For every 100,000 people around the world, 16 people are found dead due to the cause of suicide, according to the World Health Organization.

Unfortunately, the number of suicides is on the rise and the only way for the numbers to fall is through well-informed awareness.

If you or anyone you know is thinking of suicidal thoughts, it’s necessary to seek immediate help by clicking here.

Don’t wait, there’s always someone to assist you.

Suicide is always worse than it seems in the current situation but is highly preventable.


Have you ever been heartbroken when you received news of your favorite celebrity who took their own life?

You just can’t fathom the circumstance and your mind starts to wonder –  exactly why a celebrity would take their own life?

After all, they have everything – wealth, success, and fame. It’s a dream for everyone to be in their shoes even for a day.

So why give up all of life’s pleasures only to end up on the other side of life?

Because suicidal tendencies don’t manifest based on the lifestyle choices of a human. Everyone is prone to feeling down and out on their given day.

But when these feelings begin to intensify, darker and stronger emotions take over the mental state.

Let’s understand some of the leading reasons for suicides to occur.

Prolonged Depression

One of the leading cause of suicides is chronic depression or a state of depression that lasts for a long time. In medical terms, it’s also diagnosed as ‘Dysthymia’.

When we hear people talk bad about us or if we’ve recently heard the passing of a close friend or family, we retreat into a shell of despair. Nothing cheers us and it takes a few sessions of intense crying to heal us.

Tears are a way for humans to shed their emotional pain and allow our body to release the pent-up unhappiness.

According to physician Judith Orloff M.D. – tears are a sign of stress relief and it helps in decreasing heart rate and it calms our emotional state.

She states, “Emotional tears are made up of 98% water and contain the hormones related to stress”.

It’s the natural way for the body to produce endorphins and is considered an innate painkiller.

When we are heart-broken, we are in a state of shock and in this state, our body isn’t prepared to shed tears due to intense trauma.

When we don’t release the pent-up pain, we begin to enter a depressive stage. Depression is caused when we suppress our negative feelings and are unable to release emotional pain from our body.

Eventually, depression begins to take hold of our life and we stop to smile and forget things that once made us happy. No amount of money or attention can severe us from this hopeless feeling.

That’s why it’s necessary to keep an eye out for any family member or friend suffering from lingering mental stress.

Persistent depression is a red flag and is usually achieved over a period of 1-2 years.

It’s critical to treat the patient at a health center for mental illness. If anti-depressants aren’t provided on time, the patient may want to end their depressive life by opting for suicide.

Symptoms of Prolonged Depression include –

  • Extreme sadness that prolongs throughout the day
  • Living with excessive personal guilt every day
  • Unable to concentrate or decide
  • Sleeping more than 8 hours a day
  • Insomnia
  • Major changes in body weight
  • Exhaustion and fatigue to do basic activities
  • Thoughts of ending life to escape the depressive phase

Childhood Trauma

According to the National Institute of Mental Health of the United States, childhood trauma is described as ‘A stressful or harrowing incident that a child experienced with long-lasting mental and physical effects.’

Incidents such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, rape, and other severe forms of maltreatment leave a mark in the mind of the child.

When the child grows, these scars begin to appear in their dreams. Many adults also hallucinate a manifestation of the tragic incident and this causes them repeated trauma.

Here are some staggering statistics about child abuse experienced the world over.

  • 1 billion children between 2-17 have reported incidents of sexual or physical abuse
  • 1 in 5 women are sexually abused as children
  • 1 in 13 men are sexually abused as children
  • Over $7 trillion in U.S. currency is lost to violence against children
  • 41,000 deaths have been experienced by children under the age of 15

Many of the neglected children that grow up become abusers to their own children. Thus, forming a circle of violence. Child abuse is one of the leading cause for suicides, says Science Daily.

Children involved in maltreatment involve in substance abuse and therefore, enter drug withdrawal therapy before their teenage years are complete.

Even after rehabilitation, feelings of remorse and anxiety persist, causing a strong link to suicidal tendencies.

