Waiting for a reply from a job interview is one of the most painful things this world. You leave everything you are doing whenever your phone rings in the anticipation of good news from the hiring manager.

Many different ideas start flashing in your mind. “Will he call me for another interview?” “Will I get the job?”

You even pick up strange or banned numbers or scam calls hopping against the hope that the hiring manager is somehow calling you from those numbers.

As a result, you can sometimes take matters into your own hand and write a follow up email to the hiring manager.

That said, you should not lose patience and try to phrase out words which convey your message succinctly and most importantly, politely.

You need to find words which do not offend the recruiter but compel him to hire you. You need to make him realize that “You are the right man for the job” in the best manner possible.

You also need to be patient and should never use words which scare the recruiter instead of him offering you an appointment letter.

Unfortunately, most job aspirants do the completely the opposite. You need to practically implement Joyce Meyer’s famous quote about patience even when you are waiting for a reply or writing to the hiring manager about the status of your interview.

Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting.

There are many things which may deter a recruiter to call you for an interview or even give you that elusive offer letter.

Writing silly and meaningless follow up emails can also knowingly or unknowingly decrease your chances of getting an appointment letter.


Here are 5 senseless follow up emails which will scare any hiring manager and land a blow on your chances to get your dream job.

Reminding Hiring Manager of His “Promises”

Hiring managers never make promises. Never accuse them of backing of from their promises because they don’t.

For instance, writing a line like “You promised to get back to me on Thursday and it is now Monday” is not a wise thing to do at all.

In this particular case, your tone is accusatory which suddenly pushes the hiring manage to the defensive. He can even glean from your email that you are a person who does not have any knowhow of basic hiring process, nothing to talk about complex job procedures.

It will also highlight your impatience which can eventually go against your chances of getting the job.

Your best bet is to wait for at least a week before writing a follow up email. Instead of saying you did not get the response on a certain day, say “Can you please tell me about potential next steps if you are still interested in hiring me?”

You need to remember that they will always value your patience. It also does not indicate you lack of attention to details.

On other hand, they will realize that you understand modern hiring procedures and can wait patiently, a trait which is necessary to succeed in high-paced modern business environments.

Example 1 of a Scary Email to the Hiring Manager

Dear Sir,

I hope you are doing great. I appeared for the interview for the position of the Content Writer on October 4, 2018. You promised me you would get back to me on Monday. However, it is Tuesday and I haven’t heard back from you. Can you give me the exact date you would get back to me this time?

Tom Bush

Demanding Explanations from Hiring Managers

Demanding explanations from hiring managers in follow up emails can seriously hurt your job search. It is another thing to be bold and network.

You also need to sell your abilities relentlessly and follow up when necessary.

However, you cannot, in any case, threaten the recruiters. They are usually highly qualified and experienced professionals.

They deal with hundreds of job applicants every year and can get the vibe of what you are up to in a second. While a can-do attitude can sometime yield dividends for you but you must not feel threatening to the hiring managers.

Asking a hiring manager why he has not contacted you after the interview is definitely menacing. Similarly, do not sound confused or angry by writing lines like “where have you been? I have been waiting for your reply?”

You need to look for other options such as inquiring what you can do to make it convenient for them to reach you. You can even ask them whether they prefer to contact you by email or phone.

Similarly, you can also inquire if they need anything else such as additional documents and certificates. It is also advisable to include lines like “Thank you very much for inviting me for the interview on October 10, 2018. It was a pleasure talking to you and sharing our ideas. I would like to know if you have made any decision on the job position yet.”

This will send the signal to the hiring manager that you are still interested in the job and willing to provide more information about yourself.

Alternatively, you can definitely contact the interviewer a week later if you did not receive any response to your thank you email if he did say he would contact you during the interview.

You can write, “Can you please provide any more information related to the result of my job interview.”

This is perhaps the ideal approach because now your tone is less intimidating and friendlier. The interviewer no longer thinks you are coming to hunt him down.

It simply reflects that you are willing to do anything you can to make hiring manager keep you in the loop.

Example 2 of a Scary Email to the Hiring Manager

Hello Madam, 

I am Margate. You might remember me because I once attended an interview for the position of graphic designer. The thing is you have never written me back which is kind of strange. One expects from a company of your stature to at least have the audacity to inform the candidates of the final interview results. I am still expecting a response from you even though I know I am not going to get one.

Blessings to You

Margaret Donahue

Expecting Any Response Whatsoever

You can adopt this approach if you want to look desperate. Let’s be honest on this. You only want the positive response from your interview. You don’t want “any” answer whatsoever.

What you actually want to hear is that they are considering you for the position and you will get the offer letter very soon. If they refuse to provide you with the exact information you require, you can also ask for general status update.

For instance, they can write to you that all final candidates have been contacted or your application is still under review.

Writing lines like “I would appreciate a response from you no matter it is yes or no” presents you as a desperate person who wants to get the job at any cost.

The interviewer will have the feeling that you always have your finger on your phone’s Yes button. It sounds like you would jump out of your shower naked or leave the breakfast in the middle to reach their office and get that coveted offer letter.

You must not do that because hiring managers do not like these kinds of behaviors. Once they realize you are desperate, they may start looking for other candidates to fill the position.

You can choose other option if you are dying to know what is happening with your application. Remember not to tip your hand and write as concisely and simply as possible. In this case, this is the perfect line to write in your follow up email: “Can you possibly give me an update on my job application?”

