24 Websites That Will Teach You Coding for Free
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Coding has become one of the most lucrative professions in the world in a very short span of time. In fact, coding is one of the most in demand skills in the world today. Learning how to manipulate websites and how they interact with visitors has become a treasured art in the fast paced modern world.
If you manage to master even two to three of the most important coding languages, you can give a tremendous boast to your career. Coding also enables you to positively impact a lot of businesses in addition to earning considerable amount of money for yourself as well.
You no longer need to be a software engineer or IT professional to learn coding. Literally everyone can become a master coder these days.
All you need is a lit bit of passion for learning a new skill and access to a computer and internet. Additionally, you don’t need to spend a fortune on learning web development or other skills. Some of the best coding resources available online cost little to nothing. For instance, you can buy a great coding course on Udemy for just $10 during their discount seasons.
You also need to keep in mind that top companies in the world are searching for both experienced and novice coders. The job market for web developers and other coding specialists is constantly expanding. Depending on what and how you want to learn, you may not have to even spend adollar tolearn a new skill including coding.
Furthermore, coding will never get out of fashion and therefore, you can make serious money without spending thousands and thousands of dollars on learning useless skills.
As mentioned above, you can learn coding for absolutely free such as on YouTube. There are many great websites that offer individual courses as well as premade learning paths. If you want to become a coder, the learning opportunities are limitless. In this regard, following are the 24 best websites to learn coding without spending a dime.
1. Code Academy
Code Academy is one of the biggest and best websites to learn coding. It offers an exceptionally brilliant and satisfying learning experience to its students. The popularity of the website is evident from the fact that almost 25 million people have learnt coding with the help of Code Academy.
Students from all over the world, regardless of their skill level and knowledge of coding, can choose from 300 hours of highly engaging and exciting course material. The website offers courses for different coding languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby and JQuery etc.
2. Udemy
Founded in 2010, Udemy has quickly become a go-to-source for both experienced and new coders. The website actually offers courses for anything you can think of but their coding courses are the most popular.
Udemy offers community based courses where students as well as the instructors can interact with each other and discuss their knowledge and ideas. You can also select from free and paid courses where the average price range is mere $10 to $200 for more advanced courses. However, there is abundance of free coding course available that can cater to the needs of every beginner.
The website offers more than 45000 courses. Most importantly, the instructors at Udemy are highly skilled with years of experience behind them.
3. Coursera
Coursera is a for-profit technological and educational company established in 2012. Coursera offers more than 1000 courses on different topics including coding and programing in collaboration with different universities such as the University of Washington, Stanford and University of Toronto. You can choose from both free and paid ($29 to $99) courses aimed at beginners and experienced professionals respectively. Courses are available in English, French and Spanish. They are mainly comprised of video lectures, peer reviewed assignments and community discussion forums. You will also receive an electronic certificate on completion of every course you take.
4. EDX
EDX is a leading open source not for-profit online teaching platform you can join to learn coding. It is a joined venture of MIT and Harvard. Opened in 2011, EDX also partners with more than 90 institutions around the globe including prestigious universities, leading non-profits and educational institutes.
Some of the topnotch educationists and programmers from around the globe contribute to the EDX knowledge base. It simply means you will be learning latest techniques and cutting edge theories related to any discipline including programming. Most importantly, all these courses are available for free at Open EDX.
5. Codewars
If you are looking for creative and fun way to learn how to code, you need to check Codewars. Some of the programming languages taught on this particular platform are Java, C++, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, Ruby, Rust, Crystal, TypeScript and Swift. Unlike traditional courses, students have to complete different coding challenges, in a special environment known as Kata, to advance to more difficult lessons.
These challenges help students to strengthen and sharpen their coding skills. You can check your progress as well using your own browser provided by the website and various test cases.
6. MIT Open Courseware
Courses available at MIT Open Courseware aim at people who already have some understanding of the basics coding principles. If you are one of those people, you can explore some really high quality MIT courses on almost all coding languages. Just like Codewars, MIT Open Courseware offers absolutely free courses for students from around the globe.
7. Khan Academy
Khan Academy is yet another popular platform to learn coding. The website also makes learning extremely easy and fun. The best thing about Khan Academy is that the students can also share their knowledge and programming skills with their fellow students. The idea of shared learning enables students to understand things quickly in addition to promoting user engagement.
