Ever since the creation of money banks have been a very important factor in managing people’s money and assets, in one way or another.

Banks are often seen in a ‘bad cop’ role nowadays, due to their greediness and certain difficulties some people could have with them.

However, one does not simply live in a world without banks, as they are a very important part of our every-day lives.

That much was shown throughout history, from the Great Depression to Financial crisis in 2008. In every major crisis banks were the main participants, but also the main solution to the problem. Well, not always, but in most cases. Rest in peace Lehman Brothers!

Due to modern, fast-changing business model, there are a lot of different job positions related to business, and not too few of them are closely related to banking.

Accompanying that, there are a lot of schools and universities that focus on business, so we could say that the competition in the labor market is strong.

In order for you, an individual with great motivation to enter the world of banking, to distinguish yourself from the crowd of similar people and get noticed by companies, you need to leave an excellent first impression.

How to do that, you may ask? Well, the first contact you will ever have with companies is probably via emails, where you need to send them your resume.

That means your resume is the first thing they will see about you.

Since the first impression matters the most, you need to make your resume look and feel perfect. However,  that is easier said than done, since there are a lot of things to think of.

Today we are here to go through the entire process together.

We are going to present you some of the best examples of banking resumes and then explain what information should be included in your resume, how you can do it and how to properly structure your banking resume.

After that, we’ll go over some, at first glance smaller, but also very important things regarding creating your banking resume and applying for a job.

So, without any further delay, let’s start!

Taxation Officer Resume Example


Account Executive Resume Example



As stated above, leaving the first impression matters a lot when it comes to defeating your competition on a labor market.

And yes, the best way to do that is by having a very good resume, since there are a lot of people to compete in the banking sector.

So, how to start with making a perfect resume, you may be thinking?

Imagine meeting someone for the first time. You would shake hands, say your names and say something about yourself.

There isn’t much difference when it comes to writing a resume.

There are several important information to include here, which we are going to address right now.

Full name

What you want to do first is write your name, so recruiters would know who you are and how to address you.

However, since the resume is kind of a business meeting, you should be professional and write your full name, without using any funny nicknames and such.

Let’s take a look at the example below.

Robert Kirkley
Robert 'CEO' Kirkley

As you can see in the example, using just your full name is a win-win situation.

Also, in some areas, it is common to introduce yourself only with your family name, mostly in academic circles.

However, don’t do that in a resume and simply use your full name, which will make it look a bit more professional.


Another important bit of information is your current or past title.

If you are an experienced person who changed several jobs and companies, make sure to state your last or current job title underneath your name.

If you don’t have any experience, you could use your highest education title as well.


People often ask whether or not they should put a photo in their resumes.

While not being mandatory most of the time, it is always a good idea to include some photo when making your resume. Some jobs even require you to do so, such as modeling, sales, promotions, etc.

However, before putting some random photo from Instagram, you should listen to what we have to say. You shouldn’t put just any photo on your resume.

The photo itself has to look professional since you want your entire resume looks professional.

So, dress in some nice shirt, make your hair to look good and take some nice pictures on which your attitude could be presented in the best possible way.

That means you shouldn’t use some photo from Instagram where you drink beer with your buddies or play volleyball on the Hawaii beach.

Phone number

Contact information is a very important bit of information that should always be put in a resume.

The general idea is that emails are the main channel of communication between the company and applicants.

However, emails are sometimes not reliable, so it is always a good idea to share some additional contact information, such as phone number.

Some recruiters also prefer to talk directly to applicants, in order to assess their attitude even before they meet them in person.

And it is easier to talk than write a bunch of emails to 50 or more applicants.

So, make sure to share your phone number and be ready to talk if they call you back.


One of the information that is not really necessary to be put in a banking resume is the address where you live.

However, doing so could greatly benefit your negotiating position.

For example, if you live a long way from the company, they might offer you paid transportation or even increase your salary for the amount you would need to pay for the daily transportation from your home to the company.

Also, if you apply for a job in a big company, they might use this information to put you in an office that is closer to your home, so you wouldn’t have to travel a long distance to go to work.

E-Mail Address

Probably the most important contact information you simply have to put in your resume is your email address.

It is the most used channel of communication between employees and employers, as well as between company recruiters and job applicants.

One thing to note here is that you shouldn’t use just any email. It is better to create a separate email, which will only be used for business purposes.

In that regard, use your full name or short name abbreviation.

Never use emails with your nicknames in it because it would look very unprofessional.


As you can see in the example above, we used full name to make a completely new email, just for business purposes.

When it comes to choosing the right email provider, there isn’t any specific rule. Just make sure to use better-known ones, such as Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo Mail.

Social media profiles

Since the age of the internet arrived, there has been an increased rate of business throughout the entire world. New businesses can rise and function completely over the internet, such as Amazon.

