing his opinions even when it is unsolicited. He is quick and alert, and has excellent communication skills. He is practically a fount of ideas.

However, there is one downside to being outspoken: he tends to be argumentative and as a result, he easily gets into conflict with other people. He also gets bored easily, and he loses interest often, so he rarely, if ever, follows up on activities that he has previously set in motion.

Possible careers: Entrepreneur, advertising or marketing executive, politician, political analyst, political consultant, teacher, information systems manager, counselor, scientist, photographer

3. The Mastermind (INTJ)

The Mastermind has very high motivation. He exhibits a very strong drive to achieve goals and objectives, which means that he will also actively take part in the implementation of ideas to achieve these goals.

He is one who has high intelligence levels and displays a strong sense of independence. This makes him a perfectionist. He does not trust other people to do things better than him, so he ends up insisting to do things his own way, or no way at all.

He is also one who honors the promises and commitments he has made. This righteousness, combined with his independent streak, often makes him arrogant. He also has a tendency to be insensitive and oblivious to the thoughts and feelings of others. When things go wrong, he is not the type to meekly bow his head and take the blame. Not if he can help it.

Possible careers: Investment banker, business executive, software designer and developer, engineer, professor, physician, dentist, military leader, computer engineer, librarian

4. The Architect (INTP)

He is the personality type to seek and even come up with logical explanations behind occurrences, unwilling to accept things at face value. If they are interested in something, they will try to learn all they could about it. By nature, he is analytical. He also tends to keep to himself and act in a reserved or contained manner toward other people.

This is a laid-back and undemanding personality, preferring to be left alone to exercise his imagination and creativity. Nurturing a lone-wolf outlook, however, makes him slightly distrustful of others, to the point that he does not hold himself back when doling out criticism of others’ works or actions. He may also become impatient at times, and explode when he can no longer keep his emotions contained.

Possible careers: Computer programmer, software designer or developer, architect, financial analyst, economist, physicist, mathematician, professor, forensic researcher, park ranger, mechanic

Watch this basic overview on the 4 personality types discussed in the Myers-Briggs section.


The Guardian

As a guardian, he prefers acting within the boundaries of a certain rule of law. He follows rules and abides by guidelines, and he desires structure in everything.

1. The Provider (ESFJ)

The Provider is typically warm-hearted and conscientious of everything and everyone around him. As much as possible, he wants to have a harmonious environment, so he makes sure not to cause any disruptions. In a group, he is the type to be extremely cooperative while ensuring that no one is left out and everyone’s needs are taken care of.

This makes him excellent when it comes to managing money and resources. He also has a high sense of honesty, so he is the type to make commitments and stick to them. Unfortunately, he cannot handle change very well. At the first sign of conflict, he would become flustered and have trouble carrying on from there. To resolve conflicts, he would not hesitate to take the blame, even when he has nothing to do with it.

The Provider is a traditionalist, preferring to stick to what has been tried and tested, and always with a motivation to help others out, even at his own expense.

Possible careers: Social worker, nurse, health care worker, loan officer, member of the clergy, administrator, office manager, bookkeeper, physician, restaurateur, hotel manager, sales and marketing specialist, personal shopper, retail manager

2. The Supervisor (ESTJ)

Meet the Supervisor, a realist who is quick in assessing things and making practical decisions. He uses a matter-of-fact approach to problems and issues, and bases his actions and decision on a clear set of logical standards.

You will be hard pressed to question the loyalty and commitment of a Supervisor type of person. This loyalty and commitment leads him to be enthusiastic when dealing with other people. A born leader, he has no trouble socializing with people from all walks of life.

But no matter how social he can be, he has trouble expressing his true feelings, which makes him come across as blunt and insensitive at times. He also has a high sense of awareness of his leadership skills and traits, which means he has difficulty admitting if he is wrong or has any shortcoming. For the Supervisor, he wants to always be right.

Possible careers: Lawyer, prosecutor, judge, project manager, athlete, police officer, detective, financial officer, teacher, coach, government employee or public servant, construction foreman, stockbroker, accountant

3. The Protector (ISFJ)

Just like the Provider, the Protector also has a strong motivation for helping others. He is also quiet, but remains friendly toward other people. His strong sense of responsibility makes him determined in carrying out all his tasks.

The Protector is the type to be able to remember even the small details about the people they care about. He is likely to be the one who memorized the birthdates of everyone in the office, or the one who knew when this person from this division is going to be a father soon, or when another team member will get married in a few weeks. That is because he is observant, and a very good listener. He uses his excellent organization skills to know as much as he wants to.

On the other hand, this also tends to make him overlook and neglect his own needs, because he puts others before him. He, too, dislikes change, so he prefers things to remain as they are, where he is most comfortable. He also cannot take criticism properly, thinking that it is a personal attack on his person.