Illness and Chronic Pain

Suffering from a terminal illness is another contributor to suicide or if the person experiences a heightened sensation of pain for a prolonged period.

Research as shown that people who’ve been under the effects of pain for a long time are extremely likely to commit suicide to escape the daily agony.

It’s extremely important to get regular checkups done and any form of pain needs to be observed by a physician who can provide guidance and pain killers.

Terminal illness is unfortunately incurable and many places around the world provide assisted dying to help ease the anguish.

Assisted dying is only accepted if the patient involved is in tremendous amounts of pain and can’t be treated. Assisted dying is also known as euthanasia and is quite a complicated topic of discussion between different campaign groups. Some of whom are pro, and others are against.

Old-Age and Social Isolation

As we age, we often become a burden to our loved ones.

We require their assistance for mundane tasks as our body isn’t equipped with the vigor of youth.

Involuntarily, we take up space and time from the lives of our family and this can cause feelings of guilt to sneak in.

In this state, we wish that we didn’t exist to spare our loved ones from unnecessary obligations. We want to be socially isolated from everyone or even think of ways to end our time on earth.

According to Ishita Bhakta in her research, senior citizens are liable to fall into depression due to their feelings of helplessness. Many of the people in their wisdom years feel hopeless and suicide seems like the only way out.

Pessimistic views are also common during ages 50 and above.

It’s important to consider there are many places for those well past their prime. Nursing centers for those above the age of 65 are found around the world.

For a small fee, senior citizens gain the confidence of living on their own terms without the need for assisted living.

Suicidal tendencies don’t have a start or endpoint.

There are many underlying reasons for a person to commit suicide, the above reasons are some of the most common ones.

The uncommon ones include:

  • Accidental suicide
  • Loss of loved ones
  • Mental disorders
  • Social Anxiety
  • Bullying
  • Not securing good grades
  • Unemployment
  • Lack of funds to pay loans

Plenty of reasons exist for people to take the extreme step but often the situation always seems bigger when there’s a solution for everything.

In the next section, we’ll learn ways to handle suicidal tendencies.


Suicidal thoughts are a serious threat. If you ever have thoughts of taking your own life once, you’ll probably have them again.

That’s why it’s important to quickly reach out to someone in your family or to call one of the following numbers – Suicide Prevention Helpline.

Every crisis has a way out and it only seems daunting because you’re dealing with it on your own. Letting people into your life during this calamity can work wonders.

When under the effects of depression or grief, any issue is amplified to insufferable levels and that’s why it’s necessary to have someone support you during these excruciating moments.

Depression is curable by adding lifestyle changes like the below-listed ones.

1. Find a Loved One to Talk to

Dealing with grief alone can be a horrible experience.

However, when we share our thoughts and feelings with another person, it can be extremely comforting and relieving to the mind.

Talking it out with a close friend or a member of your family is heavily suggested.

Don’t Hold Back Your Emotions

When we reach out to others, we usually refrain from sharing our grief, this is a crippling effect on our mental state. Open yourself to the other person and express your issues.

Your partner or friend can provide you with much-needed comfort by providing a solution to your ongoing problem.

They’d sympathize with you and sympathy goes a long way in curing a grieved mind.

Listen to Their Words

When we pay attention to others by listening, it eases our situation. We start to realize that the problem doesn’t seem as big as it felt a few minutes ago.

This is because the other person talking to you isn’t going through a mental breakdown and sees the world clearly. Hence, their advice is given through a calm and thoughtful state.

2. Find Help Online

There are plenty of message boards and chatrooms that actively help people that are grieving. Some organizations offer phone support to be present with you at a time of grief.

Some of the following are.

  • Suicide StopThis is an online chat room for suicide prevention that doesn’t need a face-to-face conversation if you don’t feel like revealing your identity.
  • ImaAlive – An NGO with a focus on suicide prevention and educating young people about the ill-effects of depression.
  • The Friendship BenchIt’s a project centered around mental well-being and helping people discuss their problems related to anxiety and depression.
  • Trust Circleis a thriving community of people related to experiencing a positive mind and helping people with depressive episodes cope with life. A mobile app is also available to reach out to them.