Similarly, their video lectures are highly informational and explain various aspects of computers and programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and website animations etc.
8. Free Code Camp
Free Code Camp is an innovative organization which allows students to learn programming in a community or camp. You can become a part of a group and join the website to take on different coding challenges. The website specially emphasizes on helping non-profit organizations with their coding and web development needs.
Similarly, the website also offers free coding tutorials and courses to anyone who is interested in becoming a coder. They also help you learn coding fast by guiding you through the various coding challenges.
9. GA Dash
GA Dash is an interesting websites which deals only with web development. The website teaches how to make beautiful websites using an exciting and fun way of learning. It basically focuses on web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. The fun begins when you have to complete different projects on your way to mastering all these languages. The courses are divided in different “walk throughs.”
In every Walk Through, you have to complete a project to proceed to other lectures. Ultimately, you will complete a website of your own when you complete all the walk throughs one by one.
10. The Odin Project
Viking Code School is a famous online coding bootcamp. They have also introduced a free open source platform, the Odin Project, for aspiring coders. Students, by joining the Odin Project, will learn from courses and tutorials that have already helped thousands of people to learn coding.
They have to complete “ideal projects” on the way to master various coding languages. The Project not only enables students to learn intricacies of coding but build their portfolio at the same time, ultimately enabling them to get hired. Some of the coding languages you can learn at the Odin Project include HTML5, CSS3, and Ruby on Rails, JQuery and JavaScript.
11. GitHub
GitHub is not a typical teaching website but more of a reference point. It is a repository hosting service containing more than 500 free books on whopping 80 programming languages ranging from scripting languages such as HTLM and CSS to more advanced languages including Java and C++.
Similarly, you can also download thousands of code snippets from GitHub. Some of the top programmers from around the world have actually uploaded these snippets on GitHub for your reference. This makes it really easy for everyone to not only learn coding but to create fully functional websites and software.
12. Udacity
Udacity aims at providing high quality, effective, engaging and affordable education to masses. They make education easily accessible for everyone and motivate their students to really excel in their areas of interest. They offer education including programming courses at a fraction of the cost of traditional educational institutes.
They have collaborated with big companies like Google, Facebook, AT&T and IBM to provide low cost non degree programs to their students. The mentors at UdaCity also ensure the students do complete their selected programs and get the job they want after completing their studies.
13. The Code Player
The Code Player is garnering immense popularity for its creative and innovative teaching methods. It is a unique online coding platform enabling its students to learn how to code by walking them through the codes written by topnotch web developers from scratch.
The videos and presentations contain really informative material with real world code examples for the students to better understand what they are learning. In addition, there are detailed explanations at the end of every video or walk-through as well.
The instructors at Code Player ensure you understand how to use different programming languages depending on the requirements with the help of real case studies. The website mainly focuses on web development programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP.
14. The Code School
Just like Udemy, the Code School also offers both free and paid coding tutorials and courses. Unlike Udemy where courses are community based, the Code School categorizes courses in the form of learning paths where each path is specific to a certain programing skill or technology. You can choose a perfect course for you depending on your requirements by exploring these paths. Git, SQL, JavaScript, iOS, CSS, HTML, Ruby and Python are some of the most important languages taught at the Code School.
15. HTML5 Rocks (The Web Fundamentalists)
As the name suggests, HTML5 Rocks deals with HTML5 only. Launched in 2010, this amazing and highly useful websites covers everything HTML5. The website mainly contains tutorials and resources but you can also find all the latest HTML5 updates on HTML5 Rocks.
As the website is open source, you can download various HTML codes and play around. It also offers free introductory but slightly advanced HTML5 courses. Finally, topnotch web developers with years of experience have developed most of the courses available at HTML5 Rocks.
16. CSS Tricks
CSS is an integral component of web development and CSS Tricks is the biggest online resource to learn the language. As the name suggests, the website contains articles explaining how to master some of the more intricate and complicated CSS tricks.
However, the website covers everything from basic CSS to more advanced concepts of the language. Most of these articles are written by some of the most skilled and respected web developers from across the globe, making it a really valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn CSS.
17. Lynda
Lynda is one of the oldest and most popular websites to learn coding online. The websites offers almost 6,000course of different levels. There are more than 700 courses about web development and 600 courses about other programming skills on the website.