Possible careers: Librarian, primary or elementary school teacher, customer service representative, office manager, child care provider, paralegal, pastor, shopkeeper or storekeeper, nurse, social worker, nurse, customer service specialist, translator

4. The Inspector (ISTJ)

Here is yet another traditionalist: the Inspector. Quiet and often all too serious, he is known to have a very high sense of responsibility. He believes that standards are supposed to be stuck to, no matter what. Rules are rules.

This is why other people may find him too rigid and inflexible. It would be difficult to negotiate or compromise with him. The good thing is that he will not take criticisms personally, since he maintains that he is only sticking to the rules.

You can say that he is a stickler for details, wanting everything to be organized and kept in excellent order. He is also very highly loyal, and you can trust him to lend an ear when you need someone to listen to you.

Possible careers: Accountant, internal and external auditor, Chief Financial Officer, software engineer, government employee, business executive, administrator, detective, police officer, police investigator, judge, lawyer, medical doctor, dentist, systems analyst

The Idealist

An idealist is one who puts a high value on self-expression and the freedom for it. He is also particular about maintaining originality, and he is charitable by nature.

1. The Teacher (ENFJ)

Outgoing and energetic, this personality type perfectly describes those who are comfortable around other people. In fact, they will actively seek their company. They are good communicators and very articulate, but this also means they have very good diplomatic skills.

The Teacher is naturally warm, affectionate and empathetic. He tends to look for the best in everyone, focusing on their positive traits and underlining their potential. He openly encourages other people, and will even step up to lead them.

The problem is that they have a tendency to hold grudges and harbor hurt or injured feelings. Their warm and affectionate nature may also lead them to become too fussy, such that they end up stifling or smothering others. Some Teachers also tend to become manipulative in their dealings with other people.

Possible careers: Public relations officers and specialists, advertising or marketing executives, trainers or coaches, sales managers, hiring and recruitment managers, diplomat, writer, psychologist, social worker, software engineer, retail manager

Learn how to improve your communication skills by watching this video.


2. The Champion (ENFP)

For the Champion, the possibilities are endless. They are everywhere; all we have to do is just look for them. This natural curiosity, combined with his imaginative nature and creativity, arms him with enough confidence to go out there and seek these possibilities.

There is a spontaneity and flexibility to the Champion’s personality that makes him fun to be around with. This trait draws people to him, and his ability to communicate well adds to his appeal.

He is also very optimistic, which means that he may have trouble when conflicts arise. After all, he wants (and expects) everything to go right and well. His ability to read other people very well also gives him the inclination to, at times, be manipulative of others.

Possible careers: Advertising executive, creative director, journalist, event planner, consultant/advisor, actor, politician, diplomat, journalist, television reporter, trainer, nutritionist, dietitian

3. The Counselor (INFJ)

The Counselor does not have a shortage of personal integrity. He is highly principled, and he sticks to them as much as he can. He is thoughtful, so he tends to look for meaning and sense in everything. When he looks at people, he wants to understand them, particularly their motivations and the logic behind their actions.

He is a good listener and has superior communication skills. He is also very insightful, which enables him to read situations – and other people – well. However, just like the Champion, he can be manipulative, using the insights he has gleaned to make other people and situations fall in line the way he wants them.

The Counselor also often has trouble keeping his focus and enthusiasm levels high. He gets bored easily, and avoids conflict as much as he can.

Possible careers: Therapist, guidance counselor, social worker, human resources manager, customer relations manager, consultant, practitioners or alternative medicine, religious workers, preachers, physicians, psychiatrists, psychologist, photographer

4. The Healer (INFP)

Healers are highly sensitive, and idealists at heart. They have their own sets of personal values that they adhere to staunchly. They go out of their way to understand others and, in the process, look for ways to help them reach their full potential.

A healer is naturally curious, and is adept at reading other people’s feelings and emotions. You cannot help but admire how loyal they are, and once you get their approval and affection, be prepared to be showered with all their love and caring.

This, however, tends to put them at the emotional end of the spectrum. They often react according to how they are feeling, letting their emotions rule over them. They also have a strong sense of guilt, that they often blame themselves for things that may go wrong. They are extremely averse to being criticized.

Possible careers: Psychologist, therapist, writer, novelist, graphic designer, psychologist, religious worker, teacher, musician, archaeologist, anthropologist


We cannot skip talking about the Jung Typology Test, considering how it shares a lot of similarities with the Briggs-Myers Personality Test.

In this career personality test formulated by Carl Jung, you will be required to answer a series of statements with “Yes” or “No”. Your answers will then be collated to evaluate your personality or psychological type. Basically, it also makes use of the personality types similar to the ones identified using the Briggs-Myers Test.

According to this test, there are three criteria that people fall under:

Extraversion vs. Introversion

This pertains to the general attitude of the individual. A person may express his energy in one of two ways. An extravert is mainly focused on the external, deriving his energy from the external world, and also directing it outside.

An introvert, on the other hand, functions mainly in his own world, an internal place that only he knows and lives in.

Sensing vs. Intuition

An individual’s personality may able be characterized by how he perceives things around him. We are talking about two functions of perception, which are through sensing and through intuition.