Example 3 of a Scary Email to the Hiring Manager


It has been more than a month I appeared for the interview for the role of Backend Developer. However, I have not received any response from you whatsoever. I have also written several follow up emails but to no avail. I am wondering whether you respond to your candidate’s emails or not. Whatever, I appreciate if you inform me of the final interview result not matter it is yes or now.

Mathew Davenport

Backend Developer

“Make Your Decision Quickly. I have another Offer”

This is the biggest mistake candidates make while writing the follow up emails. Sometimes, you do have to take other offers because the company you so dearly want to work for is taking ever so long to conclude their hiring.

This is in fact a rational decision because you cannot wait forever only to get a response which can be negative as well. It is very risky to refuse other offers in a hope to get an offer letter from your favorite company.

You can miss an opportunity which can unknowingly offer you better work environment and remuneration than the company you want to join.

Declining offers from other companies while you are waiting a reply from a certain company is really a predicament. However, you will only exacerbate your predicament if you include lines like “I have another offer so make your decision quickly” in your follow up email.

Keep in mind that you are not the only one who has applied for the job. There is no shortage of job applicants these days.

Similarly, there will be others who have similar skill set and abilities as you. Therefore, never ever pressurize the hiring manager lest he totally exclude you from the hiring process.

What you can do is to delicately make him a part of your predicament. First of all, you need to hold your horses and analyze the situation calmly.

For instance, a company is letting you down and is not serious in hiring you if it has already organized three interviews with you.

Similarly, if they have failed to provide any update on your interview within your parameters anyway, you can assume that their hiring process is too disorganized and flawed.

If they have already interviewed you and you think that the job is a good fit for you; you can write, “I am interested in joining your company but I am afraid some external factors may force me to change my decision.”

This is a very subtle sentence.

Although, you have not explicitly written that you may accept a job offer from another company yet the recruiter will understand what you are trying to say.

However, you can be little more open but try not to offend the interviewer. Try this: “I prefer working for your organization because it is my first choice.

However, I want to let you know that I have received an offer letter from XYZ Company which I have to responds to before (put a date here). Do you have any idea when you will make your decision?”

You can also let them know that you are applying to related firms if you do not want to reveal the news of your offer letter. You could say, “Can you please tell me how long it will take you to complete your hiring process?” This way you will increase your chances of magically getting a response.

In the context of above discussion, never ever tell a lie to hiring managers. In fact, the biggest lie candidates tell in their follow up email or even during the interview is that they already have a job offer even when they do not.

The interviewer would instantly catch you and struck your name out of his list of prospective candidates. You must not resort to deceit and cunning in an attempt to land a job.

Even if you get a job by deceiving the interviewer, there is every chance that your secret will eventually come out. In this case, you will not only lose your job but can also face legal action from your company and of course, a lot of embarrassment.

Example 4 of a Scary Email to the Hiring Manager

Hello Jenifer,                                                                                                                                                       

This is Michael whom you interviewed for the post of Social Media Manager a couple of weeks ago. I am writing to let you know that I have got a better offer from one of your competitors. I am actually thinking of joining them if you do not give me the timeline regarding rest of the hiring process. In fact, you have to make a decision quickly if you are still interested in hiring me.

Yours Truly

Michael Abernathy

Expressing Your Disappointment in the Follow up Emails

It is always disappointing never to hear back from the interviewers after the interview. It is especially excruciating when you thing you have nailed the interview but there is radio silence in response.

Sometimes, you even want to write harsh words to the hiring managers as you would do to your girlfriend after the breakup.

You may also be inclined to write that you are far better than the job you applied for or even the interviewer.

Some people even go to the extent of totally undermining the interviewer by question his or her credentials.

Then, there are some people who write that they are strong enough to get over the disappointment and they will eventually find their dream job.

A typical sentence candidates include in their emails is: “I am very disappointed because you never reached me back.”

Any angry or frustrated response will make you look like a fool or that you are an unprofessional person through and through.

There are hundreds of companies that do not reply to candidates’ emails, even the finalists, before making a final decision per their protocols. This is definitely annoying but you need to understand that this is how some companies work.

You have very few options when it comes to what to write in this particular case. So you have to be very careful. In fact, it is better to totally ignore them after writing a couple of follow up notes.

However, if you are itching to write them something again, you can go for this: “I really enjoyed the interview. I learned a lot about your company and how it works. I would love you to consider me again if a similar position gets vacant in your organization.” The simpler form of this sentence is that “I would like to remain in touch with you.”

That said, try to say nothing and look for other greener pastures. You can reach the interviewer or the hiring manager at some later date and learn about available jobs. In the meantime, try to concentrate on the companies you are getting response from.

Example 5 of a Scary Email to the Hiring Manager

Dear Malcolm,

I am really disappointed you never reached me back after you interviewed me for the post of PHP Developer on 23 September, 2018. I really believe I was the right man for the job. Isn’t it frustrating to learn that you have not been hired for the role you are so good at? This is exactly what is happening with me. However, I am a strong guy and know how to control my emotions. I am writing to let you know that I will get over the disappointment and find my dream job sooner than later. It doesn’t matter you value my skills, experience and knowledge or not. I Know I can do whatever I want.

Have a nice day

Stuart Cornelius


There is nothing wrong in following up on interviews and job opportunities. In fact, they are necessary to make hiring managers keep you in mind.

However, you need to be extra careful about what to include and exclude from the follow up email. Try to write something which makes it hard for the hiring managers to ignore you instead of writing intimidating and threatening emails which may scare them off.

The end result depends upon the content of your follow up email. A nice one means you have increased your chances of getting hired. A harsh email means, well you know what it means.

5 Follow-up Emails that Scare Hiring Managers (and What to Write Instead)

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