Things were also changed in all other sectors, as well as in the banking sector. Banking processes are now much faster and the time of waiting has been drastically reduced.

Along with this, there is the coming of social media platforms.

They completely changed the way business work nowadays, especially in the marketing area.

Some people, like Tai Lopez, used this fact and managed to become even more successful by utilizing digital marketing strategies to promote their businesses.

Because of that, a lot of people started to share their social media profiles on their resumes, as one of the ways to promote themselves and add some additional contact options.

However, before you share some of your social media profiles, make sure to edit them to look more professional. That goes for both profiles and links.

For instance, if you want to share your LinkedIn profile, make sure to edit the link, as shown in the example below.



Even though resumes should be short, they should also contain some crucial information about your experience, education, and skills.

That can often mean you will have to include a lot of information and additional bulleting points.

Therefore, you should write a short summary of your banking skills and possible experiences you might’ve had so far. If you achieved something important, make sure to include that as well.

The summary should only be couple of sentences long, so you don’t have to worry about it too much.

Let’s take a look at the example below.


Taxation officer with over 4 years of experience as a taxation officer and financial analyst. Has advanced knowledge of Syntax and MS Access for filling the client database. Capable of conducting in-depth financial analysis and developing advanced financial, marketing and sales operations in order to increase client’s revenues. Looking to further implement all these skills for the benefit of the company.


Taxation officer with over 4 years of experience.


As you can see, the summary should be as detailed as possible, while trying to be as short as possible. However, don’t make it too short and try to include only the most important information about yourself.

This is a perfect way for recruiters to introduce themselves to everything that will be included in your resume, without having to read everything and take notes themselves.


When it comes to writing your banking experience, it is important to note several points that would make your resume look beautiful and organized.

First of all, never start with the first job you’ve ever had. Instead, you should start with your latest job, as shown in the example below.


As you can see, apart from just stating the jobs and companies’ names, it is also a good idea to write a couple of points regarding your tasks on each job.

If you achieved something important on some of these jobs, make sure to include that as well, such as increasing revenue for your company by using some innovative methods, etc.


Same as with writing the experience, when you write something about your education, make sure to write your latest education first. If you have a lot of experience, you don’t have to write every school you’ve ever attended.

Also, don’t hesitate to write several points for each school, describing some important skills you’ve earned or your GPA scores if they were good.

Also, if you managed to get onto the Dean’s list for several semesters in a row, or if criteria were very high, make sure to include that as well.

What you could also add, are some business case studies related to banking if you attended some.

That would show recruiters that you’ve had some ambition even during your school days.



Most of us have a lot of different skills. It is always a good thing to know more than less, of course.

But, you should never include all of your skills in your resume.

You should only put skills that could be useful for the job you’re applying for.

To think about it more clearly, check the example.


  • SQL
  • MS Office
  • Syntax
  • Knowledge of financial markets
  • French-proficient user


  • Python
  • Good with children
  • Good communication skills


As you can see, banking jobs require some specific set of skills.

Yes, it’s fine to be good with children and know how to work with Python, but those skills are pretty useless when it comes to managing people’s accounts or performing financial risk analysis.

Another thing to note is that you should separate your skills by a point, to make them look more organized and easier to read.

This way recruiters will be able to easily compare your set of skills with the skills they need for the job position they offer.

If you want, you could also create different categories of skills, by splitting into, for example, professional, language and other skills.


Now that we had learned why it is important to have a good resume if you want to apply for a job, and discussed what are the most important aspects of each banking resume, let’s move on and talk about some additional things you should consider when you decide to make a resume for a banking job.

  • Font style. Just to be clear, there is no magic wand that will give you the job you want. If you want it, you have to make sure to get it by yourself. Same goes for having a good resume. Nice-looking font won’t be enough to beautify your resume enough for it to be appealing to the recruiters.

That said, we can say with certainty that there isn’t any font style that you should specifically useful when writing a banking resume. All you need to think about is picking one that would look nice when combined with the template you make or find on the internet.

One good tip though is that you shouldn’t use font styles that resemble handwritten style since it is much harder to read that kind of script, which could make the entire selection process harder for recruiters.

  • Size of a resume. You’ve probably met a fair share of people who tend to make their resumes really long, like more than 3 or 4 pages. You might think that it is a good thing, having that many experiences and things to put on your resume.

However, as the name itself suggests, a resume is simply a short summary of someone’s life and professional career, so it shouldn’t be too long. Yes, having a lot of experience is fine when applying for a banking job, but you have to make it look good in a resume, so removing some non-essential information is a good idea.

Optimal resume size is 1, maximum 2 pages. Trust us when we say this, it is possible to put every important information, even if you are a very experienced banker with over 10, 15 or even 20+ years of experience behind you, and still not go over those 2 pages. Short and organized. That’s the winning combination.