A sensing individual is one who perceives that all information comes from the outside world. Someone who uses intuition, on the other hand, believes that most information are from the internal world.

A really cool and insightful practice on developing your intuition and inner wisdom.


Thinking vs. Feeling

People processes information and make judgments and decisions using either their thoughts or their feelings. A thinking person makes use of logic, while a feeling person is mostly directed or governed by his emotions.

As mentioned earlier, the personality types in the Briggs-Myers test and the Jung Typology test are basically the same. However, they may make use of different titles or labels.

Code Briggs-Myers Test Jung’s Typology Test
ESFP The Performer The Performers
ESTP The Promoter The Doers
ISFP The Composer The Artists
ISTP The Crafter The Mechanics
ESFJ The Provider The Caregivers
ESTJ The Supervisor The Guardians
ISFJ The Protector The Nurturers
ISTJ The Inspector The Duty Fulfillers
ENFJ The Teacher The Givers
ENFP The Champion The Inspirers
INFJ The Counselor The Protectors
INFP The Healer The Idealists
ENTJ The Field Marshall The Executives
ENTP The Inventor The Visionaries
INTJ The Mastermind The Scientists
INTP The Architect The Thinkers


John Holland’s test is often taken by high school graduates who are pondering on what college major to take.

He introduced his Theory of Career Choice, which states that “people who choose to work in an environment that is similar to their personality type are most likely to be successful and achieve satisfaction”.

According to Holland, there are six personality types.

1. Realistic

Practical and realistic, this personality is comfortable working with machines or anything mechanical. He is normally one who is good with his hands, able to wield tools and work with various pieces of equipment. He is also comfortable working with animals and plants – basically anything that is tangible and can be touched.

However, he tends to shy away from social situations, avoiding being involved in, or participating, in activities that require him to be in close contact with others. That means activities that involve teaching or training others, or even talking to them at length and providing information, are generally avoided.

The Realistic personality will do well as an engineer, veterinarian, farmer, machine operator, factory worker, and a mechanic.

2. Investigative

A person with an affinity for solving and studying mathematical and scientific problems is most likely one with an investigative personality. He is quick to grasp and understand various concepts, even those scientific ones that are usually found to be complicated by others.

This type of person is considered to be an intellectual, with focus on precision. However, that focus means he does not really care much for trying to build good relationships with others, much less persuading or leading them. Needless to say, a career in selling is not for this type of person.

The Investigative personality has a potential career as a mathematician, economist, scientist, data analyst, accountant, auditor, and financial analyst.

3. Artistic

He has an abundance of creativity, able to create and craft things, such as art, music, or even performance arts. He is very expressive and free with his emotions. Originality is very important to him, so you can expect him to prefer to do things his own way. This independent streak is also a trait that is closely identified with this personality.

He is one who tends to get bored easily, which is why he generally steers clear of tasks that are highly repetitive. Since he prefers acting independently, you won’t see him willingly taking orders from other people or working within strict boundaries and rules.

The Artistic type will have flourishing careers in the performing arts as an actor, musician or dancer, or he could also excel in other creative fields, such as a writer, poet, novelist, or dramatist.

4. Social

He is the helpful and accommodating kind, willing to go out of his own way to help other people. In fact, he derives great satisfaction from being able to do something beneficial for others. He makes friends easily, and he is also able to gain the trust of other people.

You won’t see him working with tools or machines, though, unless absolutely necessary. He is a people person, so he likes to be surrounded by animate objects more than inanimate ones.

The Social personality type will do greatly as a teacher, counselor, nurse, customer service representative, journalist, emergency medical technician, and a call center agent.

5. Enterprising

Being enterprising, he is one who thrives in leading groups of people and persuading them to see his way of thinking. He is the one you will usually see on the frontlines, “selling ideas” to people and convincing them to “buy”.

This, of course, requires a lot of energy and social skills, and he has a lot of that. He is also quite ambitious, a trait that will motivate him to keep acting as a leader and a persuader.

The Enterprising personality is a good fit for a career in politics, or as a business leader, entrepreneur, advertising executive, marketing director, and sales representative.

6. Conventional

The conventional person is one who is comfortable working within the confines of what is set and familiar. He likes structure in everything he does, and he makes sure he does his work in a systematic and orderly manner.

Thus, you will not find him working in an environment involving ambiguity and chaos. He is more comfortable working with numbers and machines. Whenever he starts to do something, he has to make sure a plan is set in place first.

The Conventional personality type will excel in business as an entrepreneur and business manager.

Of course, there are numerous other career personality tests that are useful in assessing one’s career personality. Whether they are true will largely depend on the individual, and how he knows himself.

A word of caution, however. Do not immediately assume that the test results are telling you what you should do for the rest of your life as a career. These are merely to be used as guides or hints to help you along. At the end of the day, it is your capabilities, qualifications, values and preferences that will determine what career suits you best.

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