The internet is an ideal place to find people from all over the world with the same problems as you.

With several online communities committed to providing support to people in their times of crisis, there’s no better time to sign up to one of the following communities and share your issues to get help.

3. Practice Deep Breathing

Research has proven that deep breathing has been used for centuries by yogis as a form of relaxation.

It’s one of the world’s oldest techniques to provide your brain with instant relaxation almost anytime and anywhere.

When we focus on our breathing, we decrease the inner tension of our mental and physical being.

Breathing exercises work to calm a depressed mind and alleviate tensions by helping your mind focus on yourself instead of the exterior.

When we focus, we calm ourselves and this enhances mental well-being.

Here are 2 breathing exercises that help in normalizing blood pressure and help improve your mood.

1. Circular Breathing

Circular breathing is an exercise where we inhale through the air that is trapped in the cheeks. It’s like playing a musical instrument that requires the flow of wind like a saxophone, and trumpet.

To begin the exercise.

  • Sit down on a yoga mat and fold your legs.
  • Maintain a straight spine and look straight ahead with your eyes closed.
  • Draw deep breaths to fill up your cheeks using your nasal passages.
  • Pause for a good 5 seconds after inhalation and imagine the oxygen flowing all over your head.
  • Next, empty your lungs using a powerful exhalation as if you were blowing a musical instrument.
  • The exhalation is performed correctly when there is a blowing noise heard from your mouth.
  • After emptying your lungs, stay in this state for 3 seconds. Your lungs must be completely empty.
  • Repeat the following and do these 10 to 15 times.

2. Slow Breathing

The slow breathing technique is primarily used to focus your mind on your breathing pattern. It helps divert you from any mental distractions. It’s one of the most common techniques used in the world and works wonders.

You can practice this technique ideally at a natural setting like a forest or a beach to get the perfect environment for relaxation.

Let’s begin.

  • Take your form on the floor with a yoga mat placed
  • Sit with folded legs if you can else simply stretch them in front of you
  • Place your hands comfortably on your thighs
  • With your eyes closed, take long-drawn breaths to your lungs and feel the airflow through your nasal passages
  • Let the lungs take in the fresh oxygen in a slow process
  • Notice that your heart rate has begun to decrease, and your feelings of anxiety are reducing
  • Exhale the air through your mouth over 5 seconds slowly
  • This breathing technique is all about focus, so feel the airflow moving in and out of your body
  • Every breath you take in gives you renewed energy and positivity
  • Every breath you release eliminates all the trauma
  • Continue deep breathing for 10 minutes or until you feel better

4. Spend time at a Natural Setting

Sometimes spending time out in nature is all the therapy that a wounded mind requires.

Whether it’s a garden or a forest area, being out in the open and listening to the birds singing is an extremely liberating and mind rejuvenating experience.

Being in such an environment also demonstrates that no matter how bad the hardships of your life are – the sun is still shining brightly and that the world still moves on. And so, should you.

We are creatures of the wild and hence, we’ll always feel at home when we are surrounded by the lush green trees and the big blue waves of the ocean.

If you’ve got trouble leaving your home, ask a friend or family member to accompany you and spend an entire day out in a green ecological space.

Even a park is a great place to spend time. Watching people exercise and communicate can bring feelings of hope and boost your overall mood.

5. A Good Cardio Session

It’s an extremely difficult thing to exercise when our mood is down and out. We usually excuse ourselves saying –

I just don’t feel like it today, maybe I’ll just stay at home in bed.

Staying in bed and being lethargic causes depression to build up. Feelings of negative emotions creep in.

To kick off the buildup of negative emotions, take a light jog around your neighborhood lane.

Even a brisk walk to increase your heart rate is a good way to signal your endorphins to kick in and this will improve your mood.

Indulging in physical activity at the gym surrounded by people is also a great idea.

Being around people lessens feelings of anxiety and you feel better when you socialize.

Once back home a cold running shower is what you need to wash off the sweat as well as your sadness to take on a positive day ahead.

