4 Follow-Up Email Examples after Interview
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The job application process is a long and complex thing to go through. While it is easy to think it all culminates into that long-awaited job interview, you actually have things to do even after the interview is over. The ball is still in your hand as well and you should consider typing a few emails to take agency in your job hunt.
A follow-up email is a good idea right after the interview. It shows that you have enthusiasm for the role – you didn’t just come to the interview and then forget about it – and it provides you with one last chance of making a positive impression.
In fact, the follow-up email is a great way of ensuring the hiring manager doesn’t forget about you and your suitability for the role.
So, what are the follow-up emails you should send after your job interview? Here are four examples and tips on writing that all-important follow-up.

Now, before we get started with the examples, let’s first consider the building blocks of a good follow-up email. There are certain rules you want to follow to ensure your email is professional and effective. The point of a follow-up email is not there just to say “Hello!” – you want to use it to your advantage and showcase one last time why you are such a good pick for the role.
What are the building blocks you must keep in mind? There are five rules to writing a follow-up and they are:
You mention the role
You must mention the role you were interviewed for in your email. It’s all good to hope you’ve left such a lasting impression on the interviewer that he or she will recognize you immediately but the chances are the hiring manager has other things to do.
They might interview to multiple positions and have met a number of candidates before and after you. Simply noting the position will immediately remind the person of the candidates and make it easier to connect your follow-up email to a person.
You make a connection to the interview
You should also get a bit more personal and create a link between your email and the interview you just had. This can be something basic such as thanking the person for the opportunity. But you can go a bit deeper and remind them of a conversation you had or a fun point of interest you shared.
It’s just about creating a more personal connection and memory of you as a person and candidate in the interviewer’s mind. So, think back to the interview and pick something you can mention at the start.
You have to remind the person of your suitability for the role
It’s also a good idea to include a short reminder of your suitability for the role. You want to quickly go over the main reason you would be a good hire.
For example, if you noticed during the interview that the hiring manager emphasized communication as the key (perhaps you asked about it from the employer!), then you should remind them about your strong communication skills here. This can be an example you mentioned during the interview or an achievement you’ve previously received.
You have to be polite
A good follow-up letter will also maintain a positive and polite tone. This includes common courtesy in terms of the language you use – it’s essentially about good email etiquette. A quick reminder of a email etiquette right here:
General Email Etiquette Rules |
Source: SlideShare presentation
Make sure to use the appropriate titles as well. Don’t use the first name unless the hiring manager specifically told you to do so during the interview.
You use proper grammar
Relating to the above point, you also need to ensure the letter is grammatically correct. Use a spellchecker such as Grammarly or write the email on Word first before sending it. You can ruin your good interview by not being able to write properly in an email. So, do take it seriously and proofread your email before hitting that send button.
So, what type of emails should you send after an interview? There are four great examples of follow-up emails that all serve a slightly different purpose. Check out the examples and pick the ones that you feel will help you improve your chances of landing a second interview or the job.
The short and immediate follow-up
The first follow-up email you might want to consider is the short and immediate follow-up. This is essentially going to be:
- Short in length – only four to seven sentences.
- Sent within 24h of the interview – you don’t want to send it right after, but you do want to ensure the hiring manager gets it the next day.
The short and immediate follow-up is a great all-around option. If you feel like your interview was a success, then this is a suitable option. It uses the five building blocks in a short and sweet manner – you’ve already done the hard part and impressed the hiring manager with your resume and interview and now, you are just reminding them that you are super-excited about the role.
The subject line: Thank you <Job position> interview |
Dear<Name and title of hiring manager>,
I wanted to thank you for your time yesterday. I enjoyed our conversation about <Topic discussed>, and I’m excited about the possibility to join <Company> as <Job position>. I believe the role is perfect for my <Strength/Skill>. As mentioned, I’m proud of my <Achievement related to the job role> and believe it would help me in the role. I’m looking forward to hearing more and don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Best regards, |
The in-depth and immediate follow-up
You could also opt for the more in-depth and immediate follow-up. This is sent similarly to the first follow-up example rather soon after the interview. The next day is often a good idea – it’s soon enough for the person to remember you and not immediate enough to seem desperate.