  • Bulleting list. Apart from not being too long, another important bit of a good banking resume is for it to be well-organized. Good structure is simple to make and if you follow our guide, you won’t have any issues with it.

One way to structure your resume well and make it look organized is to use bulleting lists. So, instead of writing lines and lines of text, you can simply use points to state the most important information you need to share in your banking resume.

For example, as seen above, you could add short points for jobs you did or the schools you had attended, as well as dividing your skills by using different points. It makes it easier for recruiters to read all of this, which speeds up the recruitment process and give you higher chances of getting invited to an interview.

  • File format. Think about this. Would you rather read a document or an e-book which is in TXT or PDF file? The right answer for probably most of us is PDF format. Therefore, it is a good idea to keep your banking resume in PDF format.

But, there is more. Let’s say you have to update your resume with new information. Then you open your PDF file and you think “Damn, I can’t edit my resume like this!”. Well, it might be possible, but you would have to bother with it too much.

Because of that, it would also be a very good idea to keep a copy of your resume in a TXT file as well. This say, you will be able to easily edit existing and add new important information to your banking resume.

  • Resume template. Making good banking resume may take you some time and effort, especially if you want to make your own template and give your resume a certain personality. And it is always better to do it by yourself than to find some custom templates.

However, there are some very good resume templates out there. But, chances are that a lot of people have already downloaded that same template and that person who recruited you had probably seen that sort of template style before.

It is not necessarily a bad thing, but remember that the reason for making a good resume is to distinguish yourself from the competition by leaving a memorable first impression by showcasing your experience and skills in a perfect banking resume.

But, if you decide to pick some custom template, after all, make sure to select those that would fit well with the job position you’re applying for, as well as with your own experience and capabilities.

  • Checking emails. As mentioned above, emails are the main way of communication between recruiters and job applicants. Applicants usually apply by sending their resumes via email address and recruiters review those documents and invite potential candidates on interviews, mostly via email as well.

Sometimes, emails tend to get buggy and put very important mails to the ‘Spam’ folder, for which you don’t get notified via phone or even when open your email in browsers. The only way to see them is to go directly to the ‘Spam’ folder.

This could potentially hurt your business applications, in case you miss the reply from recruiters, for instance. Therefore, our recommendation is to always check your emails regularly, even ‘Spam’ folder, so this wouldn’t happen to you.

  • Double-checking your resume. Did you finish writing your resume? Great! Now, read it again! Whenever you write or update a resume, make sure to re-read it after you’re done writing it. This is very important because it could help you find some mistakes you might’ve made in the process.

The best way to do this is to imagine yourself being a recruiter. That way, you will be able to recognize both good and bad things. Now that you know what mistakes you made, you can easily learn from them and edit your resume to be as perfect as possible. Once you are satisfied with it, you are ready to apply!

  • Including political views in your banking resume. Politics can have a large impact on banking systems, thus, also affecting banking jobs and regulations, since it is all linked to corporate finance as well. So, you could say that in economics, business and banking there is always some sort of political influence.

However, that doesn’t mean you should state your political views in your resume if you decide to apply for a job position related to banking. Why is that, you may ask?

Well, even though real professionals are objective, you can never know whether someone will take your political views into account during the selection process. So, it is better not to mention any political views, just to be safe. If you are asked about it in the interview, however, make sure to answer.

  • Making grammar mistakes. One of the most important tips we have for you today is to NEVER leave grammar mistakes in your resume. You should ALWAYS make sure there are none. That’s another reason you should read your resume after it is done, apart from checking whether all information you put is important.

Remember, you are trying to look professional in the eyes of recruiters, and having grammar mistakes in your banking resume would just cause the opposite effect. To avoid that, you could use software like Grammarly or something similar. You can simply add it to your Word as a free extension.

  • Keeping your resume updated. People learn new things over time. We acquire new skills, which we can later use as a tool for doing our jobs or solving every-day problems.

Along with that, the business environment is very dynamic. People change jobs more often than before, so you never know when a good business opportunity could come up. Therefore, you should always be ready to apply when that happens.

In order to always be ready, your resume should be ready too. And it can only be ready at any given time if you update it regularly. Add new important information, new experiences, new skills and knowledge you’ve acquired over time.


In this guide, we covered everything you need to know about how to create a perfect banking resume.

We went over a couple of examples and then used them to analyze each individual part that matters.

Last, we finish with some general things you should think about when creating your own banking resume.

What remains now, is for you to step up and do it!

Create that good banking resume and apply for the job you want so badly.

However, if you still feel a bit unsure about how to do this, feel free to use our resume template builder, which you can use to make an excellent resume in a matter of minutes.

Banking Resume: Sample and Complete Guide

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