6. Nutrition & Diet

When we are lost in sorrow, we often neglect our nutrition and forget to take our meals on time.

This causes your health to deteriorate and feelings of illness start to arise.

When your body is going through a mental breakdown, your immunity levels are low and due to a lack of nutrition, there’s a good chance you’ll fall ill.

Illness combined with depression is an extremely bad combo.

They feed off your energy and in time your physical and mental being suffer collectively.

A diet catered around depression is necessary to keep your hopes up.

  • Amino acids help in creating serotonin, which is a chemical that is responsible for improving your mood, overall sleep quality, and memory function
  • Protein-rich foods such as eggs and lean meats are a good way to ensure your stomach stays full. A full stomach is less likely to feel depressed than an empty one.
  • Vitamin D is responsible for keeping depression at bay. Being out in the sun for 10 minutes a day is enough to gain this essential nutrient.
  • Plenty of water is necessary to ensure your kidneys are flushing out the toxins of your body.
  • Omega-3s are fatty acids that help with depression. They can be found in seafood.

Alternatively, if you don’t feel like following a diet, supplements are available over the counter for all the above-mentioned nutrients.

Consult a nutritionist or a physician to understand any nutrition deficiency you may possess.

7. Maintain a Hobby

Hobbies help with distracting your mind and help relieve unhappiness. Research by social scientists demonstrated that having a leisure hobby can improve mental health in adults.

Having a hobby is a personal choice, they are several ways to convert your passion into a hobby.

Let’s have a look at some of the popular hobbies.


Taking a stroll outdoors with your smartphone or camera while clicking snaps of the environment can boost your overall mood.

A study by ‘Arts on Prescription’ demonstrated how artistic visualization plays a role in increasing mental well-being by 76% in participants. Photography helps you keep a collection of pictures to remind you of happy days.

You could choose to share these pictures with a friend and increase your social confidence.


Gardening is one of the most relaxing hobbies on the planet. Spending time with plants and nature gives you much-needed oxygen and sunlight. Both of which are useful to keep depression at bay.

Even if you don’t have an outdoor garden, indoor plants and potted herbs are a great way to start gardening in the confines of your home.

Some beautiful indoor plants that improve oxygen levels which are easy to maintain are –

  • Peace Lily
  • Aloe Vera
  • Snake Plant
  • Money Plant
  • Bird’s Nest Fern
  • Dracaena
  • Spider Plant

Adventure Hike

Pack your bags and go on an adventure trip to a nearby hiking area with plenty of hills. Hiking is a great exercise for your body and will provide you with scenic views of nature.

Research has demonstrated that hiking in a natural environment brings down mental worry. The study showed that people had an increase in stress levels thanks to urbanization.

Natural locations were perfect for seeking a thrill of adventure and what better way than to scale up a mountain and enjoy the morning sunrise or a picturesque sunset.


Journaling is an exceptional way to be creative and reflect on yourself.

Whenever you feel down, write down the cause and the time of the day. Then write a paragraph stating how you can find ways to cure your dejection.

Write down motivational quotes about why life is a powerful force.

These positive quotes are examples of the type of positive writing that helps with maintaining a sound mind.

1. “Place your hand over your heart, can you feel it? That is called purpose. You’re alive for a reason so don’t ever give up.”

2. “If you are looking for a sign not to kill yourself, this is it”

Messages of positive emotion are beneficial to write down and enhance your mental atmosphere.

Journaling can be used to write down your moods, a little story about yourself and pretty much anything related to you.

A journal is like a diary for you. Knowing more about yourself will help you connect with your mind and unify your body together. This assists in preventing suicidal tendencies.


We are human. Our thoughts are also human. Our life is incredibly fragile and even the slightest mistake brings us closer to our demise.

It takes more courage to move forward and solve your problems than to leave the rest of your life unexplored.

Resolving your life and seeking answers is what life is all about.

Death is permanent while your problems are always temporary no matter how bad they seem.

Avoiding Suicidal Thoughts When Your Mind is at Its Weakest Point

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