The difference is mainly in the content and the length of the email. There are two great uses for this longer format:
- The first example is in the case of not having the best job interview and you feel like you want to ensure the hiring manager understands your strengths and skills better. The aim at this point is to focus on mentioning any achievements and skills you didn’t get to talk about and to go deeper into why you think you are suitable for the role.
- The other situation when you might want to use the longer format is when you have told you’d get back to the hiring manager on something. Perhaps you weren’t able to fully answer a question and you want to respond to it now. In some cases, the hiring manager might have asked you to clarify something later and this gives you a good chance to do it.
The longer format is a so-called recovery email. It can help you salvage the situation and ensure the hiring manager gets all the facts.
The subject line: Thank you <Job position> interview |
Dear<Name and title of hiring manager>,
I enjoyed speaking with your yesterday about the <Job position> at the <Company>. I feel the job is an excellent match for my skills and interest. I just want to take the opportunity to mention about the <Achievement/skill/position that wasn’t clear>. <Explanation>. As discussed, I have worked extensively with <Skill relevant to job> and my <Achievement relevant to skills> will give me the right tools to succeed in the goal. You said the company hopes to <Vision or goal the department/company has> and I believe my experience with <Skill relevant to the goal> will help me achieve that. I appreciate the time you took to interview me and I’m looking forward to hearing about the position. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Best regards, |
The second reminder follow-up
The above two are examples of the more immediate follow-up you should make right after the interview. You should definitely opt for either of those examples in the two days after the interview. But you might also want to make a second follow-up a little later – generally, you want to send a second email within a week of the first email.
The first follow-up example in terms of reaching out for the second time is useful for those occasions when you haven’t heard from the hiring manager. It is essentially just aimed at checking up with the recruiter once more. This is good for the second follow-up but you can also use it in case you forgot to make the first follow-up after your interview.
It shouldn’t be too long and the aim is just to remind the employer that you are still there and hoping to get the role. You should focus on the building blocks mentioned earlier but you shouldn’t get too much into detail regarding the interview at this point. In this email, you are just looking for some answers and confirmation regarding the job position.
The subject line: Inquiry – <Your Name> |
Dear<Name and title of hiring manager>,
I just wanted to check if you have any news regarding the <Job position>. I really enjoyed our conversation on <Date of the interview> and would appreciate any feedback you might have regarding my interview. I understand that you must be busy but let me know when you have time. If there’s anything I can help you with, please let me know! Best regards, |
The second meeting follow-up
Finally, you have the example of the second follow-up email that emphasizes creating a long-term connection with the hiring manager. In a way, it is a networking email rather than “Did I get the job?” letter.
This follow-up email can be used on those occasions when you haven’t heard anything from the hiring manager or, indeed, you got a rejection letter from them. The aim here is to establish a professional relationship with the person and ensure you have a new network connection whether you got the role or not. You’re essentially writing a “Let’s keep in touch” letter with this example follow-up.
Now, you could even use this format for requesting a second interview if you want. This is all about meeting again and staying in touch. If you feel the job hasn’t yet slipped your hands, you can email them to ask for a new meeting. You can then try to win them over one last time.
Whether or not you ask for a second interview, the objective is to thank the hiring manager for the opportunity and to highlight your interest in working with the organization. You will leave a better and more lasting impression – even if you don’t get the role now, the hiring manager might remember you in the future.
The subject line: Inquiry – <Your Name> |
Dear<Name and title of hiring manager>,
I wanted to thank you again for the opportunity at <Company> and I was wondering if you have any news regarding <Job position> and whether you’d like to meet up to discuss the role further. I have some ideas regarding <An objective in the role> that I would love to share with you. I would be free to meet up anytime next week if that’s possible. I’m not sure if you had my LinkedIn profile yet, so here’s a <Link> to it. I would love to stay in touch. I understand you must be busy, but do let me know if you have to time to catch up or if you have any news regarding the role. Best regards, |
You definitely want to use follow-up emails to highlight your interest for the role, as well as remind the hiring manager that you are a good pick. While you want to send an immediate follow-up, you also want to get back later down the line as well.
This is to help with networking and to remind the hiring manager you are still there. Remember that hiring managers don’t always purposefully forget to respond – therefore, there is nothing wrong in reminding them that you still haven’t heard from them.
You just don’t want to start harassing them – two to three follow-up emails with enough pauses between them are enough. If you still don’t hear anything, you just have to move forward to the next interview.

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