The courses are not free but you are entitled to a free trial to decide what to learn from their subscription library. Lynda offers a flexible learning experience meaning you can learn from anywhere at any time using any device. Similarly, industry leaders have developed most of the courses at Lynda, enabling you to have an authentic and world class learning experience.
18. A List Apart
A List Apart has been an industry leader for many years when it comes to offering high quality and engaging learning material to both prospective and experienced programmers, especially web developers. The website don’t offer any courses but contains plenty of books, articles and other quality material for you to understand web development in particular and programming in general. A lot of authors with varied level of skills contribute daily to this high traffic blog. Similarly, they also conduct various workshops and events on coding, web design and web content.
19. TutsPlus
If you are looking for one stop destination where you can find high quality articles, books, videos and related programming material, you need to check TutsPlus. You can learn all the basic as well as the advanced programming theories with the help of almost 21,000 videos, articles and how-to tutorials available at TutsPlus. The project based tutorials offer step by step instructions accompanied with relevant screenshots to make learning more effective and easier.
If you want a more comprehensive learning experience, you can also purchase some of the TutsPlus’s paid courses and eBooks. Some of the major languages discussed at TutsPlus are HTML, CSS, Swift, Node.js and JavaScript. Similarly, you can also find articles and videos about various Content Management Systems such as WordPress and Jhoomla.
20. SitePoint
Just like A List Apart, SitePoint is yet another very popular blog established and managed by real world programmers. SitePoint fundamentally deals with HTML, CSS and JavaScript but it also contains highly insightful articles and books about React JS, Swift, WordPress, and Laravel written by industry leaders and professional programmers. You can greatly aid your programming journey and enhance your coding knowledge by reading all the articles and material available on SitePoint.
21. TreeHouse
There are more than 1,000 videos on TreeHouse related to web development, web design and coding in general. They also continuously refresh their library to keep abreast with latest changes and updates in the coding and web design world. Students have to complete interactive coding challenges and quizzes to practice what they have learned so far, helping them to retain their knowledge and apply it to real world applications without any hassle.
Students also earn badges after completing various tests and challenges. These badges reflect the skills they have mastered. They are publically visible enabling the companies to spot and hire students easily. The basic plan starts from $25 per month but you can also take full advantage of their free trial as well.
22. The Code Conquest
If you are really new to the world of coding, the Code Conquest can greatly help you get going and master the basics before moving on to more complex concepts. You can start by reading their free Programming Guide, especially designed for beginners, and improve thereon.
The free guide contains a lot of tutorials on almost all aspect of coding and different programming languages. The guide teaches various things like how you can use a specific programming language such as PHP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS etc. It also enables you to decide which programming language you should learn depending upon your aptitude and requirements.
23. HackerRank
HackerRank is the ultimate destination of more than a million programmers who use it for further polishing their skills by completing various coding challenges and tasks. The website also has added an element of competition which adds to its appeal for the programmers.
They can actually contest for the top spot on the website’s leaderboard by solving problems and earning as many points as possible. HackerRank basically believes in the idea of Learning by Doing and therefore, you don’t normally get a lesson to walk through. It enables you to practice what you have learned rather learning the stuff itself.
24. YouTube
If you want to learn coding essentially for free, this is the platform you need to choose. YouTube contains thousands and thousands of coding videos which you can access any time for absolutely free. It is pertinent to note that the quality of most of the coding material available at YouTube is reasonably high.
Some of the most notable programmers in the world have uploaded their programming tutorials and videos on YouTube. It can also be a good starting point for absolute beginners who don’t have enough money to spend on more advanced courses.
25. Madbright
Madbright is a fast-growing education startup and the newest course platform from the list. It was founded in 2020, and its mission is to democratize education. All their courses are created by topic experts and the learning experience is gamified with badges and achievements.
Software development and technology are two of their most important categories. They offer free video courses focused on Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, CSS, HTML, Javascript, Php, Web Development, etc.
For example, you can learn how to build your first website from scratch and have it ready to show off to the world or learn how to prepare your career for the AI revolution.
There are many other high quality websites where you can learn programming for free. Some honorable mentions are Google’s Developers Training, CodeFights, Harvard University C50 Class, Coder’s Guide and DevTips etc. The bottom line is that learning how to code can really help you transform your life and it is easy to accomplish as well.
There are literally hundreds of resources where you can find programming tutorials for absolutely free. All you have to do is to stop procrastinating and take a step towards a better life by learning how to code. And then start to create your own website and make money from it.
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